Heavy and light minerals as a tool for reconstructing depositional environments: an example from the Jałówka site (northern Podlasie region, NE Poland) (original) (raw)

Woronko, B., Rychel, J., Karasiewicz, M.T., Ber, A., Krzywicki, T., Marks, L., Pochocka-Szwarc, K. 2013. Heavy and light minerals as a tool for reconstructing depositional environments: an example from the Jałówka site (northern Podlasie region, NE Poland). Geologos 19 (1-2): 47–66


AB ST R ACT S of gullies followed them. The mouths part of gullies in time become in convex form. Epigenetic processes substantially changed the glacial and glaciolacustrine relief forms. During the periglacial epoch, sculptural hillyridges and hills were formed, which show more complicated and epigenetically transformed glacial relief complexes. Nival holes and kettles underwent epigenetic transformation: the forms became shallower and their slopes flatter. After epigenetic transformation, typical glaciofluvial forms -stream valley -became shallow, with flat bottom and slopes. Erosion relief form dissected glacial moraine hills and glaciolacustrine basin shores. In dells, three layers of different lithology were distinguished. They show that the climatic conditions fluctuated and thus for influenced the activity of geomorphological processes in warm periods. Dells and periglacial gullies had a complicated structure: their upper parts reached the lower watershed, and their mouth opened into the glaciofluvial basins bottom.

Stratigraphy and lithology of Quaternary sediments in the Kleczew region and in key sections of the eastern Wielkopolska Lowland, central Poland

Geological Quarterly, 2000

The stratigraphy and lithology of the Quaternary deposits of the KIeczew region are analysed in a regional context. They can be correlated with the Preglacial, Narcvian(?), South Polish, Middle Polish and Vistulian Glaciations, and the Podlasian, Zbojno and Eemian Interglacials. Large glaciotectonic structures, commonly encountered in lignite mines, proved useful in correlating grey tills of the older Pleistocene glaciations. Lithology, stratigraphy, thickness and paIaeomorphology of the Pleistocene sediments were presented in the key sites Konin-Marantow, Mikorzyn, Stawoszewek and in 6 borehole sections. A regional lithastratigraphic scheme of the Quaternary in the eastern Wielkopolska Lowland was constructed basing on petrographic coefficients of tills, lithology, genesis and, finalIy, on hypsometric setting and thickness. In the light of these studies the maximum ice sheet unit of the Oldest Glaciation should be moved to the south from Kleczew. Moreover, tills of the Odranian, Wa...

The environment changes and chronology of the Late Vistulian (Weichselian) and Early Holocene sediments in the Rąbień mire, Central Poland

Contact: Danuta Michczyńska, email: Danuta.Michczynska@polsl.pl Rąbień mire is located in central Poland, in the morainic Łask Upland, about 11 km to the west of Łódź. The mire is situated in an oval depression surrounded by dunes. The deposits contain mainly biogenic sediments, consisting of gyttja and peat. Lake sediments form the base of the profile (6.2-1.8 m) are covered with peat. From the deepest part of the mire, a 6.2 m core was taken (R-II). Rąbień mire was previously the subject of palaeobotanical and geological studies (Balwierz 2005(Balwierz , 2011 Kloss 2005; Kloss and Żurek 2005). These studies indicate that gyttja deposition started during the Oldest Dryas and continued to present day. In the present palaeoecological study, palinomorphs, plant macrofossils, Cladocera, diatoms, chironomids and sediment geochemistry proxy were analyzed. Radiometric dating was also undertaken. The stratigraphic framework (age-depth model) for the Rąbień profile was constructed on the basis of ten radiocarbon dates of organic material using the P-Sequence function of the OxCal calibration programme. This indicates the base of the profile is 14920-14500 cal yr BP (68.2% conf. interval). The lithological and geochemical data indicate that sudden changes in deposition rate took place at 1.8, 4.1 and 4.4 m. The present palaeoecological and chronological study focuses on the lower section of the R-II sequence, which is a fairly complete sedimentary record from approximately 15 to 12 ka cal BP. This period is characterized by a series of climatic changes. The sequence contains evidence for short-lived climate oscillations during the late Vistulian in the biotic records (Cladocera as well as plant community). Generally, the biotic and radiocarbon data are consistent and indicate the main climatic phases recognized in other Polish and European records. Palaeoecological studies based on lacustrine sediments from Europe predating the Late Glacial are scarce, therefore, every study that provides data for the late Vistulian are desirable.

Vistulian periglacial and glacial environments in central Poland: an overview

Geological Quarterly

As so ci ate Ed i tor: Wojciech Granoszewski Vistulian cli ma tic changes are re corded in var i ous sed i men tary en vi ron ments of cen tral Po land, both in the extraglacial zone of the last gla ci ation and also in the area oc cu pied by the last Scan di na vian Ice Sheet, be ing re flected by palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, sedimentological and geo chron ol ogi cal data. The most pro nounced morphogenetic pro cesses are linked to a gla cial suc ces sion in the north ern part of the study area, re ferred to the Up per Plenivistulian. For most of the study area, lo cated in the extraglacial zone, the cli ma tic changes are re con structed from lake-bog, flu vial, slope and ae olian sed i men tary suc ces sions. In cen tral Po land, no site has been doc u mented so far where there would be a con tin u ous biogenic re cord through the whole Vistulian. En vi ron men tal changes re corded through the Vistulian in clude tem per a ture, veg e ta tion and the dy nam ics of morphogenetic pro cesses, and sed i men tary en vi ron ments most use ful for as sess ing changes oc cur ring at that time may be in di cated. The Early Vistulian is best rec og nized within biogenic de pos its, as in the older part of Plenivistulian. The con di tions in the ear lier part of the Plenivistulian are best re ported from flu vial and slope de pos its with ev i dence of perma frost and of gla cial con di tions, though only in the north ern part of the study area. Chang ing con di tions of the Late Vistulian are ex pressed via well-doc u mented morphogenetic pro cesses oc cur ring in all (ex cept gla cial) sed i men tary en vi ron ments, lake-bog and ae olian en vi ron ments pro vid ing the most com plete in for ma tion about the na ture of this pe riod. Most of the Vistulian de pos its re flect cold pe ri ods. There is a dis tinc tive in crease in periglacial im pacts through out the Plenivistulian with the apo gee dur ing the Up per Plenivistulian and interstadial warm ings did not influence this trend. Each sed i men tary en vi ronment pro vides sig nif i cant data about the cli mate evo lu tion, and pro cesses play ing a lead ing role vary ac cord ing to the Vistulian strati graphic unit. The con sol i da tion of find ings from re gional re search has pro vided new di rec tions for fur ther in terdis ci plin ary stud ies. Key words: sed i men tary re cord, cold-re lated con di tions, last gla cial event, MIS 5d-a-MIS 2, Late Pleis to cene, Cen tral Eu ropean Low land.

Paleogeography of the environment in north-eastern Poland recorded in an Eemian sedimentary basin, based on the example of the Jałówka site

Quaternary International, 2014

The paper presents the results of the research on biogenic sediments from the Ja1ówka profile (Podlasie region, NE Poland) situated at the foot of a dry valley slope. A 35 cm monolith of sediments was collected from the excavation pit. The sediments were deposited beneath 4 m thick mineral sediments. Interdisciplinary research helped to reconstruct the possible transformations of the local environment. Palynological, physical, and geochemical analyses were applied to organic sediments, and plant macroremains were examined. Five local pollen zones were identified in palynological terms and correlated with the late Warta Stadial (MIS 6) of the Odra Glaciation (Saalian), and four older periods of the Eemian Interglacial: MIS 5e (E1, E2, E3 and E4). Younger zones have not been preserved. They were eroded in the early Vistulian. During the late MIS 6, there was a eutrophic water body with highly transparent water, characterized by a relative stable water level. The landscape was dominated by tundra with a high proportion of JuniperuseArtemisia. Curves of oxygen (d 18 O) and carbon (d 13 C) stable isotopes confirmed the boundary between MIS 6 and MIS 5e. The beginning of the interglacial vegetation succession (E1) was characterized by expansion of birchepineespruce forests. Probably at the end of this period, the lake became shallower. E2 is distinguished by the dominance of pine and birch. The lake was replaced by a peat bog. The sequence of vegetation succession in the landscape was as follows: Quercus (E3), Corylus, Fraxinus-Alnus and Tilia (E4). Probably, the peat bog drained in the E4 and the water level rose again in the climate optimum of the Eemian Interglacial. The results of physical and geochemical analysis clearly corresponded with climatic changes determined by palynological analysis. They provided evidence of the changing redox conditions, variability and intensity of denudation, the scale of biological productivity, and fertility of the environment. The studied sediments were characterized by reducing conditions. The increase in terrigenous silica content and the relatively high N:K ratio indicated the predominance of mechanical denudation during the late glacial period of the Warta Stadial and the E2 period.

Glacial-interglacial cycles in Central Poland as reflected in the Łódź University geomorphological scientific achievements

Two last glacial-interglacial cycles, the late Saalian-Eemian and the Vistulian-Holocene, were of crucial importance in relief evolution of Central Poland. Aspects of morphogenesis and processes forming the area during the ice-sheet presence and under periglacial conditions as well as in the warm intervals were considered in geomorphological studies by scientists from the Łódź University for decades. The chapter is a review of current problems of the subject, except for the Holocene epoch presented in a separate work of this issue.

New approach to stratigraphy of palaeolake and glacial sediments of the younger Middle Pleistocene in mid-eastern Poland

Geological Quarterly

Basing on 10 key sections from mid-eastern Poland, the three interglacials (Mazovian, Zb6jnian and Lubavian, which follow the Sanian 2 (Wilgian) Glaciation and precede the Wartanian, are separated from one another by two glacial episodes. The olderis the Liviecian Glaciation and the younger is the Krznanian Glaciation (named after the River Krzna). The Krznanian Glaciation occupies a stratigraphic location of the previous Odranian Glaciation. The latter is postulated to be incorporated into the Wartanian Glaciation as the maximum stadia!. Such stratigraphic subdivision of the younger Middle Pleistocene of Poland indicates a very close relationship to the most recent stratigraphic schemes of glacial and interglacial units in Germany and in the Russian Plain.

The palynological record of the Eemian interglacial and Early Vistulian glaciation in deposits of the Żabieniec Południowy fossil basin (Łódź Plateau, central Poland), and its palaeogeographic significance

The vegetation of the Eemian interglacial and Early Vistulian glaciation was reconstructed on the basis of pollen analysis, biogenic and mineral-biogenic sediments from the Żabieniec Południowy locality. It was revealed that the present-day fossil reservoir was formerly a lake existing continuously from the decline of the Warta stadial (LG MPG) to the end of the Early Vistulian (EV4). The upper Plenivistulian age of top sediments, previously accepted on the basis of the radiocarbon date 24 200 ± 350 yrs BP (uncalibrated), was not confirmed by pollen analysis. In the pollen record from the nearby Żabieniec mire a break in biogenic accumulation corresponding to the Lower and Middle Plenivistulian was discovered. In view of the character of Plenivistulian morphogenesis in that area it appears that the deposits of both basins illustrate the development of one large melt-out depression during the whole postglacial period.