Adaptive multilingual speech recognition with pretrained models (original) (raw)
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Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Representation Learning for Speech Recognition
Interspeech 2021, 2021
This paper presents XLSR which learns cross-lingual speech representations by pretraining a single model from the raw waveform of speech in multiple languages. We build on a concurrently introduced self-supervised model which is trained by solving a contrastive task over masked latent speech representations and jointly learns a quantization of the latents shared across languages. The resulting model is fine-tuned on labeled data and experiments show that cross-lingual pretraining significantly outperforms monolingual pretraining. On the CommonVoice benchmark, XLSR shows a relative phoneme error rate reduction of 72% compared to the best known results. On BABEL, our approach improves word error rate by 16% relative compared to the strongest comparable system. Our approach enables a single multilingual speech recognition model which is competitive to strong individual models. Analysis shows that the latent discrete speech representations are shared across languages with increased sharing for related languages. Preprint. Under review.
Language-independent and language-adaptive acoustic modeling for speech recognition
Speech Communication, 2001
With the distribution of speech technology products all over the world, the portability to new target languages becomes a practical concern. As a consequence our research focuses on the question of how to port LVCSR systems in a fast and efficient way. More specifically we want to estimate acoustic models for a new target language using speech data from varied source languages, but only limited data from the target language. For this purpose we introduce different methods for multilingual acoustic model combination and a polyphone decision tree specialization procedure. Recognition results using language dependent, independent and language adaptive acoustic models are presented and discussed in the framework of our GlobalPhone project which investigates LVCSR systems in 15 languages. Mit der weltweiten Verbreitung von Sprachtechnologieprodukten wird die schnelle und effiziente Portierung vorhandener Spracherkennungssysteme auf neue Sprachen zu einer Angelegenheit von direkt anwendbarem Nutzen. Aus diesem Grund konzentriert sich unsere Forschung auf die Frage, wie sich ein Spracherkennungssystem, genaugenommen die akustischen Modelle, unter Ausnutzung vorhandener Daten anderer Sprachen in einer neuen Sprache effizient entwickeln lassen. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir unterschiedliche Methoden zur Kombination multilingualer akustischer Modelle ein und definieren die Polyphone Decision Tree Specialization Methode. Es werden zahlreiche Erkennungsexperimente anhand sprachenabhängiger, sprachenunabhängiger und sprachenadaptiver akustischer Modellen vorgestellt und im Rahmen des GlobalPhone Projektes evaluiert. GlobalPhone ist ein Projekt, in dem LVCSR Spracherkennung in 15 verschiedenen Sprachen untersucht wird.
Multilingual speech recognition in seven languages
Speech Communication, 2001
In this study we present approaches to multilingual speech recognition. We ®rst de®ne dierent approaches, namely portation, cross-lingual and simultaneous multilingual speech recognition. We will show some experiments performed in the ®elds of multilingual speech recognition. In recent years we have ported our recognizer to other languages than German (Italian, Slovak, Slovenian, Czech, English, Japanese). We found that some languages achieve a higher recognition performance with comparable tasks, and are thus easier for automatic speech recognition than others. Furthermore, we present experiments which show the performance of cross-lingual speech recognition of an untrained language with a recognizer trained with other languages. The substitution of phones is important for cross-lingual and simultaneous multilingual recognition. We compared results in cross-lingual recognition for dierent baseline systems and found that the number of shared acoustic units is very important for the performance. With simultaneous multilingual recognition, performance usually decreases compared to monolingual recognition. In few cases, like in the case of non-native speech, however, the recognition can be improved.
Multilingual Speech Recognition and Language Identification
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is an important technology to enable and improve the human-human and human-computer interactions. Todays, speech recognition technology is mature enough to be useful in many this present multilingual ASR, both LID and ASR base on DNN.DNN importance to train ASR for many languages with avoids the extra latency that a nearly language decision would introduce, and benefits from the extra scores from the recognizers to better decide which result to return to the user. These benefits come however with an increased processing cost since the input is recognized multiple times. This architecture support multiple languages, allowing users to naturally interact with the system in several languages.
Multilingual and Crosslingual Speech Recognition
This paper describes the design of a multilingual speech recognizer using an LVCSR dictation database which has been collected under the project GlobalPhone. This project at the University of Karlsruhe investigates LVCSR systems in 15 languages of the world, namely Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, and Turkish. For our experiments we used six of these languages to train and test several recognition engines in monolingual, multilingual and crosslingual setups. Based on a global phoneme set we built a multilingual speech recognition system which can handle five different languages. The acoustic models of the five languages are combined into a monolithic system and context dependent phoneme models are created using language questions.
Improving language recognition with multilingual phone recognition and speaker adaptation transforms
We investigate a variety of methods for improving language recognition accuracy based on techniques in speech recognition, and in some cases borrowed from speaker recognition. First, we look at the question of language-dependent versus language-independent phone recognition for phonotactic (PRLM) language recognizers, and find that language-independent recognizers give superior performance in both PRLM and PPRLM systems. We then investigate ways to use speaker adaptation (MLLR) transforms as a complementary feature for language characterization. Borrowing from speech recognition, we find that both PRLM and MLLR systems can be improved with the inclusion of discriminatively trained multilayer perceptrons as front ends. Finally, we compare language models to support vector machines as a modeling approach for phonotactic language recognition, and find them to be potentially superior, and surprisingly complementary.
Efficient Weight Factorization for Multilingual Speech Recognition
Interspeech 2021
End-to-end multilingual speech recognition involves using a single model training on a compositional speech corpus including many languages, resulting in a single neural network to handle transcribing different languages. Due to the fact that each language in the training data has different characteristics, the shared network may struggle to optimize for all various languages simultaneously. In this paper we propose a novel multilingual architecture that targets the core operation in neural networks: linear transformation functions. The key idea of the method is to assign fast weight matrices for each language by decomposing each weight matrix into a shared component and a language dependent component. The latter is then factorized into vectors using rank-1 assumptions to reduce the number of parameters per language. This efficient factorization scheme is proved to be effective in two multilingual settings with 7 and 27 languages, reducing the word error rates by 26% and 27% rel. for two popular architectures LSTM and Transformer, respectively.
A study of multilingual speech recognition
This paper describes our work in developing multilingual (Swedish and English) speech recognition systems in the ATIS domain. The acoustic component of the multilingual systems is realized through sharing Gaussian codebooks across Swedish and English allophones. The language model (LM) components are constructed by training a statistical bigram model, with a common backoff node, on bilingual texts, and by combining two monolingual LMs into a probabilistic finite state grammar. This system uses a single decoder for Swedish and English sentences, and is capable of recognizing sentences with words from both languages. Preliminary experiments show that sharing acoustic models across the two languages has not resulted in improved performance, while sharing a backoff node at the LM component provides flexibility and ease in recognizing bilingual sentences at the expense of a slight increase in word error rate in some cases. As a by-product, the bilingual decoder also achieves good performance on language identification (LID).
Multilingual speech recognition
Abstract. The speech-to-speech translation system Verbmobil requires a multilingual setting. This consists of recognition engines in the three languages German, English and Japanese that run in one common framework together with a language identification component which is able to switch between these recognizers. This article describes the challenges of multilingual speech recognition and presents different solutions to the problem of the automatic language identification task.
Multilingual Speech Recognition Methods using Deep Learning and Cosine Similarity
The paper includes research on discovering new methods for multilingual speech recognition and comparing the effectiveness of the existing solutions with the proposed novelty approaches. The audio and textual multilingual dataset contains multilingual sentences where each sentence contains words from two different languages-English and Kannada. Our proposed speech recognition process includes preprocessing and splitting each audio sentence based on words, which is then given as input to the DL translator (using MFCC features) along with next word predictions. The use of a Next Word Prediction model along with the DL translator to accurately identify the words and convert to text. Similarly the other approach proposed is the use of cosine similarity where the speech recognition is based on the similarity between word uttered and the generated training dataset. Our models were trained on an audio and textual dataset that were generated by the team members and the test accuracies were measured based on the same dataset. The accuracy of our speech recognition model, using the novelty method, is 71%. This is a considerably good result compared to the existing multilingual translation solutions. Communication gap has been a major issue for many natives and locals trying to learn or move ahead in this tech-savvy English-speaking world. To communicate effectively, it is not only essential to have a single language translator but also a tool that can help understand a mixture of different languages to bridge the gap of communication with the non-English speaking communities. Integrating a multilingual translator with the power of a smart phone voice