The Brazilianness notion in the Anglo-Saxon journalism: a discourse analysis of The Times coverage during FIFA 2014 World Cup (original) (raw)

The decline of the ‘Soccer-Nation’: journalism, soccer and national identity in the 2002 World Cup

Soccer & Society, 2014

This essay analyses the media narrative in the coverage of the Brazilian team during the 2002 World Cup. The corpus of our work is concentrated on the sports supplements of Jornal do Brasil during the 2002 World Cup from two days before the event until two days after its end, reaching the total of 32 supplements. We focus on the hypothesis that the qualification 'Brazil: the soccer country', usually even more intense and singular during this worldwide event, has been decreasing and the journalistic narratives about the Brazilian soccer team do not approach soccer homogeneously as a metonym for the nation. The reflection about the role of the sports press as cultural builder is fundamental to observe how newspapers confirm and construct mythologies and identitary discourses, in spite of the journalistic objectivity, one of the pillars of the profession.

The Confederations Cup in the coverage by Folha de São Paulo: power relationships, conflicts and interests in the media

Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences

The present article aims at analyzing and interpreting the coverage by Folha de São Paulo concerning the social demonstrations which took place in Brazil in June, 2013, related to the Confederations Cup/Brazil/2013. The qualitative/descriptive corpus-based research focused on the articles posted on the newspaper Folha de São Paulo from June 7 th , 2013 to July 2 nd , 2013, a period of time which was followed by and included the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, comprising the Social Demonstrations that occurred in June, 2013, in Brazil. By applying Goffman's frame analysis (2004), we have chosen the following categories: 'Folha de São Paulo's vandals!?'; 'Violence and police abuse making the headlines'; 'Redefining the frames: highlights in the political domain'. We have come to the conclusion the Folha de São Paulo was concise when highlighting in its frames the public expenditure on non-priority projects, actual legacies and the intransigencies placed on the requirements that FIFA imposed to Brazil.

The discursive polyphony on the 1994 World Cup: authorized discourses on the tetra championship

Ecompós, 2014

This article discusses the academic and journalistic production about the 1994 Soccer World Cup. Basing on the notion of authorized speeches, developed by Guedes (2010/2011) and inspired by Bourdieu (1983), we study the discourse constructed about this event on eight encyclopedias and books about World Cups, Jornal do Brasil (JB) newspaper and the special commemorative editions of Época and Placar magazines. The academic production analyzed was collected from the annals of conferences, articles published on academic journals and chapters of books. We observed that the authorized discourse lacks reflection and is led by common sense while the academic discourse lacks variety of themes, theoretical references and authors. The academic works dealt mainly on the hermeneutics of defeat, the question of national identity, the advertising and the presence of radio.

Capable, splendorous and unequal: international media portrayals of Brazil during the 2014 World Cup

Third World Quarterly, 2018

This article examines how Brazil was perceived internationally during the 2014 World Cup (2014WC), for which one of Brazil's perceived objectives was to enhance its international image to play a more significant role on the world stage. Nine media outlets' coverage of the 2014WC was analysed using the website Alexa. These outlets published 699 articles about diverse themes relating to Brazilian society. The outlets studied considered the event a success overall and emphasised Brazil's natural beauty, but raised concerns about social problems such as inequality. We conclude that the 2014WC updated but did not fundamentally alter Brazil's international image.

Brazilian identity in transition: The look of the foreign media upon the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Rio 2016

Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2018 - Rio 2016 Olympic Games First Anniversary Special Edition, 2018

The article aims at an investigation of the forms of narration of Brazil's international image through the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The objective is to extend the knowledge and understanding of narratives upon Brazil and its identity elements which were built abroad in the context of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Texts from published international newspapers are analyzed as result of the Opening Ceremony. The selection criterion of the periodicals was defined from the participating countries whose official languages were Portuguese, Spanish and or English. The study characterizes itself as a qualitative research, based on bibliographic and documental sources. The analysis showed new identity representations about Brazil, pointing to the presence of new elements, from the reports published by foreign media.

Identidade brasileira em transição: O olhar da mídia estrangeira sobre a cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016


The article aims at an investigation of the forms of narration of Brazil’s international image through the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The objective is to extend the knowledge and understanding of narratives upon Brazil and its identity elements which were built abroad in the context of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Texts from published international newspapers are analyzed as result of the Opening Ceremony. The selection criterion of the periodicals was defined from the participating countries whose official languages were Portuguese, Spanish and or English. The study characterizes itself as a qualitative research, based on bibliographic and documental sources. The analysis showed new identity representations about Brazil, pointing to the presence of new elements, from the reports published by foreign media.O artigo tem como objetivo uma investigação sobre as formas de narração da imagem internacional do Brasil através dos Jogos Olímpicos do Rio 2016. O objetivo é ampliar o conhecimento ...

The Northeast Plays Football, Too: World Cup Soccer and Regional Identity in the Brazilian Northeast

Revista Estudos Históricos, 2019

Abstract This article examines how ideas about northeastern regional identity circulated in discussions of World Cup football. It first presents the preparations of and discussion around the 1950 World Cup match between Chile and the United States in Recife. Then, it analyzes attention given to World Cup football by regionalist intellectuals and artists, including musicians, clay artists, poets, and authors of cordel literature. This analysis shows that World Cup football provided a space within which the terms of regional (and national) identity were contested and debated, emphasizing the multivalence of regional discourse. Palavras-chave: Football; Regional identity; Popular art; World Cup 1950. Resumo Este artigo examina como as ideias relativas à identidade regional circularam em discussões sobre a Copa do Mundo. Primeiro, apresenta preparações e discussões em torno da partida entre Chile e Estados Unidos em Recife, em 1950. Em seguida, analisa a atenção dada ao torneio por intelectuais e artistas regionais, como músicos, ceramistas, poetas e escritores de literatura de cordel. Esta análise mostra que o futebol do Mundial fornece um espaço no qual os termos da identidade regional (e nacional) foram contestados e debatidos, enfatizando a multivalência do discurso regional. Keywords: Futebol; Identidade regional; Arte popular; Copa do Mundo de 1950. Resumen Este artículo analiza como las ideas sobre identidad regional circularon en discusiones sobre el Mundial de fútbol. Primero, presenta preparaciones y discusiones alrededor de la partida entre Chile y Estados Unidos en Recife, en 1950. Después, discute la atención dada al torneo por intelectuales y artistas regionales, incluyendo músicos, ceramistas, poetas y escritores de literatura de cordel. Este análisis muestra que el fútbol del Mundial provee un espacio dentro del cual los términos de la identidad regional (y nacional) fueron contestados y debatidos, enfatizando la multivalencia del discurso regional. Palabras clave: Fútbol; Identidad regional; Arte popular; Mundial de 1950.

Fútbol y Patria: el fútbol y (la invención de) las narrativas nacionales en la Argentina del siglo XX

Papeles del CEIC, 2006

Mi presentación resume la investigación que desembocara en mi libro Fútbol y Patria. En ella, rastreé y analicé las relaciones entre los discursos vinculados al fútbol (en el periodismo gráfico, pero también en el cine, la televisión y la narrativa ficcional) y los argumentos sobre la Nación a lo largo del siglo XX, en un arco que comienza en el momento de invención de un “fútbol criollo” (los años 20, contemporáneamente a los textos nacionalistas de los intelectuales oficiales, como Lugones o Rojas) y culmina con el Campeonato Mundial de 2002, a su vez contemporáneo con la crisis argentina iniciada en diciembre de 2001. A lo largo del siglo, esas relaciones son cambiantes: desde la complementariedad subalterna de los relatos futbolísticos en los años 20 hasta la centralidad que adquieren durante el “ciclo maradoniano” (1978-1994), las posibilidades son variadas y objeto de mi análisis. Mi hipótesis es que en momentos de politización fuerte de los debates sobre lo nacional, la centralidad de las narrativas futbolísticas decrece, hasta transformarse en pura mercancía mediática (o presunto argumento de ventas). Pero que en momentos de crisis de los relatos modernos de identidad, la importancia de las narrativas futbolísticas crece de manera importante, excediendo incluso el mundo masculino donde originalmente se despliegan.