Archaeological study of medieval Bolgar// Археологическое изучение Болгарского городища (original) (raw)

Колода В.В. Городище Болгар (Болгир, Булгар) на Харьковщине и археологические реалии раннего средневековья

// Дриновський збірник. – Т. IХ. – Софія – Харків: Издателство на БАН "Проф. Марин Дринов", 2016. – С. 43–54. Городище Болгар в с. Шевченкове Валківського району Харківської обл. дав-но привертає увагу істориків та краєзнавців, але донедавна ігнорувалося археологами з причин відсутності відповідних артефактів. Нещодавнє дослідження гончарного горну салтівської культури та супутніх йому керамічних матеріалів дозволяє вперше поставити питання щодо присутності групи ранньосередньовічного болгарського населення у верхів'ях р. Мжа. На підставі аналогій зроблено припущення щодо дати існування городища та пункту гончарного виробництва у межах VIII ст. н. е. (передсалтівськитй та ранньосалтівський час Хозарського каганату). Городище Булгар в с. Шевченково Валковского района Харьковской обл. давно привлекает внимание историков и краеведов, но до недавнего времени игнорировалось археологами ввиду отсутствия соответствующих артефактов. Недавнее исследование гончарного горна салтовской культуры и сопровождающих его керамических материалов позволяет впервые поставить вопрос о присутствии группы раннесредневекового болгарского населения в верховьях р. Мжа. На основе аналогий высказано предположение о дате существования городища и пункта гончарного производства в рамках VIII в. н.э. (предсалтовское и раннесалтовское время Хазарского каганата). Koloda V. V. Bolgar (Bolgir, Bulgar) Settlement in Kharkov Region and Archaeological Realia of the Early Middle Ages. Bulgar settlement in Shevchenkovo village of Valkyvskyi district in Kharkov oblast has attracted the attention of historians and regional ethnographers for a long time. However, until recently it had been ignored by archaeologists owing to the absence of corresponding artefacts. The recent investigation of a ceramic forge of the Saltov culture and its accompanying ceramic materials permit to put the question of the presence of the early medieval Bulgarian population in the upper reaches of the Mzha for the first time. On the basis of the analogies, an assumption was made about the existence date of the settlement and the point of pottery within 8 century AD (the pre-Saltov and early Saltov periods of the Khazar kaganate).

Studies of the Trade and Craft District of Medieval Bolgar / Исследования Ремесленно-Торгового Района Средневекового Болгара

The long-term archaeological studies of the central part of the Golden Horde Bolgar have resulted in the discovery and study of a unique structure for Eastern Europe – the building of a town bazaar of the mid-14th century. The article considers the stages of development of the town district where the structure was erected. The study area featured the first underground iron-smelting catalan hearth studied in territory of Bolgar fortified settlement, which are similar to the “Saltovo type” of hearths in term of their design features and dated 10th century. At the end of the pre-Mongol period and during the Golden Horde period, iron production complexes were replaced with manors accommodating production facilities associated with the smelting and processing of non-ferrous metals, primarily copper. Craft industries of the region reached their highest level of development in the first half of the 14th century. This period is associated with the operation of copper-smelting, glass-working...

Studies of the Trade and Craft District of Medieval Bolgar. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (24). 2018.


The long-term archaeological studies of the central part of the Golden Horde Bolgar have resulted in the discovery and study of a unique structure for Eastern Europe – the building of a town bazaar of the mid-14th century. The article considers the stages of development of the town district where the structure was erected. The study area featured the first underground iron-smelting catalan hearth studied in territory of Bolgar fortified settlement, which are similar to the “Saltovo type” of hearths in term of their design features and dated 10th century. At the end of the pre-Mongol period and during the Golden Horde period, iron production complexes were replaced with manors accommodating production facilities associated with the smelting and processing of non-ferrous metals, primarily copper. Craft industries of the region reached their highest level of development in the first half of the 14th century. This period is associated with the operation of copper-smelting, glass-working, jewellery and bone carving workshops. An iron processing district was located in the immediate vicinity of the region. Thus, the emergence of a town bazaar in the study area is in no small part related to the maximum concentration of craft industries in this area of medieval Bolgar.

Sharifullin R.F. Towards the history of archeologycal investigation of the Bolgar town. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (9). 2014.

The article briefly reports on the history of archaeological investigation of the Bolgar fortified settlement. The first excavation on the site’s territory was made by professional archaeologist V.G. Tizengauzen in 1864. Then there had been only periodical works on particular areas and objects of the excavation for more than 70 years. Complex archaeological investigation of the Bolgar has been starting in 1938 by A.P Smirnov’s lead and it is still continues. The Bolgar’s stratigraphic scale is successfully used when study of the other Volga Bulgaria sites. The result of excavations are represented in various publications including five books of essay called «The Town of Bolgar». В статье кратко излагается история археологического изучения Болгарского городища. Первый раскоп на территории памятника был заложен профессионалом–археологом В.Г. Тизенгаузеном в 1864 году. Затем, более 70 лет, на городище отмечались лишь эпизодические работы на отдельных участках и объектах. Планомерное археологическое изучение Болгара началось с 1938 года, под руководством А.П. Смирнова, и продолжается сегодня. Стратиграфическая шкала Болгара успешно применяется при изучении всех памятников Волжской Булгарии. Материалы раскопок отражены в различных изданиях, в том числе и в виде пяти книг очерков «Город Болгар».