The International Criminal Court: current problems and ways of their solution (original) (raw)

The Most Important Unresolved Issues of Establishing the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

Liber Amicorum prof. dr Milenko Kreća : međunarodno javno i krivično pravo u XXI veku, 2020

The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court is specific with respect to other international judicial bodies. First of all, it is complementary to national legislation. Preference is given to the criminal proceedings before domestic courts, and only if the competent State does not take procedural steps will the Court have jurisdiction. Also, the crime itself must be of such a gravity that it falls within the jurisdiction of the Court. The Court may exercise its jurisdiction if the following States are Parties to the Statute: the State on the territory of which the crime was committed and the State of which the person accused of the crime is a national. A particular issue is the jurisdiction of the Court for nationals of Non-States Parties of the Statute. Also, Court does not accept the immunity of persons acting in an official capacity. This does not apply to Heads of States that are not parties of the Statute, with the sole exception that the Court may exercise jurisdiction over them when proceedings are initiated by the Security Council. The issue of special importance is investigation – who is authorized to initiate it and which evidence level is necessary to establish grounds for suspicion that the crime committed was within the jurisdiction of the Court. Much of these issues have remained open and are resolved in the Court's jurisprudence, and it will be so in the future.

Кримінально-процесуальні питання діяльності міжнародних кримінальних судів / Procedural Aspects of the Activity of International Criminal Courts

Thesis for PhD in International Law, 2004

The thesis is devoted to the study of procedural aspects of the activity of international criminal courts. Chapter 1 describes the evolution of international criminal justice. Chapter 2 defines the legal nature, organisation, jurisdiction (types and limitations), sources of procedural rules and all the procedural stages of the ad hoc international criminal tribunals. Chapter 3 is devoted to the procedural aspects of the ICC's activity; it describes the legal nature of the Court, its jurisdiction (types and limitations), the specifics of the ICC organisation, functions and status of the main organs, the procedural role and rights of all the participants, the main tasks of the procedural stages, the specifics of the cooperation with the states and the UN. The thesis suggests the author's approach to the phasing of criminal stages of each of the international criminal courts and reveals the interaction of Anglo-American and continental legal traditions in the formation of procedural rules regulating the activity of the ICC in their comparison to the rules of the ad hoc tribunals.

Selective justice of institutes of international criminal law through the prism of human rights in contemporary global challenges

The paper analyzes current trends in the transformation of institutions of international justice through the prism of the revaluation value of the rights and freedoms in the contemporary international relations. We pose the problem of correlation of forces and law in international relations in the context of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. It is worth noting that an important guarantee of effectiveness of the norms of international humanitarian law and international law of human rights derives from the liability for individuals for committing serious crimes. Absence of punishment gives rise to disrespect to the law and encourages further violations. Justice towards criminals not only prevents further violations but provides basis for self-respect to the nation and serves as a symbol of rejection of the past. We examine the current trends in the implementation of which the position of human rights is the only kind of pretext, and, simultaneously, an effective tool for achieving other goals. The article focuses on the role of temporary international tribunals in establishing of the new principles of international criminal law, on the one hand, and their use as a political tool of major world powers, on the other. The role of modern institutions of international justice in terms of their impartiality in the investigation of war and other crimes is being evaluated in the article. The role of International Criminal Court is examined; its effectiveness is scrutinized from the standpoint of its use for bringing to international justice of criminals who are guilty of international crimes. Conclusions are drawn that international justice is in need to depart from selective justice and focus on development of out-of-court institutions to establish the truth and reach amicable solutions aimed at bringing social consensus and justice.

Міжнародне кримінальне право

Міжнародне публічне право, 2020

Глава у підручнику: Міжнародне публічне право. Том 2. Основні галузі. У двох томах. За редакцією В.В.Мицика. – Харків : Право, 2020. ISBN 978-966-937-806-4

International Legal Paradigm of the Criminal Procedure: Reality Which Not Everyone Accepts

Juridical Journal of Samara University, 2019

Область научных интересов: уголовный процесс, международный уголовный процесс, международная правовая помощь по уголовным делам, судоустройство зарубежных государств, альтернативное разрешение уголовно-правовых конфликтов, институционная структура Европейского Союза. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье определяется международно-правовая парадигма современного уголовного процесса, подразумевающая опосредование в уголовно-процессуальном законодательстве принципов, закрепленных в международных правовых актах, и допущение прямого применения в уголовнопроцессуальной деятельности международных договоров. Указанная парадигма пришла на смену национально-государственной парадигме закрытого уголовного процесса. Раскрываются отдельные аспекты проявления международно-правовой парадигмы: действие международных договоров Республики Беларусь в уголовном процессе, трансценденция института международной правовой помощи на уровень национальной правовой системы и возможность международной правовой защиты по уголовным делам, возбужденным в Беларуси. Установлена допустимость гармонизации уголовно-процессуального законодательства в рамках Евразийского экономического союза. Рассматриваемая парадигма характерна и для уголовного процесса России. Предлагаются изменения законодательства с целью обеспечения гарантий, предусмотренных Конституцией Республики Беларусь.

International Criminal Court: Instrument of Justice or Western Imperialism – Darfur Case Study

Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду, 2/2017, 2017

Abstract: This work analyzes the work of International Criminal Court focusing on alleged Darfur genocide. We are trying to reassess allegations of African public which claim that ICC is biassed towards Africa, selective and implementing double standards. Further more they claim that the Court is, in fact, an instrument of new Western imperialism. The key moment which have broken the ICC-Africa relationship beyond repair is arrest warrant for Sudan president Omar Al Bashir. We are questioning the legality and legitimacy of that warrant. Моreover, in order to prove or deny the objectivity of the court we are analizing the financing of the ICC and its relationship with the NGO sector. We examine the effects of the court decisions on the peace and reconciliation in the region. Keywords: Darfur, ICC, Sudan, genocide, Al-Bashir.

Имплементация принципов международного уголовного права в уголовном законодательстве Республики Казахстан

Право и государство, 2018

Принципы международного уголовного права составляют его Общую часть и формулируют основания и условия для привлечения лиц к уголовной ответственности за совершение преступлений по международному праву (геноцида, преступлений против человечности, военных преступлений и преступления агрессии) и иных преступлений против мира и безопасности человечества. Принципы международного уголовного права в значительной степени имплементированы в уголовное законодательство Республики Казахстан. В статье анализируются пробелы в имплементации Общей части международного уголовного права и предлагаются пути дальнейшего совершенствования уголовного законодательства Республики Казахстан.

Online courts and Online Dispute Resolution in terms of the international standard of access to justice: international experience

Problems of Legality

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem issues of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) through the prism of international standard of access to justice in civil matters. The first part of the article refers to terminological inconsistency, which is connected with using of three synonyms refering to IT-technologies in the area of civil justice, in particular cyberjustice, digital justice and e-justice. The author proposes to use term “e-justice”, which involves e-filing, electronic systems of assignment of cases, e-case-management, eDiscovery, ODR, electronic systems of court practice, using of Artificial Intelligence in civil proceedings. In the second part of the article the narrow and wide approach to the ODR are described. According to narrow approach ODR is described as online ADR. Wide approach to ODR includes online ADR as well as online courts. Today wide approach is more valid taking into account recent developments in the field of online courts in foreign count...