Electron Impact Ionization in the Presence of a Laser Field: A Kinematically Complete (n��e, 2e) Experiment (original) (raw)

Time-Resolved Quantum Dynamics of Double Ionization in Strong Laser Fields

Physical Review Letters, 2007

Quantum calculations of a 1+1-dimensional model for double ionization in strong laser fields are used to trace the time evolution from the ground state through ionization and rescattering to the two electron escape. The subspace of symmetric escape, a prime characteristic of nonsequential double ionization, remains accessible by a judicious choice of 1-d coordinates for the electrons. The time resolved ionization fluxes show the onset of single and double ionization, the sequence of events during the pulse, and the influences of pulse duration, and reveal the relative importance of sequential and non-sequential double ionization, even when ionization takes place during the same field cycle.

Theory of electron--hydrogen-atom collisions in the presence of a laser field

Physical Review A - PHYS REV A, 1978

Expressions for the scattering amplitude of multiphoton processes occurring during the collision of electrons with a hydrogen atom in the presence of an electromagnetic field have been obtained in several approximations: the momentum translation, the space translation, and the Keldysh approximation for the bound-electron wave function. We also propose a perturbation approach based on the space-translation approximation to treat the hydrogen-atom bound states. Our results show that it is of fundamental importance ot consider the modifications of bound states due to the presence of the field.

Sub-laser-cycle electron pulses for probing molecular dynamics

Experience shows that the ability to make measurements in any new time regime opens new areas of science. Currently, experimental probes for the attosecond time regime (10 218 –10 215 s) are being established. The leading approach is the generation of attosecond optical pulses by ionizing atoms with intense laser pulses. This nonlinear process leads to the production of high harmonics during collisions between electrons and the ionized atoms. The underlying mechanism implies control of energetic electrons with attosecond precision. We propose that the electrons themselves can be exploited for ultrafast measurements. We use a 'molecular clock', based on a vibrational wave packet in H 2 1 to show that distinct bunches of electrons appear during electron–ion collisions with high current densities, and durations of about 1 femtosecond (10 215 s). Furthermore, we use the molecular clock to study the dynamics of non-sequential double ionization. A substantial effort is under way to develop single attosecond optical pulses 1–3 , or trains of attosecond pulses 4–6 , using the physical processes occuring in high-harmonic generation 7. High harmonics are produced during the electron–ion collisions induced by strong-field laser ionization, usually referred to as 'recollision'. Within one optical period an electron is removed from the atom, is driven back when the laser field reverses its direction, and collides with the parent ion. The duration of the electron–ion recollision largely determines the duration of the attosecond photon pulse. Here we study the recollision electron wave packet, measuring both the probability of recollision and its time structure. Although only one electron is involved in the electron–ion recollision, we adopt the language of electron beams to indicate the potential applications of recollision electrons. These applications are the topic of the final section of this Article. We characterize the unusually large current density and its time structure as seen by the ion following ionization. To do this, we use H 2 molecules in a low-density gas as a molecular clock. As ionization simultaneously forms two wave packets—one a vibrational wave packet moving on the H 2 þ (X 2 S g þ) surface; the other, the electron wave packet that we wish to study—ionization starts the vibrational clock in H þ 2 : We choose H þ 2 as the molecular clock because of the speed of its vibrational wave packet, and because all excited states of H þ 2 directly dissociate. By choosing the molecular axis perpendicular to the laser electric field, we decouple the X 2 S þ g and A 2 S þ u surfaces in H þ 2 ; ensuring that the clock remains accurate in the presence of the field. To read the clock, we observe the kinetic energy of the protons produced by inelastic scattering when the electron recollides with the parent ion. The kinetic energy distribution measures the position of the vibrational wave packet at the time of recollision, and therefore the recollision time. In our experiment the time resolution is ,1 fs. Next, we apply the molecular clock to follow the subcycle correlated electron dynamics. Non-sequential double ionization (two-electron ionization that cannot be described by two sequential single-electron ionization processes) is a common occurrence during strong-field ionization of atoms or molecules containing two or more electrons 7–13. We distinguish the double ionization due to recollision from instantaneous double ionization by using the molecular clock, and find that electron recollision dominates others by at least two orders of magnitude. We confirm that the most important route to non-sequential ionization is through the production of excited states by recollision that can later ionize in the strong laser field. Finally, we compare the double-ionization yield due to recollision in H 2 and helium 8,11,13. We find that double ionization (excitation) is about ten times more probable in hydrogen molecules than in helium 11,13. Selecting the fragmentation channel We now proceed to fully characterize the current density using H 2 double-ionization (excitation) for all aspects of the measurement. (For convenience, we will use 'double-ionization' when referring to either the non-sequential emission of two electrons, or the emission of one and the correlated excitation of the other.) First, we identify collision-induced excitation or double ioniz-ation through the previously observed 14,15 high kinetic energy of the fragment protons that are produced. We show that recollision is responsible for these energetic protons by comparing the kinetic-energy spectrum measured with linear and elliptically polarized light 16. Second, the ellipticity dependence of the proton yield measures the initial velocity spread of the electron wave packet. With this input, we calculate the current density seen by the newly ionized ion. Third, we confirm the predicted temporal structure by comparing the calculated and measured kinetic-energy spectrum. Finally, we confirm the magnitude of the current density by

Theoretical study of the electron correlation and excitation effects on energy distribution in photon impact ionization

Revista Mexicana de Física, 2019

We performed a detailed theoretical study of the electron correlation and core excitation effects on the energy distribution of the ejected electrons in the process of photon impact tunnel ionization. We used the Landau-Dykhne approach to obtain analytical formulas for the transition rate and the energy distribution with included these effects. We have limited ourselves to a non-relativistic domain, in which the rate and distribution are determined by electrical component of the laser field while the influence of magnetic can be neglected. We observed helium and helium like atoms. We have shown that the tunneling ionization mechanism may be understood as the combination of mentioned processes. We considered the case of a monochromatic wave with an elliptically polarized laser field. We compared our results with experimental and shown that ellipticity plays an important role and that inclusion of additional processes significantly influences the transition rate, as well as the energy...

Multi-photon resonant effects in strong-field ionization: origin of the dip in experimental longitudinal momentum distributions

Journal of Physics B-atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2006

We studied ionization of neon and argon by intense linearly polarized femtosecond laser pulses of different wavelengths (400 nm and 800 nm) and peak intensities, and by measuring momentum distributions of singly charged positive ions in the direction parallel to laser polarization. For Ne the momentum distributions exhibited a characteristic dip at zero momentum at 800 nm and a complex multipeak structure at 400 nm. Similarly, for Ar the momentum distributions evolved from a complex multipeak structure with a pronounced dip in the centre at 400 nm, to a smooth distribution characteristic of pure tunneling ionization (800 nm, high intensities). In the intermediate regime (800 nm, medium to low intensities), for both atoms we observed recoil ion momentum distributions modulated by quasi-periodic structures usually seen in the photoelectron energy spectra in a multi-photon regime (ATI spectra). Ne did show a characteristic 'dip' at low momentum, while the longitudinal momentum distribution for Ar exhibited a spike at zero momentum instead. The spectra did dramatically change at 400 nm, where both ions show the pronounced dip near zero momentum. Based on our results, we conclude that the structures observed in Ne and Ar momentum distributions reflect the specifics of atomic structure of the two targets and should not be attributed to effects of electron recollision, as was suggested earlier. Instead, as our results indicate, they are due to the effects of multi-photon resonant enhancement of strong-field ionization.

Sequential and nonsequential contributions to double ionization in strong laser fields

We demonstrate experimentally the difference between a sequential interaction of a femtosecond laser field with two electrons and a nonsequential process of double ionization mediated by electron-electron correlation. This is possible by observing the momentum distribution of doubly charged argon ions created in the laser field. In the regime of laser intensities where the nonsequential process dominates, an increase in laser power leads to an increase in the observed ion momenta. At the onset of the sequential process, however, a higher laser power leads to colder ions. The momentum distributions of the ions from the sequential process can be modelled by convolving the single-ionization distribution with itself.

Numerical Observation of the Rescattering Wave Packet in Laser-Atom Interactions

Physical Review Letters, 2007

We present a full-quantum nonperturbative method to study the electron rescattering process in the intense laser-atom interactions. We separate the ionized wave function from the background by solving the time-integral equation. Imposing the incoming boundary condition on the wave function, we reproduce the motion of the rescattering wave packet predicted by the rescattering theory. Our calculated rescattering energies differ significantly from the semiclassical ones. The difference would be substantial for the evaluation of the rescattering induced dynamics such as the molecular dissociation.

Ionization and charge transfer in high-energy ion-atom collisions

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1987

Electron capture and loss by fast highly charged ions in a gas target, and ionization of the target by passage of the fast projectile beam, are fundamental processes in atomic physics. These processes, along with excitation, can be experimentally studied separately (''singles'') or together (''coincidence''). This paper is a review of recent results on singles measurements for electron capture and

Multiple-electron processes in fast ion-atom collisions

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1989

Research in atomic physics at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Super-HILAC and Bevalac accelerators on multiple-electron processes in fast ion-atom collisions is described. Experiments have studied various aspects of the chargetransfer, ionization, and excitation processes. Examples of processes in which electron correlation plays a role are resonant transfer and excitation and Augerelectron emission. Processes in which electron behavior can generally be described as uncorrelated include ionization and charge transfer in high-energy ion-atom collisions. A variety of experiments and results for energies from 1 MeV/u to 420 MeV/u are presented.

Strong-field behaviour of laser-modified collision frequencies

Il Nuovo Cimento D

Superelastic and momentum transfer cross-sections and collision frequencies for the case when electrons are scattered in the presence of a very intense radiation field are calculated. The interacting system is treated within different approximations, taking into account, among others, the electron relativistic dynamics, the field spatial dependence as well as the possibility that the radiation field exhibits some statistical distribution of its parameters. A wide range of the field intensity values is considered, but the emphasis is put on the domain where the peak quiver velocity v e is equal to or larger than the initial electron velocity v i . As a rule, the collision frequencies decrease with intensity when v e D v i , but the details of such a decrease depend in an important way on the specific properties of the assisting field. Changing the field model, expected trends may result inverted. It applies to «parallel» and «perpendicular» momentum transfer collision frequencies. The reported results are expected to improve the understanding of anisotropic heating and velocity distribution function shaping when plasma electrons interact with very strong fields. Due to the importance of the ponderomotive energy and some subtle features of the energy conservation relation for this kind of elementary processes in the relativistic domain, the detailed multiphoton picture is found to lose, to some extent, its significance. PACS 52.40.Nk -Laser-plasma interactions (e.g., anomalous absorption, backscattering magnetic field generation, fast particle generation).