Educational Planning, 2018

This study examined the management of teacher attrition rate for quality education delivery in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Three research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Analytical survey design was adopted. Population of the study consisted of two hundred and forty-seven (247) public secondary schools with 247 male and female principals and 7,713 teachers in Rivers State. The sample size consisted of 1,104 respondents (both Principals and Teachers) of public senior secondary schools in Rivers State representing 14% of the study population. A self-constructed instrument questionnaire tagged "Managing Teacher Attrition Rate for Quality Education Delivery Questionnaire" (MTARQEDQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated and its reliability coefficient was established at 0.83. The mean and standard deviation were used in answering the research questions while z-test statistical tool were used in testing the hypotheses at a .05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there was no significant difference between the mean scores of principals and teachers on the causes of teacher attrition rate for quality educational delivery in Rivers State public senior secondary schools. Also there was a significant difference between the mean score of principals and teachers on the challenges posed by teacher attrition rate. Significant difference also exists in between the mean scores of male and female teachers on the ways effective management of teacher attrition rate can enhance quality teaching. The study concluded that better services and good welfare packages for teachers can reduce teacher attrition rate. Paying attention to teachers by giving them equal regards with other professions will increase teachers' retention.

Determinants of Teacher Attrition in Public Secondary Schools in Bayelsa and Delta States, Nigeria

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development

This study examined rates of teacher attrition and the multiple factors influencing teacher attrition in public secondary schools in Bayelsa and Delta States, Nigeria, between 2015 and 2019 with a view to providing empirically-based, lasting solutions to the challenges of teacher attrition in Bayelsa and Delta states, Nigeria. Relying on state teachers' evidence and data, two research questions were posed to guide the study. The population of the study consists of 1563 public secondary school teachers. Using Cochran's formula for sample size determination, 723 teachers were sampled randomly for the study. The structured instrument for the investigation was validated, and its reliability was determined using Croncbach's Alpha statistical tool. A reliability value of 0.73 was found. Data analysis shows that salary and remuneration are remarkably associated with teachers' exit. Non-monetary motivation is not a sustainable substitute for an improved competitive salary. T...

Reasons for attrition and retention among secondary school teachers in Niger State, Nigeria


Niger state is considered as one of the less educationally developed states in Nigeria with high attrition rate among secondary school teachers of about 47.5% between 2010-2012. This study explored reasons for attrition and retention among secondary school teachers in Niger state, Nigeria. A qualitative method was employed with the use of case study in order to have an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Twelve participants were selected. Nine serving teachers purposefully selected from three different secondary schools and three teachers who left the profession were reached through snowballing. All the participants were interviewed in English and each session of the interview lasted for about an hour to two hours. The interview was recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed manually. In addition, observation took place in the schools and some documents related to the data were scrutinized. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured through triangulation...

Perception of Public Basic School Teachers on the Factors Influencing Teacher Attrition and Retention in the Atiwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana

British Journal of Education

This study investigated the factors influencing teacher attrition and retention in public basic schools in the Atiwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was used in the conduct of the study where through proportionate stratified random and convenience sampling techniques, 515 teachers were sampled and participated in the study. The instruments included a structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide. Data collected were analyzed using both descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation as well as inferential statistics such as multiple regression with the aid of Version 22 of SPSS. The qualitative data were analyzed through the thematic approach. The study revealed that the teachers identified remuneration and conditions of service factors to predominantly influence their quit intentions more than school environment factors and personal factors. The study showed that retention strategies such as improved salary and remuneration, provision of housing scheme, regular in-service training for teachers, scholarships for further studies, improved classroom environment and teacher involvement in decision making to be likely to boost their retention. Generally, it was revealed that teachers demographic variables such as marital status, years of teaching experience and level of teaching significantly predicted their quit intentions. It was further revealed that there was a positive correlation between the predictors (sex, age, rank, academic qualification, marital status, teaching experience, and level of teaching) and retention strategies as these demographic variables contributed significantly to retention strategies. It was therefore recommended that the Ghana Education Service through the Atiwa Education Directorate should ensure improved remuneration and conditions of service and school environment should be improved since these are among the top reasons discovered as being behind teacher turnover.

Exploring issues of teacher retention and attrition in Ghana: A case study of Public Senior High Schools in Kwabre East district of Ashanti region-Ghana

Teacher attrition and retention in the education sector is a matter of concern for all Ghanaians and as such the study was conducted to explore issues concerning teacher retention and attrition in Ghana. The study was descriptive survey in nature, and sought to establish factors that militate against the retention of teachers, as well as their satisfaction of the conditions of service in public senior high schools. The study was conducted in four Senior High Schools and a sample of 116 teachers was randomly selected for the study. A questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data. Findings revealed that most of the senior high school teachers may leave the teaching profession in the nearest future if their conditions of service and salaries, as well as school and classroom environment are not improved. Also the problem of teacher attrition in Senior High Schools in the district is partly attributable to non-compliance of the conditions of service for teachers by Ghana Education S...

Teacher Retention and Attrition: A Review of the Literature

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2016

The teaching profession and the essential roles teachers play in building the human capital base of any nation cannot be underestimated. These essential roles are central to basic education, most especially in developing nations. There may however seem to be close substitutes for the roles of education managers in the areas of education delivering apparatus with programmed instructions. Apparently, in emerging economies such as Nigeria, teachers no doubt are still the key managers of knowledge. The main engine of economic growth in any country is through a well-trained and knowledge driven education workforce. Due to the persistent labour turnover in schools and high job dissatisfaction among teachers in Nigeria and other parts of the world, this study seeks to find out those factors that encourage teachers' attrition. The study adopts an extensive review of literature such as conference papers, journal articles, internet sources, books, newspapers to find out the factors that determine teachers' attrition and retention in schools particularly in Nigeria. The study concludes that for teachers to be retained in schools, certain management issues as they affect teacher education, must be thoroughly evaluated. The study further recommends that educational managers should be made to go through staff training and development programmes and curricula enhancement. This is necessary and important for teachers to be well equipped for the task ahead, provide adequate remuneration, welfare packages, proper work environment amongst others as may be obtainable in other professions.


Teacher attrition is an issue that is affecting many schools globally and a matter of great concern in schools in Kenya. It is due to this context that the study was conducted to explore the school related factors influencing teacher attrition in preprimary schools in Kengeleni zone in Mombasa County. Descriptive survey design was used to guide the study. The target population was pre-primary school teachers in the zone. Stratified random sampling was used to select sample for the study. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data which was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods and results presented using tables and figures. Results had shown that teacher attrition existed in preprimary schools in the zone and it was caused by many school related factors, including poor school management, inadequate school facilities and administrative support.

A Qualitative Study on the Effects of Teacher Attrition

In this study the researchers explored the effects of teacher attrition in Niger state, Nigeria. The study examined how attrition is affecting the educational development of the state from the teachers' perspective. A qualitative method was used with the aim of extracting the inner feelings of the participants regarding the effects of attrition. Five serving teachers were purposively selected. An in-depth interview, non-participatory observation and document analysis were used as means for data collection. The findings discovered; cost implication, increased in workload, poor students' performance and burden on school administration, as the major effects of teacher attrition. The paper therefore recommends that, the state government needs to improve the condition of service of teachers with the aim of reducing the rate of attrition so as to improve the educational standard of the state.

An Assesment of Teacher Retention and Job Security in Private Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria


This study assessed the relationship between teacher retention and job security in private secondary schools in Ogun state, Nigeria. The study assessed adequacy in teaching and learning infrastructure, evaluated mode of recruitment of teachers, the factors responsible for high teacher turnover and teachers’ retention strategies employed in private secondary schools. Descriptive research of the survey design was employed in this study. Data were collected using questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was used for data collection among 200 teachers including the school principals. Data collected were analyzed with a mixture of descriptive and inferential statistics. Percentages, mean and frequency counts were used to answer the research questions raised while Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test analysis were used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings from this study revealed that teaching and learning infrastructure were inade...

Factors Influencing Teacher Attrition in Public Secondary Schools In Mbooni-East Sub-County, Kenya

International Journal of Educational Research, 2016

This research was done to establish factors influencing teacher attrition in public secondary schools in Mbooni East Sub-County. 202 respondents including, one Sub-County Director of Education, one Sub-County Human Resources Officer, 29 principals and 171 teachers participated in the questionnaire survey. Besides, an interview schedule was administered to the Human Resources Officer and the Sub County Director of Education. Analysis of documents especially teacher returns provided valuable information. The findings revealed that perpetual teacher attrition was due to poor salaries, poor working environment, indiscipline among the teachers, retirement, availability of greener pastures in other ministries and private sector, transfer policies and HIV and AIDS effects among others. The study established that attrition was caused by push and pull factors and it posed financial burden to schools. The study established that attrition was on upward trend leading to teacher shortage, disrupted learning and eventually affected performance. More male teachers quit teaching.