Analysis of The Implementation of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection Policy in Bandung District: A Case Study of Rice Field Conversion in Cikancung District (original) (raw)

Farmers' Perspective on Converting Their Paddy Fields in West Java Province


The conversion of paddy fields continues to increase rapidly, potentially affecting rice production and threatening national food/rice security. This paper presents farmers' perspectives on various indicators of drivers, controllers and decision-making influencing land conversion. The study is based on a policy and literature approach, supported by field studies using qualitative-quantitative mixed methods in West Java Province. The results show that the driving indicators of land conversion are near main roads/highways; near settlements/trade/industry/ services; and densely populated. Indicators of restraining conversion are space utilization in line with the Spatial Plan; provision of incentives for means of production; and the imposition of land tax disincentives. The most decisive indicators of conversion decision making for farmers' choices are the control / ownership of narrow rice fields; and the production value of rice fields is low.

Village-Based Institutional Development Strategy to Prevent the Paddy-Field Conversion at Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia

European Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 2017

Indonesia government needs innovative policies preventing the paddy-field conversion in the current era of regional decentralization. Average of paddy-field conversion in Indonesia has reached 187,200 hectares per year. Irrigated-paddy-field in Indonesia that converted to non-agricultural purpose in 2009 had already reached 3.09 million hectares (42.4 percent). The highest conversion areas were in Java and Bali islands that reached 1.67 million hectares. The study in Pandeglang Regency has shown the prior strategy to prevent paddy-field conversion. It requires the integration the protection toward the peasant based on inter- village participatory partnership to develop the rural area. The developed institution should follow the current applicable regulation, namely the Local Public Service Agency or Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) to protect the paddy-fields. It does not only by managing logistic to support the production of the peasants, but also as a synchronizer among multi-part...

Strategy In Controlling Rice-Field Conversion In Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


The national rice consumption keeps increasing along with raising income of the households and the rapid growth of population. However, food availability, particularly rice, is limited. Impacts of rice-field conversion have run cumulatively, as we can see on potential losses of rice and crops production, as well as work opportunity that keeps increasing year-by-year. Therefore, it requires policy recommendation to control rice-field conversion through economic, social, and ecological approaches. The research was a survey method intended to: (1) Identify internal factors; quality and productivity of the land as the cause of land conversion, (2) Identify external factors of land conversion, value of the rice-field and the competitor's land, workforce absorption, and regulation, as well as (3) Formulate strategies in controlling rice-field conversion. Population of the research was farmers who applied land conversion at Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. Samples were determined using...

Identification of paddy field conversion rate in relation to food security in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, Indonesia

IOP conference series, 2022

Productive paddy fields are an important asset in supporting food security. However, due to the increasing competition for land use with sectors outside agriculture, it has triggered the pace of land conversion without control and has the potential to threaten the stability of food supply itself. This study aims to identify the rate of paddy field conversion that occurs in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. This research was conducted through a spatial approach using the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify forms of spatial change based on land use. The method used is a Supervised Classification. The results of the study showed that the highest rate of paddy field conversion occurred in the period 2010-2020 reaching 0.947%/year. This is not comparable to the ability of the substitution efforts made in the previous ten years (2000-2010) which was 0.88 %/year. The form of land conversion that occurred was dominated by the non-agricultural sector, especially residential needs reaching 61.89%. This has the opportunity to reduce rice production by 1,051.38 / year. Therefore, efforts to control the rate of land conversion are absolutely necessary to ensure sustainable food security.

Sustainable Agricultural Policy Strategies to Support Subsistence Agriculture in Lingga Regency


The production of subsistence farmers dominates Lingga's agricultural commodities as an alternative food supply. However, this production helps meet food needs in Lingga Regency. Along with the development of regional development, to meet the needs and regional food security and guard against land conversion activities, it is necessary to protect agricultural land. This article aims to identify the implementation of the Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection Program in Lingga Regency, Riau Islands Province. This research is a qualitative study with a study approach that examines the government's efforts to overcome land conversion and support the productivity of subsistence farmers as alternative food suppliers by making policies to protect agricultural land for sustainable food. Research shows that to anticipate the occurrence of land conversion, the local government of Lingga Regency issued two regulations to ensure the protection of sustainable agricultural land and the determination of the area of rice fields. This study still has limitations, namely respondents for primary data sources, especially in farmer groups. As a result, additional research will be conducted to include subsistence farmers and monitor the policy progress of the sustainable Food and agriculture land conservation program in Lingga Regency.

The Determinants of Paddy Fields Conversion in Java and Sumatra [Faktor-Faktor Penentu Konversi Luas Lahan Sawah di Jawa dan Sumatera]


Recently, the paddy fields conversion rate is alarmingly high and without significant effort by the government on the existing paddy fields, national food security and food self-sufficiency in Indonesia will be at risk. Therefore, to address this issue, the government needs to identify the main drivers of paddy fields conversion in Indonesia, particularly in Java and Sumatra as national rice barn. Employing panel data of 256 in the regencies/cities level in Java and Sumatra from 2010-2017, this study investigates the determinants of paddy fields conversion in Java and Sumatra. This study identified that the factors which affected paddy fields conversion in Java are the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in agriculture sector, the GRDP in service sector, and population density. In contrary, the GRDP in service sector doesn’t significant with the changed of paddy fields in Sumatra, however GRDP in industry sector affect the paddy fields conversion in Sumatra. Other variables which...

The Contradiction of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection of Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020

Sukoharjo Regency has established a Sustainable Food Agricultural Land in article 33 section 5 of the Regional Regulation No. 14 of 2011 in response to Law No. 41 of 2009 concerning Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (LP2B). However, this policy setting did not work effectively, as indicated by the rate of conversion of paddy fields, the area of paddy fields amounted to 21,096 hectares in 2006 to 20,814 hectares in 2014, then the rate of agricultural GRDP of 3.68% in 2006 to -0.09 in 2014 and the rate of processing industry PDRB increased from 3.82% in 2006 to 5.22% in 2014. This study aims to describe the governance of LP2B in Sukoharjo Regency. This research employs descriptive method and literature study. The results showed, (1) the protection of sustainable agricultural land was still based on the Regional Spatial Planning Coordinating Board (BKPRD) in accordance with Decree of Sukoharjo Regent No.690.05 / 1283/2013; (2) there was no LP2B - Spatial Detail Plan yet...

Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Against the Conversion of Agricultural Land to Non-Agricultural (Study in Bangkalan)

Trunojoyo Law Review

Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land which is then stated in Regional Regulation No. 05 of 2013 is one of the policies of the Bangkalan Regional Government to reduce the rate of conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural. The policy is indicated to be ineffective in its implementation in the community because the substance, structure, and culture of the community do not support the existence of the policy. This type of research is empirical research or commonly called field research that can uncover facts in the field. The type of research used is sociological juridical that can observe the reactions and interactions that occur when a norm does not work properly. The approach method used is the fact approach and the legislation approach. Data types and sources use primary data and secondary data, data collection methods use interviews with several communities and related agencies. Then it is analyzed using a descriptive-qualitative method. The results of the res...

Determinants of Paddy Fields Conversion in Java Island, Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICOSAT 2017), 2018

Rice is a main staple food of Indonesia. Availability of rice is not separated from Java island as the largest rice supplier in Indonesia. Almost 52% of Indonesia's rice production is produced on the Java island. However, production growth is only 0,7% given the increasing number of people. One of the causes is the increasing land conversion over the past 7 years. This study aims to 1) to identify how much land conversion in Java island from 1994 to 2014, 2) to analyze what factors affect the conversion of paddy fields in Java island, and 3) to calculate the impact of paddy field conversion on paddy production and economic value of farmer job for 21 years in Java island. The results indicate that during the period of 1994 to 2014, Java island experienced a conversion of rice fields of 1.2 million hectares or about 60 thousand hectares per year. Productivity of paddy rice, economic growth (GRDP), length of asphalt road, and population growth have significant effect on the conversion of paddy fields in Java island. For 21 years, Java island has lost the opportunity to produce rice by 6.7 million tons with a value of Rp 24,282 trillion rupiah.

Multiple Driving Forces of Paddy Land Conversion: A Lesson from Malaysia’s Rice Bowl State

Jurnal Teknologi, 2015

Land is an important but finite natural resource, crucial for numerous human activities such as for settlement, transportation, forestry, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and recreation. Land can be seen as parallel to economic growth. With a rapid growth in development and urbanisation, there is an increase need for land and for that paddy land face with the paradox of allocation for agricultural and non-agricultural sector. The allocation of land for optimal agricultural use has become a paramount issue. This paper tries to analyse the revolution of paddy land in Kedah, what drives the conversion that resulted it, so that preservation mechanism on paddy land can be outlined in the future.