NTEGRAL: ICT-platform based Distributed Control in electricity grids with a large share of Distributed Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Sources (original) (raw)
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Power Engineering Society, IEEE General Meeting, 2010
Electrical Distribution Systems (EDS) are facing ever-increased complexity due, in part, to fast growing consumer demands and the integration of large amounts of distributed energy resources. The conventional operation modes need to be adapted to the significant changes. With advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and sophisticated new functionalities for energy management, "Smart Grid" is becoming the most forward-looking solution to address these facing challenges. Having initiated a conceptual model, architecture, and implementation plan for the system in previous
Barriers and recommendations for enabling ICT based intra-grid control applications in smart grids
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012
Voltage control, grid reconfiguration and adaptive protection are three representative intra-grid control applications that are relevant in the context of smart grids which is characterized by the presence of bi-directional power flow due to the presence of distributed generation. These applications will lead to an efficient electric power grid. The implementation of the three control applications requires ICT. This paper identifies the technical and non-technical barriers, which are present in today's ICT, that impede the implementation of the three control applications. The technical barriers are ranked based on their severity in impeding implementation of the three control applications. The paper also provides the recommendations that will help in overcoming those barriers. ). distribution feeders by changing the open/closed states of sectionalizers and tie switches .
Enhanced Operation Planning Tool for the EU grid Addressing the Emerging Technologies
The goal of the INTERPLAN project is to provide an INTEgrated opeRation PLANning tool towards the pan-European network, to support the European Union in reaching the expected low-carbon targets, while maintaining the network security. A methodology for proper representation of a “clustered” model of the pan-European network will be provided, with the aim to generate grid equivalents as a growing library able to cover all relevant system connectivity possibilities occurring in the real grid, by addressing operational issues at all network levels (transmission, distribution and TSOs-DSOs interfaces). In this perspective, the chosen top-down approach will lead to an "integrated" tool, both in terms of voltage levels, going from high voltage down to low voltage up to end user, and in terms of building a bridge between static, long-term planning and considering operational issues by introducing controllers in the operation planning. Proper cluster and interface controllers will...
Towards a distributed intelligent ICT architecture for the smart grid
2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2011
de Mues, M.O.; Alvarez, A.; Espinoza, A.; Garbajosa, J., "Towards a distributed intelligent ICT architecture for the smart grid," Industrial Abstract: Given the challenges posed by the smart grid paradigm, we propose hereby a distributed intelligent ICT architecture, which is built upon a basic brick named PGDIN (Power Grid Distributed Inteligence Node) integrating a DDS middleware, an ESP/CEP engine, a distributed cache, and an OWL unified model for power standards. A case study dealing with substation monitor and control is also introduced.
Smart Grid ICT Research Lines out of the European Project INTEGRIS
Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2014
The Smart Grid is an example of a cyber-physical system where the physical power grid is surrounded by many intelligent and communication devices that allow for an enhanced management of the power network itself. The Smart Grid may bring great benefits by massively introducing renewable energy sources in the power grid, reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainability. However, it may also bring big challenges regarding reliability, latency and even cybersecurity, since it opens the power system to at least the same threats faced by the Internet. In fact, vulnerabilities may be still larger, considering the novel, heterogeneous and distributed nature of the Smart Grid. Furthermore, cybersecurity is essential for its survival and feasibility, thus making the risks still more relevant. Such Information and Communication Technologies and computer networks supporting the Smart Grid need to comply with very stringent requirements. They also need to efficiently integrate and manage in a single network a vast array of technologies which diverse link layer technologies, meshed and non-meshed Ethernet networks, different cybersecurity protocols, networking at different layers, cognitive systems and storage and replication of data. The objective is to provide a system capable of providing adequate service to the wide array of applications foreseen for the Smart Grid but the complexity of the problem is impressive and it is not possible to focus all of its aspects in a single paper or even project. The present paper presents these requirements, the solutions and results developed and tested in the FP7 European Project INTEGRIS, especially in the security domain, as well as the future challenges and research lines identified and some prospective solutions.
Smart Grid Architectures: from Use Cases to ICT Requirements
The scope of this paper is to address the evolution of distribution grid architectures following the widespread introduction of renewable energy sources. The increasing connection of distributed resources has a strong impact on the topology and the control functionality of the current distribution grids requiring the development of new Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions with various degrees of adaptation of the monitoring, communication and control technologies. The costs of ICT based solutions need however to be taken into account, hence it is desirable to work with existing communication networks. The objective of the European FP7 project SmartC2Net in this regard is to enable robust smart grid control utilizing heterogeneous third party communication infrastructures.
Convergence of Smart Grid ICT Architectures for the Last Mile
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2015
The evolution of the electrical grid into a smart grid, allowing user production, storage, and exchange of energy; remote control of appliances; and, in general, optimizations over how the energy is managed and consumed, is an evolution into a complex information and communication technology (ICT) system. With the goal of promoting an integrated and interoperable smart grid, a number of organizations all over the world started uncoordinated standardization activities, which caused the emergence of a large number of incompatible architectures and standards. There are now new standardization activities that have the goal of organizing existing standards and produce best practices to choose the right approach(es) to be employed in specific smart grid designs. This paper follows the lead of the National
Taxonomy for Evaluation of Distributed Control Strategies for Distributed Energy Resources
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017
Distributed control strategies applied to power distribution control problems are meant to offer robust and scalable integration of distributed energy resources (DER). However, the term "distributed control" is often loosely applied to a variety of very different control strategies. In particular there is a lack of discrimination between aspects related to communication topology, physical distribution of components and associated control objectives. This has lead to a lack of objective criteria for performance comparison and general quality assessment of state of the art distributed control solutions. For such comparison, a classification is required that is consistent across the different aspects mentioned above. This paper develops systematic categories of control strategies that accounts for communication, control and physical distribution aspects of the problem, and provides a set of criteria that can be assessed for these categories. The proposed taxonomy is applied to the state of the art as part of a review of existing work on distributed control of DER. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed classification to researchers and system designers. Index Terms-distributed energy resource, distributed control, classification, control architecture, smart grid. I. INTRODUCTION G LOBAL efforts to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources [1]-[3] are driving a transformation of electrical grids and their operation. One aspect of this transformation is the proliferation of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), which include controllable and variable distributed generation, storage and controllable loads. This development creates challenges to power system operation, including to system stability, congestion management, voltage regulation as well as protection [4]-[8]. As conventional power plants-the traditional providers of operational flexibility-are substituted by smaller generators, DER units are increasingly in focus as possible providers of flexibility in a more and more actively managed grid [9]-[13]. Considering the increasing number of energy resources in the power system that will need to be controlled and coordinated, the complexity of a centralized control solution based on this traditional control paradigm is significant [14], [15]. The coordination of a large number of heterogeneous,