Ashlar Dressing of the Romanesque Houses in the Agglomeration below the Prague Castle (original) (raw)

Antrakologická analýza raně středověkých objektů z lokality Turnov-Maškovy zahrady Anthracological analysis of early medieval features from the site of Turnov-Maškovy zahrady

Anthracological analysis of samples originating from early medieval features at the settlement, which is located in the floodplain of a former branch of the Jizera River (for more details see Profantová – Prostředník 2014), established the presence of 13 tree species. Oak was represented most frequently, followed by Scots pine, common hornbeam, maple, beech and ash. The analyzed assemblage is characterized by three different types of samples/features. The first type of feature is remarkable by an abundant representation of charcoal and a relatively rich species composition. The second type is characterized by a limited species composition and a small amount of charcoal. The third type of sample contained very little charcoal or even no charcoal at all, but some kind of porous material resembling slag was represented there as well. The species-rich samples most probably represent non-selectively gathered firewood. Such firewood more or less points to the presence of oak-hornbeam fore...

Přerod habsburské stavovské správy ve Slezsku na pruskou úřednickou po r. 1740 ve vztahu ke slezské šlechtě


Na zakladě prace s primarnimi prameny (Acta Borussica. Denkmaler der Preusischen Staatsverwaltung. Behordenorganisation und allgemeine Staatsverwaltung, Bde 1-15, Berlin 1894-1936; Bde. 16/1-16/2. Berlin/Hamburg 1970-1982) a sekundarni literaturou bude sledovana přeměna slezske spravy z habsburske stavovske na pruskou uřednickou po roce 1740. Jadro prace tvoři jednotlive oblasti slezske spravy, ktere se dockaly reforem z iniciativy pruskeho krale Fridricha II., a nasledna reakce slezske slechty, ktera se musela přizpůsobit nove politicke situaci ve Slezsku.

Dokumentace Reliktů Venkovské Architektury S Důrazem Na Doposud Nezmapované Roubené Stavby V Prostoru Ostravsko-Karvinského Uhelného Revíru


This paper introduces a newly begun research project conducted by the Silesian Regional Museum (Slezské zemské muzeum) in Opava which aims to thoroughly document folk architecture in the regions affected by coal-mining and industrial activities, i.e. the region around the cities of Karviná and Ostrava in Czech Silesia. Field research and the concurrent archival research will focus on previously undescribed log houses, some of which are currently under threat. The methodology used in this project and described in this paper is based on previous research conducted in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, with special focus on interdisciplinary cooperation.

Pohřebiště v Podolí u Brna a fenomén žárových hrobů mladší doby bronzové s rozměrnými jámami na Moravě

Archeologické rozhledy, 2016

Díky stálé terénní aktivitě se v posledních dvou desetiletích podařilo na Moravě opakovaně zachytit žárové pohřby mladší doby bronzové, které spojuje řada shodných znaků v čele se specifickou úpravou hrobové jámy-dosahuje tvaru a rozměrů obvyklých pro kostrové pohřby. Ukázkovým příkladem je trojice hrobů odkrytá v roce 2011 na katastru obce Podolí u Brna, na níž lze dobře demonstrovat specifické rysy pohřebního ritu, které se k tomuto typu pohřbů vážou. K nim je možné připojit výčet několika analogických příkladů z jihomoravského a středomoravského prostředí a zejména pak z přilehlé části Dolního Rakouska a na širším vzorku pak vyzdvihnout řadu podobností. mladší doba bronzová-žárové pohřby-paleobotanika-antropologie-geofyzikální prospekce Thanks to ongoing excavations, Late Bronze Age cremation burials have been repeatedly discovered in Moravia over the past two decades. The graves share many identical traits and especially a specific treatment of the grave pits, which feature a shape and size typical for inhumation burials. A prime example is a trio of graves excavated in 2011 in the site of Podolí u Brna that demonstrate specific traits of the rite linked to this type of burial. Several parallel examples come from south and central Moravia and especially from the neighbouring parts of Lower Austria, a wider sample that reveals numerous similarities.

The residential area in Brno - Červený kopec


The residential area in Brno - Červený kopec is multifunctional new part of the city of Brno. Urban development based on the Žlutý kopec and Veveří. Historically, the studied area is located at the brickyard Kohn, who is now a brownfield site. The idea was to create a readable and clearly definable urban structure in relation to the proposed road network. The core area is dense five-storey mixed-use residential buildings with commercial parterre, which makes maximum use of space and brings order to the scattered houses in the area

Nápisové prsteny z pohřebiště ve Zbečně a hradiště Dřevíč na Rakovnicku

Archeologické rozhledy, 2023

The paper presents three new finds of brass inscription rings from two sites: a complete ring with an in scription in Romanesque majuscule of the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries found in one of 123 graves at the early medieval cemetery in Zbečno and fragments of two inscription rings from systematic metal detec tor prospecting at the Dřevíč hillfort. Readings of the inscriptions and their possible interpretations are presented. All three rings show identical elements-production by casting, decoration by imitation of pearl string, and script. The text on the completely preserved ring from Zbečno ([B]N EST IC H GLIA BN ESTO) is largely identical to the text on the fragment of ring 2 from Dřevíč (BN ES A). This fact seems to indicate the existence of a jewellery workshop that produced rings in series. The comparison of the fragments of two inscription rings from the Dřevíč hillfort with the complete inscription ring from the cemetery in Zbečno has prompted a previously unconsidered and all the more important connection between the two sites. The very rare finds of inscription rings in a burial context from the 11th-13th centuries suggest that the buried persons belonged to a narrow circle of the contemporary elite. inscription ring-Roman majuscule script-sacral inscription-nomina sacra-grave find-Zbečno-Dřevíč

Architektura hornických sídlišť na sklonku přemyslovské doby

Archaeologia historica, 2019

The main subject of this article is whether there existed specific building culture associated with mining. At the urbanist level, differences from towns and villages are obvious. Geophysical survey plays an important part in the study of the urbanist forms of these dwellings. In contrast, the presumption that mining settlements typically consisted of residential sunken features was not confirmed by material evidence. The latest research in the Staré Hory settlement, Jihlava brought detail information about the construction of sunken features. In general terms, the main reason for the differences in buildings situated in mining environments is not their provisional character. On the other hand, the authors believe there was little need for individual cool storage spaces. As illustrated by a similar situation in villages, cellars might have been adopted from contemporary towns regardless of necessity, as part of the colonization type of house. There were also large communal cellars, as demonstrated by an example from Kremsiger in the Krušné hory mountains.