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Ein "Roman Rural Landscape" in Nordostnoricum: Ergebnisse der landschaftsarchäologischen Untersuchungen zur ländlichen Besiedlung der römischen Kaiserzeit in Niederösterreich

Franz Pieler/Wolfgang Breibert (eds.), Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2022, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus den Landessammlungen Niederösterreich Asparn/Zaya, Asparn an der Zaya, Austria, pp. 61-70 (978-3-903150-95-9)., 2022

From c. the 2nd half of the 1st cent. AD to 488 AD, Noricum formed part of the Roman Empire. While particular regions of this province (e.g., the limes zone) have been in the focus of archaeological research for decades, in-depth analyses of other areas (i.e., the rural hinterland) often remain absent. This state of research applies especially to the section of the former ancient Roman Province in what is now the federal state of Lower Austria. Archaeological settlement activities in the 'limes' zone's hinterland are investigated and re-evaluated by the author's PhD-project 'Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum: Archaeological Studies on Roman Settlements in the Hinterland of Northern Noricum' to improve this unsatisfying research situation. In the following chapter, due to the multi-layered contents of the dissertation project, specific reference will be made to one particular aspect of the dissertation as an example, namely, characterizing the ancient Roman settlement dynamics in the study area.