Inclusive Education in Indonesia from the Perspective of Widyaiswara in Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education

IJDS : Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies

Since 2009, Indonesia has an excellent commitment and effort in the field of inclusive education. The government provides equal opportunities in education. Through Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education (PPPPTK TK & PLB), the government provides training and services to teachers in the field of inclusive education and special education. The teacher trainers in PPPPTK TK & PLB are called WidyaIswara. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia from the perspective of WidyaIswara of PPPPTK TK & PLB. The research used qualitative method. This research was conducted on March 2nd, 2017 in PPPPTK TK & PLB located in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using a questionnaire in the interview related to perceptions about special and inclusive education. The interview process used the instrument in interview form to experts that called WidyaIswara with closed-ended questions. A total of 3 Expert in Inclusive Education in PPPPTK participated in this activity. From the findings and discussion of the research, explained about WidyaIswara's perception about: 1) Awareness of students to go to school, 2) Grouping of students with special needs in special and general schools, 3) Distribution of Special Schools in Indonesia, 4) Supporting educational facilities and infrastructure in special and inclusive schools, 5) Teacher in special and inclusive Schools, 6) Learning Activities, 7) Children with special needs after graduation at a level of education, and 8) Government efforts.

Inclusive Education for Student with Special Needs at Indonesian Public Schools

International Journal of Instruction

The objective of the current study is to evaluate inclusive education services in public schools following the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education. This study collected data from 47 teachers' public schools in four cities (Malang, Batu, Solo, Boyolali) in Indonesia through questionnaires and interviews about their perception, identification, curriculum, academic staff, and management in inclusive education. Based on the results and discussions of the current study, it is concluded that the implementation of inclusive education showed a tendency towards a positive direction, especially agreement on the school administration, the provision of student education development records, the use of assessment results for modification of curriculum and learning. However, gradually improvements need to be made to create an inclusive environment, including increasing teachers understanding of the meaning of inclusive, completing student's documentation of developmental records, gathering and evaluating pre-learning according to student characteristics, providing personnel and infrastructure according to the needs of developing the interests and talents of children with needs special needs.

Constraints and Strategies for Inclusive Education in Indonesia at the Primary School Level: A Literature Review


Inclusive education in Indonesia is designed for all learners, both "regular" learners and learners with special needs. Inclusive education also aims to facilitate students with special needs to be able to get along with peers in general by placing one educational environment together with "regular" students, so that it is expected to realize an educational environment that respects diversity and without discrimination. However, in its implementation there are obstacles that are not easy to face, both for inclusive schools and teachers who teach. The purpose of this research is to find out the obstacles faced by inclusive schools and teachers at the primary school level and also provide strategies that can be used to optimize inclusive education. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. The results of the study show that some of the obstacles faced are the lack of special mentor teachers, the lack of teacher knowledge about students with special needs, the imposed curriculum, the school environment that is still not friendly for students with special needs, and so on. Teachers can use various models, strategies, media and learning resources that are tailored to the class. One strategy that schools can do is to bring in professionals to provide insight for all school members regarding students with special needs. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Evaluation Of The Inclusive Education Implementation In Public Elementary School Of Dki Jakarta Province


Abstrak Evaluation of the Inclusive Education Implementation in Public Elementary School of Jakarta is the evaluative study for seeing the implemented Guidance of the Inclusive Education in the inclusive education implementation school. The inclusive education implementation school is the school appointed by central or regional governments for giving the education service based on varieties of potentials owned by the learners. The implementation of the inclusive education in Indonesia has been lasting for almost a decade and this is as the solution for international requirements, simultaneously the form of awareness of Indonesia as the Unity in Diversity Nation. The implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia refers to the guidance including: (1) Identification of the children with special needs; (2) curriculum development; (3) learning activities; (4) evaluation; (5) school management; (6) provision and development of teachers; (7) structures and infrastructures; and (8) par...

The Implementation of Inclusive Education in Indonesia: Challenges and Achievements

Jurnal Public Policy

This study aims to show the factors in the successful implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia. And what causes obstacles to the implementation of inclusive education. This study uses a literature review through reading media from several national and international journals in the last 10 years that meet the criteria. The results show that the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia has been quite successful in several big cities. This success is due to several supporting factors such as the existence of special educators, class management, and curriculum. However, there are still many small cities in Indonesia that are still not successful due to the unavailability of adequate facilities and lack of information about the inclusive education system. The government should not only pay attention to big cities but also pay attention to the problem of implementing inclusive education in small cities and make it easier to see data on the number of students with disab...

Indonesian Perspectives on Inclusion: Teachers, Parents, and Students Perspective


One of the most significant changes in education over the past few decades has been the movement towards inclusive education. Many schools are encouraged to implement an inclusive approach in accepting and educating students with disabilities. One of the disabilities students encounter in the regular class is learning disability (LD). This study uses a case study approach to examine the perspectives of students with LD, parents of students, and classroom teachers in regular schools that held inclusive education. A number of similarities and differences in perspective between students, parents, and teachers in each case were identified. Similarities and differences in perspective were also found between each case. Some practical implications will emerge from this study.

Far from Expectation: A Systematic Literature Review of Inclusive Education in Indonesia

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020

The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is to identify: (a) research topics, (b) research methods used, and (c) research results on inclusive education in Indonesia. This study was an SLR using the PRISMA model by identifying various appropriate and relevant literature. The PRISMA model adopted in this study contains four stages: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Data search was carried out using criteria determined by researchers from various search engines such as Google Scholar, ERIC, Scopus, Researchgate, and others, which resulted in 9 articles for further analysis. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using a qualitative approach in describing the research findings. The results showed that three main research themes have been found, namely the implementation of inclusive education, teaching & learning in inclusive classrooms, and the inclusive education curriculum. Outline, the analysis results of these articles stated that the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia is still not as expected. These findings are expected to become the basis for teachers, education observers, and education policymakers, both local and central government or the Ministry of Education to implement education policies that support the progress of inclusive education in Indonesia.

Supporting System In Inclusive Education: A Case Study From Indonesian Elementary School

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020

The purpose of this study is to describe the support of the school system and the involvement of parents in supporting the realization of quality inclusive education. Research data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data validated using method triangulation and source triangulation. Data analysis techniques in this study use the inductive data analysis model simultaneously, continuously, repeatedly until completion, or find the saturation point. Data analysis step used is Analysis Interactive Model which includes steps: data collection, grouping according to variables, data reduction, data presentation, separating outlier data and drawing conclusions or data verification. The results of this research study are: first, the support of the existing system in inclusive elementary schools was carried out in several ways, namely: the support provided by the city government went well, through: 1) Providing inclusive education training for no...

Good practices and lessons learned in the application of the index for inclusion methodology in elementary schools in Republika Srpska, Program evaluation report

Save the Children, 2012

This report evaluates the application of the "Index for the Inclusion" methodology and "Education for Social Justice" approach in elementary schools in Republika Srpska/ Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is based on the mixed-method and covered 70 semi-structured interviews and focuses groups with participants (teachers, school principals, parents, pupils) from eight elementary schools and seven local self-government units, and 320 school teachers participated in the survey. The obtained evaluation results confirm that applied Index for the inclusion methodology and the Education for Social Justice approach significantly helped the participants expand their professional knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of inclusive educational practice based on the mentioned methodologies. Members of the school staff and administration, students, and parents/guardians were encouraged to change attitudes and opinions on inclusive values. Participation of students and parents in the decision-making process on school policies and practices was increased. Schools thoroughly examined the current situation and defined the development priorities, which significantly affected the strengthening of elementary educational institutions' scopes. The findings revealed that these methodology and approach support building and strengthening social justice and inclusive education capacities based on creating inclusive cultures, producing inclusive policies, and developing inclusive practices within elementary schools and the local communities.