Effect Of Computer Animation And Peer Tutoring Methods On Students' Academic Achievement And Retention In Telecommunications In Colleges Of Education In North-East, Nigeria (original) (raw)

Impact of Instructional Radio Delivery Mode on Academic Achievement of Distance Learning Students’ in Computer Science

US-China Education Review B

Instructional radio involves the transmission of information, ideas, and opinions through the usage of electronic devices. The open and distance learning (ODL) is becoming more and more relevant and accepted as a form of global education. Radio broadcasting was introduced in Nigeria during the colonial age in 1932. Since then, it has been used for social, political, and mass education. This paper examines the impact of instructional radio delivery mode on academic achievement of distance learning students' in computer science. It was an experimental study conducted on 105 computer science students in Lagos State. Purposive sampling was used to obtain a sample of two study centres in Lagos. The sample was divided into control and experimental groups. One group (control) was taught course contents of computer science with the traditional lecture method and the other group (experimental) was taught using instructional radio. After six weeks of treatment, both groups were given an achievement test. Three instruments were used in the study, and they included achievement test in computer (ATC), entry behaviour text in computer (EBTC), and instructional package in computer-the instruments were developed by the researcher. The instrument was pilot tested to ascertain reliability. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were analysed using analysis of convariance (ANCOVA). Findings revealed that: 1. There is no significant effect of treatment (radio instruction and lecture method) on students' performance in computer science (F = 0.363, p > 0.05); 2. There was no significant effect of gender on students' achievement in computer science (F = 0.002, p > 0.05) although males did a bit better than females; and 3. There is no significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on students' posttest performance in computer science (F = 1.679, p > 0.05). In conclusion, the use of instructional radio combined with lecture method promotes and enhances effective teaching-learning process. Thus, lecturers should be encouraged to use it in university education programme.



This study examined the effects of Synchronous Radio Broadcast (SYB) on undergraduates’ achievement in Basic Computer Operations in National Open University of Nigeria. The study adopted pretest-posttest control group quasi-experimental design. Two National Open University study centres (Ibadan and Lagos) were randomly selected from Southwestern Nigeria. Two hundred and twenty-two of 100 level degree programmes were enumerated and participated in the study. The intact classes were randomly assigned to SYB (n=98) and conventional (n=124) instructional delivery modes. Instruments used were Students’ basic computer operations achievement test (r=0.74) and instructional guides for the two groups. The results of the study shows that treatment had a significant main effect on students’ achievement in basic computer operations (F(2, 219)= 44.71; partial ŋ2 =98). Students in SYR obtained higher achievement mean score (23.92) compared with the control groups (12.21). Therefore, Synchronous radio presentation is effective in enhancing undergraduates’ achievement in Basic computer operations in National Open University of Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that distance learners’ facilitators should adopt synchronous radio presentations for their instructional delivery. Keywords: Synchronous radio broadcast, Achievement in Basic computer operations, Undergraduates, National Open University Nigeria.

The Effect of Station Technique Used in Science and Technology Class on Students' Achievement and Retention

Station Technique, 2019

In this study, the effect of station technique used in Science and Technology course on students' achievement and retention investigated. The research was conducted with 79 students in the 7 th grade from two different primary schools located in the east of Turkey on the 2 nd term of 2010-2011 educational year. For the study, an experimental group and two control groups were randomly selected by the researchers. The research was conducted according to the pretest-posttest model with control group. During the application process, the students in the experimental group were learning the subjects by station technique while the students in the control groups were learning the subjects by the activities planned in the science and technology course curriculum. In this study, an "Optics Achievement Test" consisting of 23 multiple-choice questions was developed by the researchers to measure changes in student achievement, and this test was applied to all groups as pretest and posttest. Also 6 weeks after posttest, "Optics Achievement Test" was reapplied to experimental group as retention test. According to the findings, it is concluded that station technique is more effective than existing curriculum activities on students' achievement, and it enables retention of the learnt subjects (p<0.05). In addition, in this study, John Henry, and Hawthorne effects, the most important factors threatening internal validity in experimental studies, were tried to be controlled. Öz. Bu çalışmada, istasyonlarda öğrenme tekniğinin öğrencilerin Fen ve Teknoloji dersindeki başarılarına olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2010-2011 eğitim-öğretim yılı II. döneminde, Türkiye'nin doğusunda bulunan iki ilköğretim okulunun 7. sınıfında öğrenim gören toplam 79 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada biri deney, ikisi kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam üç ayrı grup ders öğretmenleri tarafından rastgele olarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmada, ön-test son-test kontrol gruplu model kullanılmıştır. Uygulama sürecinde, kontrol grubu öğrencileriyle dersler fen ve teknoloji dersi öğretim programında öngörülen etkinlikler yapılarak işlenirken, deney grubundaki öğrencilerle bu konular istasyonlarda öğrenme tekniği kullanılarak işlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, öğrenci başarılarındaki değişmeleri ölçmek için araştırmacılar tarafından çoktan seçmeli 23 sorudan oluşan "Işık Başarı Testi" geliştirilmiş ve geliştirilen bu test tüm gruplara ön-test ve son-test olarak uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca "Işık Başarı Testi", deney grubuna son testten 6 hafta sonra kalıcılık testi olarak yeniden uygulanmıştır. Veriler analiz edildiğinde, istasyonlarda öğrenme tekniğinin öğrenci başarılarına, kontrol gruplarına oranla daha fazla katkı yaptığı ve kalıcı öğrenmeyi sağladığı sonucuna varılmıştır (P<0,05). Ayrıca bu çalışmada, deneysel çalışmalarda iç geçerliliği tehdit eden en önemli etkenlerden olan John Henry ve Hawthorne etkileri kontrol altına alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İstasyonlarda öğrenme tekniği, fen ve teknoloji, ışık 1-A part of this study was presented

Teaching Telecommunications: A Comparison between Video and Computer-Based Instruction


This paper examines two different delivery methods, video and computer-based instruction (CBI) for instructing preservice teachers in the use of an electronic mail system, FIRNMAIL. Three questions were asked about students who sere taught FIRNMAIL through a video presentation and those taught through an interactive, computer-based simulation (CBI): (1) Is there a difference in the mean achievement gains on a writing post-test? (2) Is there a difference in students' perception of instruction? (3) Is there a difference in the mean near-transfer performance? Twenty-four students were randomly assigned to either the video or the CBI. Preand post-tests indicated that both treatments are instructionally effective. In analysis of perception of instruction it was found that students in the computer-based tutorial /simulation group were more likely to: enjoy the instruction; prefer their mode of instruction over a lecture; want another lesson like this; and prefer their mode of instruction over reading the material in a book. Analysis of near-transfer performance revealed that students in the CBI group performed significantly better on the electronic mail assignment than the students in the video group. Data is presented in three tables and four figures. (Contains 34 references.) (Author/MAS)

Effect of Construction of a Radio Receiver on Students' Academic Achievement in Electronics Works in Technical Colleges in Rivers State

Electronics works in technical colleges involve the repairs, maintenance and construction of basic electronic systems. This study was centered on the appropriate method of carrying out the best teaching that will yield better academic achievement of students on electronics works in technical colleges in Rivers State. The study also examined the influence of location on students' academic achievement in electronics works. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The design of the study was pre-test, post-test non-equivalent quasi-experimental study. A sample size of 112 students drawn from a population of 267 students in Rivers State technical colleges was used. To obtain the sample, two technical colleges were purposively selected and two intact classes were randomly selected and assigned to experimental and control groups. The Radio Receiver Achievement Test (RRAT) of 30 question items was the instrument developed for the study. The instrument was validated by three experts in technology and vocational education. A reliability coefficient of 0.673 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson 20 and another reliability coefficient of 0.668 was obtained using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Data collected were analysed using mean with standard deviation to answer the research questions, while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed among others that students taught with constructed devices achieved higher than those taught with lecture method in electronics works. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that proper and regular seminars on electronic devices construction should be carried out for teachers in electronics works in order to create more awareness on the subject of construction.

Positive impact on learning curves of students by introducing information communication technology in teaching methodology

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 2016

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an important part of most organization, business these days. Computer's play a vital role in one's life. Actually computers began to be placed in schools in early 1980s and since then several researchers suggested that it is going to be an important part for the next generation. Modern technology offers many means of improving teaching and learning in the classroom. Many researcher and theorists assert that the use of computer can help the student to become knowledgeable, reduce the amount of direct instruction given to them, and also give teachers an opportunity to help those students with particular needs. In this paper an attempt have been taken to find any significant change in the learning curves of students when lessons are delivered by means of ICT. A group of 40 students chosen from Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sita Nagar, North Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The place where this school is located is 320 km away from the capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. A simple survey of the school revealed that the students of this school are never been exposed to any ICT tools as the school is located in very remote locality of Island. A pre-test and post-test conducted on this chosen group and its statistical analysis reveals a positive impact on students learning curve. The collected data in this work is subjected to analysis of covariance and the statistical result show significant positive change in the learning curves.