Programme of the Workshop_Golden Horde Arabic Script Epigraphy (original) (raw)
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The article considers process of fixing the names of the Golden Horde cities in medieval Arabic sources. The materials of the study were Arabic-language writings of XIII–XV centuries. As a result of the study it was noted that there was no stable name of the Golden Horde state. In most cases Arab chroniclers linked the name of the state to the name of the ruler or to a certain geographical location of the Golden Horde state. The information of medieval Arabic works about the Golden Horde cities is fragmentary and descriptive, and does not give a complete picture of a medieval city. Most of the presented information concerns the settled regions of the Golden Horde Empire. Despite the narrative style of the reports about the cities of the Golden Horde, they generally provide information that complements the data of other historical records.
The Umdet ul-Ahbar and the Turkic Narrative Sources for the Golden Horde and the Later Golden Horde
Zolotoordynskoe Obozrenie, 2014
This paper presents in summary form results of the author's study of the Turkic-Muslim sources. A number of Turkic narrative sources are preserved to us from the post-Golden Horde time, i.e. period of the successor States of the Golden Horde of the 15th–18th centuries. These narrative sources (mainly chronicles) are of fundamental importance for the study of the Eurasian history in the 13th–18th centuries. Since most of these works are available only in the original Turkish, they remain inaccessible and sometimes even unknown to the main part of modern scholars. Therefore, the author provides an overview of these historical writings, together with a more detailed study of one particular work, "Umdet ul-Ahbar / Umdetul-ahbar". He expresses the hope that this review will contribute to the integration of the Turkic sources in the study of the western Eurasian history. This article contains several examples showing how useful can be this later source for understanding the ...
Tracing the Sources of V.G. Tiesenhausen in the Arabic Volume on the History of the Golden Horde
Golden Horde Review, 2021
Research objective and materials: This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the work carried out on the sources used by Vladimir Tiesenhausen in the compiling the Arabic volume of the “Collection of Materials Relating to the History of the Golden Horde”. Results and novelty of the research: A comparative study of texts extracted by Vladimir G. Tiesenhausen in 1884, with their new editions, presented the following picture: one group of publications represents academic editions with quality translations, accompanied by professionally executed commentaries. Another part of the sources was published based on one part of existing copies. As practice shows, sometimes the older and complete copies of published works remained out of coverage in such publications; their existing editions are not taken into account. The third group of sources is composed of works that remain in manuscript form to the present day. One such work – “al-‘Aylam al-zakhir fi akhbar al-awa’il wa-l-aw...
The article deals with the phenomenon of medieval Arabic manuscript book or a book written in Arabic script in non-Arabic language. Despite the large number of works where this phenomenon was analyzed, their authors did not provide a clear list of the criteria, which are specific to the Arabic manuscript book tradition in comparison to other medieval manuscript traditions of the West and East. Methodologically, the work is based on the principles of the “immanent analysis” of the phenomenon developed by the Russian and Soviet philological schools at the beginning of the last century in relation to the analysis of literary works. The authors of this article came to the conclusion that the structure-forming components of the phenomenon of the Arabic medieval manuscript book were as follows: 1) the Arabic script, as well as 2) the architectonics of the text of the Arabic manuscript book and 3) the specific features of the Arabic bibliographic description. The authors believe that these...
FROM THE HISTORY OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE ARABIC SCRIPT TEXTS IN THE BASHKIR LANGUAGE. Until the twenties of the twentieth century Bashkirs used the written Arabic script of the Turks of the Ural-Volga region, which dates back to earlier varieties of Turkic writing. Along with this language, developed under the influence of local languages and dialects, to some extent, almost to the middle of the twentieth century, the Chagatai and Ottoman versions of the written language were used. During the period under review, the written language of the Turks in the Ural-Volga region came closer to the local languages. In the 1920s, representatives of the Bashkir intelligentsia actively engaged in the development of a single Bashkir standard (literary) language. Even before its formation in the periodical press materials were published in the Bashkir language, written in the Arabic script. Their language is a synthesis of the written traditions of the Turks and local dialects. Keywords: Turkic language of Ural-Volga region, Bashkir language, history of language, dialectology, Arabographic texts, periodical press, archaeography. ИЗ ИСТОРИИ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ТЕКСТОВ НА АРАБОГРАФИЧНОМ БАШКИРСКОМ ПИСЬМЕННОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. До двадцатых годов ХХ столетия башкиры использовали письменный арабографичный язык тюрки Урало-Поволжья, который восходит к более ранним разновидностям тюркской письменности. Наряду с указанным языком, развивавшимся под влиянием местных языков и диалектов, в определенной степени почти до середины ХХ века пользовались чагатайским и османским вариантами письменного языка. В рассматриваемый период письменный язык тюрки в Урало-Поволжье все больше сближался с местными языками. В1920 годах представители башкирской интеллигенции активно занимались разработкой нового литературного языка. Еще до его образования в периодической печати издавались материалы на башкирском языке, написанные на арабской графике. Их язык представляет собой синтез письменных традиций тюрки и местных диалектов. Ключевые слова: Язык тюрки Урало-Поволжья, башкирский язык, история языка, диалектология, арабографичные тексты, периодическая печать, археография.
Studia Litterarum, 2016
Статья была написана в 2013 г. в рамках проекта Российского гуманитарного научного фонда «Описание арабских, персидских и тюркских рукописей Института востоковедения РАН» (№ проекта 12-31-01020) Аннотация: Статья посвящена реконструкции собрания рукописей на арабском, персидском и тюркских языках, которое хранилось в ИМЛИ в 30-40-х гг. XX в. Вероятно, ее основой стали рукописи, накопленные к началу 30-х гг. в объединении «Международная книга». Значительная часть этого собрания была перемещена впоследствии в Санкт-Петербург (ныне она хранится в Институте восточных рукописей РАН). Оставшаяся часть находится в Институте востоковедения РАН. Судьбу остальных манускриптов ИМЛИ еще предстоит выяснить. Ключевые слова: восточная археография, рукописи на арабском, персидском, тюркских языках. Информация об авторе: Илья Владимирович Зайцев-доктор исторических наук, врио директора, ФГБУН Институт научной информации по общественным наукам Российской академии наук, Нахимовский пр-т, д. 51/12,
the article comprises a report of the 15-th Sharjah conference on contemporary Arabic literature held in Rabat (Morocco) in September 2018. The author, Professor Mikulski (Moscow) provides in detail the list of topics discussed as well as the history of the meeting, which dates back to 2003. The innovative aspect of the present report are the informal interviews taken by Professor Mikulski from some of the most prominent participants. These interviews comprise a number of aspects among which are the personal views on Russia and the Russian traditions of Arabic studies, as well as their concepts of historical and cultural relations between the Arab countries and the West. Of course, the Arab intellectuals could not help to ignore the classical Arabic literary legacy, which continues to be their constant object of cultural and literary reflections and the inexhaustible source of mental pabulum. The article presents a vivid image of the thoughts and views of our Arab colleagues.
Abusufyan Akaev’s Works in Arabic
History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Caucasus, 2019
The article examines writings of the outstanding Dagestani scholar, journalist and poet, religious figure Abu Sufyan Akayev (1872-1931) from the village Nizhnee Kazanische. As an influential representative of Jadid movement at the beginning of the twentieth century, he belonged to the renown Muslim reformers and enlighteners, such as Muhammad ʻAbduh, Rashid Rida, Ismaʻil Gaspraly, ʻAbd al-Rahman Umerov, Qayyum Nasiri, Shihad al-Din Marjani.He wrote works mostly in Kumyk, Arabic, as well as in Azerbaijani and Persian languages. His writings in Arabic are still poorly studied.Some of them appeared in all the 12 issues of the popular magazine on Shariʻa matters of the early Soviet reforms known as Bayan al-haqa᾽iq (1925-1928) whose editor-in-chief he was. He was also the author of articles appeared in some issues of the Arabic-language newspaper Jaridat Dagistan (1913-1918). Some of his letters composed in Arabic are very informative. In addition, Abu Sufyan was the author or compiler ...