Open Business Model Innovation with the NEFFICS platform and VDML (original) (raw)

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Open Business Model, Process and Service Innovation with VDML and ServiceML Cover Page

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Business Model Innovation with Platform Canvas Cover Page

Directed Innovation of Business Models

International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 2016

Business model innovation is one of the most important issues to keep business competitive and increase company’s profits. Due to many market attractors, identification of appropriate paths of business model evolution is a painful and risky process. To avoid wrong decisions in this process, an architectural construct of analysis and conceptualization for business model innovation that combines directed evolution and blue ocean concepts is proposed in this paper under the name of directed innovation. It displays the key points where innovations must happen to direct adaptation of the business model towards sustainable competitiveness. Formulation of mature solutions is supported by inventive problem solving tools. The significance of the directed innovation approach is demonstrated in a case study dealing with business model innovation of traditional technical universities.

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Directed Innovation of Business Models Cover Page

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Towards a formal framework for business models : identifying and visualizing the common elements between the current business model views (abstract) Cover Page

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Towards a Formal Framework for Business Models: Identifying and Visualizing the Common Elements Between the Current Business Model Views Cover Page

One size does not fit all - Understanding the front-end and back-end of business model innovation

Business model innovation is becoming a central research topic in management. However, alack of a common understanding of the nature of the business model leads to disregarding its multifaceted structure when analysing the business model innovation process. This article proposes a more detailed understanding of the business model innovation process by drawing on existing knowledge from new product development literature and examining the front-end and the back-end of business model innovation of three leading Danish newspapers. We studied how changes introduced during the development of digital news production and delivery have affected key components of these business models, namely value creation, proposition, delivery and capture in the period 2002–2011. Our findings suggest the need to distinguish between front-end and back-end business model innovation processes, and to recognise the importance of organizational learning and choice when incumbents are faced with disruptive technologies.

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One size does not fit all - Understanding the front-end and back-end of business model innovation Cover Page

Business Model Innovation Paths and Tools

There is a multitude of tools available for Business Model Innovation (BMI). However, Business models (BM) and supporting tools are not yet widely known by micro, small and medium sized companies (SMEs). In this paper, we build on analysis of 61 cases to present typical BMI paths of European SMEs. Firstly, we constructed two paths for established companies that we named as 'I want to grow' and 'I want to make my business profitable'. We also found one path for start-ups: 'I want to start a new business'. Secondly, we suggest appropriate BM toolsets for the three paths. The identified paths and related tools contribute to BMI research and practise with an aim to boost BMI in SMEs.

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Business Model Innovation Paths and Tools Cover Page

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Business Model Design and Evolution Cover Page

The Cambridge Business Model Innovation Process

Organisations increasingly understand that meeting their sustainability ambitions does not only require new technologies, but innovation on the business model level. To facilitate the design of more sustainable business models, a range of new tools and techniques have been developed. While this resulted in the design of a wide range of promising business models, only very few are successfully implemented. The Cambridge Business Model Innovation Process is a framework developed to guide organisations' business model innovation efforts and map the necessary activities and potential challenges. In this paper, we introduce the framework and present an exploratory attempt of applying it to a social start-up. The preliminary result of this experience led us to build a comprehensive research agenda that aims at developing tools and processes to help organisations in bridging the design-implementation gap in sustainable business model innovation.

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The Cambridge Business Model Innovation Process Cover Page

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Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers Cover Page