The Role of the Military-Political Elite of Egypt in the Struggle for National Independence in the Post-World War II Period (1945-1952) (original) (raw)
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Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 13. Asian Studies. African Studies, 2016
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The features of the formation of the of the state explains the high level of interest in this scientific problem in the modern theory of international relations. The study of for eign policy identity is capable of providing an understanding of the policy-making activity of the state and its positioning in the international arena. The process of forming a foreign policy identity linked to both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors should be classified as geographical, historical, cultural and religious, the key subjective factors can be considered the role of a leader. This factor is standard for Middle Eastern states, especially for Egypt, where there are traditions of strong centralized powers. Egyptian leaders have supreme power in foreign policy decisions within the framework of the political system. Egypt's foreign policy is often determined by the personal character traits of the country's leaders. This article aims to study the role of the head of the...
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Egyptians and Byzantium. On the Question of Political Subjectivity in Late Antiquity
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija
Introduction. The article focuses on the reasons for the lack of political subjectivity among the Egyptians in the Byzantine period (4th – first half of the 7th centuries). During this period, the population of Egypt did not demonstrate it at any level: social movements (uprisings) did not offer such agenda; studies on literature and rhetoric show that the Egyptians were under the influence of the Roman statehood (Eastern Roman Empire). The aims of the study are therefore concentrated around the consideration of the causes and terms of the loss of political subjectivity by the Egyptians, and the reasons for the increase of it among the Romans. An additional task was a comparative analysis of the political and religious systems of Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt and the possible influence of religious features on the configuration of political systems. Methods. The main methods used in the study are factor analysis and the comparative method. Analysis. The ancient Egyptian political s...
The process of democratization and the military rule after the revolution in Eg
This paper explores the impact of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 on changing the authoritarian political system in the country, democratic governance capacity of the transitional military rule and it tries to answer whether this country ever stepped towards democratic transition during the period of rule of the Egyptian armed forces. This paper aims to discover whether the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 is starting point of the process of democratization or the overthrow of one authoritarian regime led to the rise of a new undemocratic governance of the country. To achieve this goal, the research draws attention to the development of civil and political society in the country, as a basis on the path of transition to democracy. In the analysis are used annual and periodical reports of the international non - governmental organizations that monitor freedom of the media, human rights and political freedom in Egypt. The content of the publications of Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for the situation in the country before and after the removal from power of President Hosni Mubarak is used in making conclusions in the paper. As in other historical cases, the paper shows that the military in charge of civil authority is impossible to guide the democratization of one society. Key words: democratization, Egypt, freedom of expression, civil society, authoritarian political system.