El empleo de material óseo como combustible durante el Paleolítico Medio y Superior en el Cantábrico. Observaciones experimentales (original) (raw)
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This paper analyses and descríbes the technical and technological variables identified in each of the phases by execution order that take part in the operative chain of bone instruments. These phases are divided in the lollowing actions: collection, preparation of the matrix, extraction and translormation of the support, perforation, decoration and hafting of the tool. The analyzed occupational levels belong to the Upper Palaeolithic at the archaeological sites 01 Las Caldas Cave, Bolinkoba, Santimamiñe and Aitzbitarte IV.
Actas del Congreso Internacional “Medio Siglo de Arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su entorno”, 2009
An approach to the situation of Palaeolithic research in the North-eastern Spain and surrounding areas, is presented based on a critical assessment of ideological and instrumental resources used over the last fi ve decades of historical development. Together with the weight of the historical tradition in the different territories studied and to the uncovering of the most singular differentiating facts during the recent past, the determining methodological keys to the research process have been signifi cantly stressed. In this sense, four thematic fi elds have been subject to a critical revision: prospecting; concept and praxis of a dig; the multidisciplinary analytical scope; and ideological treatment and perspective. To fi nish, after an illustrative summary of the wide-ranging chrono-cultural sequence documented –from an advanced stage of the Lower Pleistocene to the Early Holocene– a number of refl ections on the future of Palaeolithic research in this particular geographical region are offered. Furthermore, a specifi c history of research projects undertaken in certain territories and subject to selected themes has been included.
El uso del utillaje en piedra en el final del Paleol'itico Superior Peninsular
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