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www.journalijmrr.com, 2014
In the present study the researcher has attempted to study the Environmental awareness ability of higher secondary students. The investigations was carried out on 800 higher secondary students using the Praveen Kumar Jha‟s Environmental awareness scale. Descriptive Statistics and Differential Analysis were used to analyse the data. The findings o f the study on environmental awareness ability shows that there is no significant difference between male and female higher secondary students and different parental educational qualifications of higher secondary students and there is significant differenc e between rural and urban higher secondary students and between arts and science group higher secondary students in respect of their level of Environmental awareness ability.
A study on the environmental awareness among secondary school students in a district of Assam
International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, 2017
The present investigation reveals the level of environmental awareness of Secondary School students in a district of Assam based on gender, locale of study and medium of instruction. Random sampling was used to select 158 secondary school students from Kamrup (Metro) District, Assam. Normative survey method was used for the present investigation. Environmental Awareness Scale constructed and validated by the investigator was used. Calculation of means and standard deviations and test of significance. Total scores of environmental awareness stood at a low level (<50). Girls’ environmental awareness was greater than boys, urban students’ awareness greater than rural students and Assamese medium students’ awareness greater than English medium students. Environmental education, a process for increasing environmental knowledge and awareness is essential for the future of this world. This study evaluates awareness about the environment among students to remedy lacunae in existing situa...
The study aimed to examine the Environmental Awareness among rural and urban senior secondary school students of Ludhiana districts. There was one variables in the study namely Environmental Awareness. Tool used in this study was Environmental Awareness Ability Measures (EAAM) by Jha (2010). Data was collected from senior secondary school students of Ludhiana District (100 male and 100 female) out of which 100 students were from rural area and 100 students were from urban area. The data was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics like Mean, Median, Mode, SD, t-ratio. It was analyzed that there exists no significant difference in environmental awareness of rural and urban senior secondary school students. It was further found that there exists no significant difference in environmental awareness of male and female of senior secondary school students. KEYWORD: Environmental Awareness. Environment refers to sum total of all conditions which surround a man at a given point of space...
IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), 2020
The present study aims to study the level of environmental awareness of senior secondary school students in relation to gender and type of school in Shimla district of himachal Pradesh. The sample of the study comprised of 160, 11 th and 12 th Class students studying in different government and private senior secondary schools of Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. 80 male and 80 female students were selected from the each selected school through systematic random sampling technique. Environmental awareness is taken as the scores obtained by the senior secondary school students on environmental awareness. "Environmental awareness scale for students" by Taj, Haseen (1981) was used to collect the data for the purpose. The data were analyzed using descriptive (Mean, Standard Deviations) and inferential ('t'-test) statistics. The findings of the present study revealed that there is no significant difference in environmental awareness of senior secondary school students across gender i.e. boys and girls. From analysis of result, it was found that there were significant differences in the environmental awareness of senior secondary school students at two levels of type of school i.e. government and private.
Environmental Awareness among Senior Secondary School Students: A Comparative Study
Education India, 2019
Studying environmental issues has attained the keen concern of people from all over the world due to the rapid increase in environmental degradation as the result of different environmental threats or problems. Most of the burning environmental problems are occurring as a result of human activities. Therefore, educating for creating environmental awareness and understanding among masses is one of the important ways for the prevention and cure of all types of environmental problems. With this viewpoint, the investigators conducted a study on environmental awareness among senior secondary school students of the East district of Sikkim. The objectives of the study were to examine the overall status of environmental awareness and to compare the level of environmental awareness with regard to gender, locality, and study stream among senior-secondary school students of the east district of Sikkim. Descriptive survey method was employed in the process of the present study. A standardized tool that is Hasin Taj environmental awareness scale (2012) was employed for the collection of data. The study revealed that senior-secondary school students having a high level of environmental awareness. No significant difference was found between rural and urban, and between students from science and non- science stream with regards to their awareness about the environment. But, the calculated t-value revealed the significant difference between girls and boys with regards to their awareness about the environment. Keywords: Environmental awareness, environmental education, degradation, pollution
Comparitive Study of Environemtnal Awareness among Secondary School Students
International Journal of Research, 2018
The present study tries to explore the Environmental Awareness of secondary school students. The study consists of a sample of 60 male and 60 female secondary school students studying in various schools of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. The researcher had taken up a random sample of 120 students. The researcher has developed a questionnaire to investigate the environmental awareness of students. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis such as Mean, S.D. and “t” values. The results were discussed.
Today the environmental degradation is a matter of great concern before human society. Both developing as well as developed countries are facing severe environmental problems. In the developmental process man has been ruthlessly exploiting natural resources and polluting natural environment. The major problem of our present world is environmental degradation. To combat this problem, we need environmentally sensitive and aware people. The present investigation was conducted to find information about the level of environmental awareness of B.Ed students in Dehradun district of Uttarakhand (India). It was found that their level of environmental awareness was remarkable high.
Today, the environmental problems are matter of great concerns. The very survival of man depends on the solution of these problems. Education can play a vital role in this direction. Awareness and practices are essentials for action. It is education, which makes man aware, conscious of and knowledge about environment and environmental problems. The present study was intended to investigate the environmental awareness and practices among Secondary school students.
International journal of applied research, 2016
Environment means all those external forces, effects and situations which affect life, behaviour, aptitude, development and maturation of an organism. (Duglus and Holland). Environmental awareness means to help social groups and individuals to acquire an awareness of and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems. The study attempted to find out the environmental awareness of secondary and higher secondary school students. This was an empirical research with a sample of 200 senior secondary and higher secondary school students selected randomly from Gurgaon and Rewari district of Haryana. The study was conducted through normative survey method and environmental awareness aptitude measure test by Dr. Parveekumarjha (1998) was used for the collection of data. The major findings of the study are: 1) There is no significant difference between environment awareness of secondary level boys and girls. 2) There is significant difference between Environmental Awareness of s...
Environmental awareness among High School Students: A study in Majuli District of Assam, India
Ecology, Environment and Conservation
Rapid industrialization, overexploitation of natural resources and use of environmentally abhorrent materials have caused detectable environmental disruptions which have threatened the life support system. Environment can be protected only by creating awareness among the people so that it becomes part of their lifestyle. Environmental Awareness means showing interest towards environment or environmental problem. It implies not only understanding about environment but also attitude, principles and abilities which are essential for solving environmental problems. Moreover, environmental awareness helps in inculcating responsible behaviour among citizens. The present study is an attempt to study the environmental awareness of high school students with respect to gender and medium of instruction. The present study has used Descriptive research method. 160 students of Majuli district (Assam) were selected as sample of the study. In the present study the researcher has used random samplin...