From Artificial Intelligence to Dependability: Modeling and Analysis with Bayesian Networks (original) (raw)
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Reliability in preprocessing-Bayes rules SIESTA
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Supplement 2, Proceedings of EMBEC’99, 1999
Abstract: The S ESTª pro® ect aims at de¹ning a new description o¿ human sleep. ªs suchÄ the S ESTª sleep analyÆer is a diagnostic tool applied to biosignals o¿ humans. ªlthough the risk that wrong decisions harm people is lowÄ it is still there. Ëence introducing a reliability measure that Îags decisions that are probably wrong is a ma® or aim o¿ the pro® ect. This paper introduces a method¿ or preprocessing within the Ñayesian¿ ramework. Òe show that Ñayesian belie¿ s can be used to Îag segments where reliable decisions about ...
Pengembangan Buku Ajar Analisis Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Problem Based Learning
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International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2002
We find new sample complexity bounds for real function learning tasks in the uniform distribution by means of linear neural networks. These bounds, tighter than the distribution-free ones reported elsewhere in the literature, are applicable to simple functional link networks and radial basis neural networks.
A Design Method of Scalable Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Solving Regression Problems
Received: 27/7/2021 This paper proposes an approach for handling linguistic words directly to develop an evolutionary method for designing fuzzy rulebased systems interpretable in Tarski et al.’s sense and scalable to solve dataset regression problems. This interpretability requires that the constructed fuzzy multi-granularity structures representing the currently used word sets of dataset’s attributes must be the isomorphic images of their respective semantic word sets’ structures. Furthermore, in practice, human domain knowledge are accumulated and grown over time, leading to the requrements of expanding the currently used word sets to solve their encountered problems more effectively. It suggests studying behaviors of fuzzy rule-based systems when allowing the currently used word sets of dataset’s attributes to grow while requiring the already constructed fuzzy sets based semantics of the existing linguistic words are reused. Experiments were conducted with 15 regression datasets...
Science & Technology Development Journal - Engineering and Technology, 2020
Short-term load forecasting has an extremely important role in the design, operation and planning of power system, especially on a power grid of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) - an active city has the highest power demand in Vietnam. Through the data survey, the load power in the HCMC area changes suddenly so that it causes disturbances in the load data. Accordingly, the reliability assessment of the load data will be essential in the processing stage of data-filtering before implementing load forecasting models. This study introduces a novel statistical data-filtering method that takes into account the reliability of the input-data source by analyzing many different confidence levels. Results of the proposed data-filtering method will be compared to previous data -iltering methods (such as Kalman, DBSCAN, Wavelet Transform and SSA filtering methods). The data source used in this study was collected from more than 50 substations uisng the SCADA system in Ho Chi Minh City's distribution...