Young People and the Labour Market (original) (raw)

Understanding age and the labour market

This report provides evidence about labour market outcomes in the UK for different age groups. Data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey is analysed using a generational approach, alongside evidence and policy reviews. The implications of an ageing society are explored, providing a significant contribution to a more evidenced-based debate on generational fairness. The report looks at: • a range of labour market indicators: economic activity, inactivity, unemployment and the composition of employment; • employment projections to 2022 by industry and occupation; • employer policy and practice, covering education and training, recruitment, non-standard working, job retention, progression and transition to retirement; and • national policies on education and training, age discrimination, redundancy, maternity and paternity support, childcare, flexible working, employee protection and pensions. CONTENTS Executive summary 1 Introduction 2 Data analysis 3 Evidence review 4 Policy review 5 Conclusions Notes References Appendix Acknowledgements About the authors List of figures 1 Economic activity rates by cohort 2 Economic activity rates for people with no qualifications by cohort 3 Unemployment rates by age cohort 4 Unemployment rates for people with no qualifications by age cohort 5 Employment rates by age cohort 6 The percentage of low-paid employees by age cohort 7 The percentage of part-time workers by cohort and gender 8 Percentage of employees in temporary work by cohort 9 Self-employment by age group, 1993-2013 10 Underemployment by age group, 1998-2013 11 The percentage of employees in low-status-occupation jobs by cohort 12 Change in employment by age and occupation, 2003-13, and projected total change in jobs, 2012-22 (millions) 13 Employment by broad industry sector, 1998-2013 (millions) 14 Proportion of low-paid workers in each sector, 2013 Understanding age and the labour market Alongside many workers wanting to work less, there is also an issue of underemployment, with a significant proportion of the workforce, particularly young people, wanting to work more hours. There is a mismatch between the part-time jobs available to many young people and their desire for full-time employment. Labour market progression is inhibited by working part-time, particularly for women with childcare responsibilities, and access to training is often limited for those working part-time, further limiting career development.

Domain: Labour market


Although employment participation of older workers and their timing of (early) retirement is often modelled as an individual-level decision, the opportunities for late career employment, and restrictions that older workers potentially face, are largely shaped by labour market contextual factors. These may include labour market regulations and policies, attitudes of employers, as well as other dynamics between employers and employees and/or their associations. Much of the research in this field focuses on the supply side of the labour market. That is, when and why older workers want to continue working, and what the effects of policy changes are on the supply side. Although growing in importance, there is less understanding of how employers' attitudes and behaviour affect employment participation rates of older workers. ↘ Older workers are less likely to lose their job than younger workers, but when they do, they are much less likely to find reemployment. When they do find reemployment, they are often faced with wage cuts. Some older workers move from unemployment into self-employment. ↘ Employers in countries with strong deferred compensation schemes, e.g. steep wage-tenure profiles or increasing wages with seniority, are less likely to hire older workers than employers in countries with more equal compensation schemes. ↘ Many companies employ, but do not hire older workers. That is, they hire them when they are young and employ them into old age, but they are much less likely to hire older workers out of the labour market. ↘ The opportunities for older workers to work past normal retirement age are very limited. Many countries do not have explicit policies for this, and employers appear very reluctant to offer these opportunities to older workers that wish to continue working. ↘ Self-employment is quite common among older workers. However, there are different reasons why people move into self-employment. Some choose this form of employment because they would like to remain active, possibly working part-time, after their career job. Meanwhile others move into self-employment because they cannot find employment with a decent income. ↘ Planned migration of older workers, e.g. to Southern Europe, or migration of immigrants back to their countries of origin can affect the timing of retirement and the transition into self-employment or bridge jobs. ↘ Early retirement provisions significantly shortened the employment participation of older workers in the past. Not only those wishing to retire early could afford to do so, also many of those with the intention to remain in the labour force could be pressured to leave by their employers. ↘ Most countries have, by now, implemented policies that largely discourage or prevent early retirement. In addition, most "alternative pathways" to early retirement, often covered by disability insurance funds or unemployment benefits, have been largely closed. This has effectively risen the retirement age in most countries. ↘ Given that the labour market is so complex, many of the studies have a rather limited focus, and often do The full version of this report is available on the project's website at: → understanding-employment This report is published as part of: → Hasselhorn HM, Apt W (2015) Understanding employment participation of older workers: Creating a knowledge base for future labour market challenges. Research Report.

Participation in the Labour Market - Generation Y and Other Age Groups

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014

The objective of the Europe 2020 strategy is to achieve the employment rate in 2020 on level of 75% for the European Union. Strategic objectives for the Member States are different. In Poland in 2020, the employment rate should reach 71%. Employment rates differs depending on age groups, gender and country in which it is measured. There are also many factors that mobilizing generations to maintain employment. These factors determine the level of employment rate. They also cause that determination of the participation of social groups in the labour market is a multi-dimensional task. The aim of the study is to examine the labour market participation of people from generation Y in comparisons to other age groups. People in this age group are guided by other values in lifestyle than older people. To achieve the objectives of the study were used statistical analysis methods adequate to the scale of measurement of factors observed on the labour market.

Report No. 53: Combining the Entry of Young People in the Labour Market with the Retention of Older Workers

Iza Research Reports, 2013

This study provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent developments during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no competition between young and older workers on the labour market. Structural or general policies to enhance the functioning of EU labour markets are crucial to improving the situation of both groups. However, the responsibility for employment policies still predominantly lies within Member States of the European Union, although initiatives taken at the EU level can provide added value, particularly through stimulating the exchange of experiences and facilitating regional and cross-border mobility throughout the EU.