Effect of ammonium sulfate and phosphogypsum application on nutrients dynamics and acidity of black soil (original) (raw)

Effect of long-term differentiated fertilization with farmyard manure and mineral fertilizers on the content of available forms of P, K and Mg in soil

Journal of Elemntology, 2009

The investigations were carried out in 20022005, on proper grey-brown podsoilic soil originating from light loam (class IIIa in the soil valuation system, very good rye complex), on the basis of a two-factor experiment established in 1986 according to the random block design with four replications. The arable horizon of the soil, before the experiment, was characterized by slightly acidic reaction (pH 1 mol KCl dm-3 was 6.2) and the concentrations of available nutrients were as follows: 100.0 mg K, 53.2 mg Mg and 41.3 mg P kg-1 of soil. Soil samples for chemical tests were collected from the arable layer after harvesting crops grown in a rotation: sugar beet, spring barley, maize and spring wheat. The content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium were determined by Egner-Riehm method (DL), and that of manganese using Schachtschabel's method. The purpose of the study has been to determine the influence of mineral fertilization with or without FYM on the content of available macronutrients in soil. The statistical analysis of the results have shown a significant influence of manure on the level of available P, K and Mg in the tested soil. When both FYM and mineral fertilizers were introduced to soil, its abundance in available magnesium was 2.6-fold higher than after mineral fertilization alone had been applied. FYM raised nearly 3-fold the content of available forms of potassium in soil compared to the content found when only mineral fertilization was used. ODDZIA£YWANIE WIELOLETNIEGO ZRÓ¯NICOWANEGO NAWO¯ENIA OBORNIKIEM I NAWOZAMI MINERALNYMI NA ZAWARTOOEAE PRZYSWAJALNYCH FORM P, K I Mg W GLEBIE Abstrakt W latach 2002-2005 prowadzono badania na glebie p³owej typowej wytworzonej z gliny lekkiej (klasa bonitacyjna IIIa, kompleks ¿ytni bardzo dobry) oparte na dwuczynnikowym dooewiadczeniu, za³o¿onym w 1986 r. metod¹ losowanych bloków w czterech powtórzeniach. Warstwa orna gleby przed rozpoczêciem badañ charakteryzowa³a siê odczynem lekko kwaoenym (pH 1 mol KCl⋅dm-3 wynosi³o 6,2), a zawartooeae przyswajalnych sk³adników pokarmowych kszta³towa³a siê na poziomie: 100,0 mg K; 53,2 mg Mg i 41,3 mg P⋅kg-1 gleby. Próbki gleby do analiz chemicznych pobierano z warstwy ornej po zbiorze rooelin uprawianych w zmianowaniu: burak cukrowy, jêczmieñ jary, kukurydza, pszenica jara. Zawartooeae przyswajalnych form fosforu i potasu oznaczono metod¹ Egnera-Riehma (DL), a magnezu me-tod¹ Schachtschabela. Celem badañ by³o okreoelenie wp³ywu nawo¿enia mineralnego stosowanego z obornikiem lub bez obornika na zawartooeae przyswajalnych makroelementów w glebie. Analiza statystyczna wyników wykaza³a istotny wp³yw obornika na zawartooeae przyswajanych form P, K i Mg w badanej glebie. Po zastosowaniu ³¹cznie obornika i nawozów mineralnych stwierdzono oerednio 2,4 razy wiêcej magnezu przyswajalnego oraz 2,6 razy wiêcej fosforu przyswajalnego w glebie w porównaniu z zawartooeci¹ okreoelon¹ po zastosowaniu nawo¿enia mineralnego. Nawo¿enie obornikiem spowodowa³o ponad 3-krotny wzrost zawartooeci przyswajalnych form potasu w glebie w porównaniu z zawartooeci¹ okreoelon¹ po nawo¿eniu mineralnym.

The Mineral Fertilizer-Dependent Chemical Parameters of Soil Acidification under Field Conditions


Soil acidification in agroecosystems is a natural process that could be accelerated, mainly by the inappropriate application of mineral fertilizers, or prevented, by sustainable management practices. On the basis of a three-year field study in a grassland agroecosystem, the impact of different rates of fertilization with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) on soil chemical parameters related to soil acidity was evaluated. It was found that high-rate fertilization with ammonium nitrate accelerated the soil acidification process, which was additionally intensified by the application of superphosphate and potassium salt. The sum of exchangeable base cations, the values of base saturation and hydrolytic acidity in the soil reflected the interactions between the applied NPK-fertilizer levels. Considering chemical parameters related to soil acidity studied in this experiment, it seems that the best strategies for mitigating soil acidification in grasslands are reducing nitrate...

Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium release from two compressed fertilizers: column experiments

Solid Earth, 2014

The objective of this work was to study nutrients release from two compressed nitrogen-potassiumphosphorous (NPK) fertilizers. In the Lourizán Forest Center, tablet-type controlled-release fertilizers (CRF) were prepared by compressing various mixtures of fertilizers without covers or binders. We used soil columns (50 cm long and 7.3 cm inner diameter) that were filled with soil from the surface layer (0-20 cm) of an A horizon corresponding to a Cambic Umbrisol. Tablets of two slow-release NPK fertilizers (11-18-11 or 8-8-16) were placed into the soil (within the first 3 cm), and then water was percolated through the columns in a saturated regime for 80 days. Percolates were analyzed for N, P, K + , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ . These elements were also determined in soil and fertilizer tablets at the end of the trials. Nutrient concentrations were high in the first leachates and reached a steady state when 1426 mm of water had been percolated, which is equivalent to approximately 1.5 years of rainfall in this geographic area. In the whole trial, both tablets lost more than 80 % of their initial N, P and K contents. However, K + , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ were the most leached, whereas N and P were lost in leachates to a lesser extent. Nutrient release was slower from the tablet with a composition of 8-8-16 than from the 11-18-11 fertilizer. In view of that, the 8-8-16 tablet can be considered more adequate for crops with a nutrient demand sustained over time. At the end of the trial, the effects of these fertilizers on soil chemical parameters were still evident, with a significant increase of pH, available Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , K + , P and effective cation exchange capacity (eCEC) in the fertilized columns, as well as a significant decrease in exchangeable Al 3+ , reaching values < 0.08 cmol (+) kg −1 .

The partitioning of fertilizer-N between soil and crop: Comparison of ammonium and nitrate applications

Plant and Soil, 1992

Field experiments were carried out in 1987 on winter wheat crops grown on three types of soil. 15NH4NO3 or NH415NO3 (80 kgN ha ~) was applied at tiUering. The soils (chalky soil, hydromorphic loamy soil, sandy clay soil) were chosen to obtain a range of nitrogen dynamics, particularly nitrification. Soil microbial N immobilization and crop N uptake were measured at five dates. Shortly after fertilizer application (0-26 days), the amount of N immobilized in soil were markedly higher with labelled urea or ammonium than that with nitrate in all soils. During the same period, crop tSN uptake occurred preferentially at the expense of nitrate. Nitrification differed little between soils, the rates were 2.0 to 4.7 kg N ha-1 day-~ at 9°C daily mean temperature. The differences in immobilization and uptake had almost disappeared at flowering and harvest. 15N recovery in soil and crop varied between 50 and 100%. Gaseous losses probably occurred by volatilization in the chalky soil S + and denitrification in the hydromorphic loamy soil. These losses affected the H 4 and NO 3 pools differently and determined the partitioning of fertilizer-N between immobilization and absorption. MISSION

Contribution to the Optimization of Phospho-Nitrogen Fertilization on a Durum Wheat Crop in Saline and Calcareous Soil

Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences

The soils of Algeria are generally poor in nitrogen and always pose the problem of the availability of available phosphorus especially in arid regions, where there is also the problem of salinity which is often accompanied by the presence of limestone. The present work aims to examine the optimization of phospho-nitrogen fertilization on a durum wheat crop in saline and carbonate conditions through the use of different types, forms and doses of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. The fertilizers used are: Urea(46%), triple super phosphate TSP(46%), simple super phosphate SSP(20%), Potassium Nitrate KNO 3 (13%), Monammonium phosphate MAP(12%, 61%), NPK(15%,15%,15%), NPK(20%,20%,20%), NPK(13%,40%,13%), NPK(30%,10%,10%), NPK(4%,20%,25%), combined with three doses (D1=150U N and P ha-1 , D2=200U N and P ha-1 and D3=250U N and P ha-1). The results obtained show that phospho-nitrogen fertilization has a very important effect on the parameters studied. Indeed, we notice that the best results are obtained by compound fertilizers, height of the plants: (HP) =MAP and NPK(15%,15%,15%) (250U ha-1) and (KNO 3-SSP) (150U ha-1), yield and its components: Number of grains ear-1 (NG E-1) =NPK(13%,40%,13%) (250U ha-1), 1000 grains weight (TGW) =NPK(4%,20%,25%) (250U ha-1), grain Yield (GY) =NPK(13%,40%,13%) (250U ha-1) and NPK(15%,15%,15%) (150U/ha), straw yield (SY) =NPK(15%,15%,15%) (250U ha-1) and (KNO 3-SSP) (150U ha-1). However the highest nitrogen and phosphorus content of the grains is obtained by simples fertilizers, N= (Urea-SSP) with the dose (200 and 250 U ha-1), and P = (Urea-TSP) with the dose (150U ha-1). It is noted that the NPK(15%,15%,15%) fertilizer was able to give better grain and straw yields with the lowest dose as well as obtaining the best plant height and better straw yield with the lowest dose of (KNO 3-SSP) fertilizer.

A complex assessment of mineral fertilizers with humic substances in an agroecosystem of acid soil


This study aimed to evaluate the impact of total humic extract (THE) and complex mineral fertilizer N 5 P 15 K 25 enriched with humic substances (HS) 0.5% on moraine loam soil properties and crop productivity. The field experiment was performed in Western Lithuania (55°43ʹ N, 21°27ʹ E) at Vėžaičiai Branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2015-2017. Experimental object: THE 16.5%, which contains 13.2% humic acids, 3.3% fulvic acids and 5.5% potassium oxide (K 2 O), and complex mineral fertilizer N 5 P 15 K 25 enriched with HS 0.5% consisting of humic and fulvic acids. The soil of the experimental site was moraine loam Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol. The experiment included the following treatments: 1) unfertilized (control), 2) NPK + THE 20 L ha-1 , 3) NPK traditional, 4) NPK 400 kg ha-1 with HS 0.5% and 5) NPK 200 kg ha-1 with HS 0.5%. The experimental data indicated that the application of NPK + THE 20 L ha-1 or complex mineral fertilizers NPK 400 and 200 kg ha-1 with HS 0.5% additives tend to mitigate moraine loam soil acidification and to contribute more to the formation of water-stable aggregates in the topsoil compared with NPK traditional. The both rates of mineral NPK fertilizers enriched with HS 0.5% significantly (by 1.8-2.1 times) increased the content of water-soluble phosphates in the topsoil compared with unfertilized soil. The highest amount of water-extractable organic carbon and the greatest soil biological activity were determined in the soil after incorporation of 400 and 200 kg ha-1 of mineral fertilizers enriched with HS 0.5%. In terms of crop yield, soil enrichment by mineral fertilizers (400 and 200 kg ha-1) with HS 0.5% additives and by the NPK + THE 20 L ha-1 was superior to NPK traditional fertilization.

Influence of Soil Fertilization Systems on Chemical Properties of the Soil

Revista de Chimie, 2020

The purpose of this research has been to determine the influence of soil fertilizations systems (fertilization with: nitrogen, phosphorous, nitrogen and phosphorous, farmyard manure) on the chemical properties (magnesium, aluminium, potassium, calcium, iron and chlorine) of the soil. The experiments have been carried out in the experimental field of National Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Fundulea, Romania, for a wheat monoculture. The lowest values of the metal content in soil (aluminium) have been recorded for wheat experimental variant - fertilized with azote and phosphorous N90P75 (154.8 mg/kg d.m.).Chlorine have the highest content in soil (31.02 mg/100 g soil, 15-30 cm working depth, parcel fertilized with azote 90 kg N/ha) in comparation with the other chemical properties of the soil (content of magnesium, aluminium, potassium, calcium and iron). Keywords: magnesium, aluminium, potassium, calcium, iron, chlorine, farmyard manure, wheat, monoculture


Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2011

Crop production capacity is greatly influenced by soil quality. Soil quality is determined by physical and chemical characteristics, some of which may or may not be economically controlled. Chemical characteristics that influenced soil quality are: soil reaction, exchange capacity, organic matter and essential plant nutrients content. In general if physical characteristics are satisfactory, chemical properties can be modify by adequate use of mineral fertilizers, manure, green manure plow downs and other organic additives. Improper fertilization contributes to soil infertility. Over- fertilization increases salinity in the soil and inhibits plant uptake for some nutrients. Under- fertilization fails to replace macro- and micro- nutrients previously removed by plants and environmental actions. A special importance should be given to the type of fertilizer to be applied. The aim of this paper is to monitories the changes of soil chemical properties like soil reaction, cationic exchang...