HRVATSKI POVJESNIČAR FERDO ŠIŠIĆ I BUGARI / Croatian Historian Ferdo Šišić and the Bulgarians (original) (raw)

2024, HRVATI I BUGARI. Diplomacija, politika, kultura i znanost ХЪРВАТИ И БЪЛГАРИ. Дипломация, политика, култура и наука Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog povodom 30. obljetnice uspostave diplomatskih odnosa između Republike Bugarske i Republike Hrvatske, te 25. obljetnice uspostave znanstve...

U radu se analiziraju izvori koji govore o osobnom interesu hrvatskog povjesničara i intelektualca Ferde Šišića za Bugare i bugarsku povijest. Građa, koja se nalazi u njegovoj ostavštini u Arhivu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, obuhvaća korespondenciju bugarskog povjesničara, medievista Vasila Zlatarskog upućena Šišiću, a ostalo se sastoji od objavljenog materijala, odnosno novinskih tekstova bugarske tematike, ali i od neobjavljene rukopisne građe. Iako se radi o jednom malom segmentu Šišićeve obimne arhivske ostavštine, ono ipak svjedoči o stavu jednog od najuglednijih hrvatskih povjesničara međuratnog razdoblja, čije su formativne godine obilježene slavenofilskom južnoslavenskom idejom, prema Bugarima i Bugarskoj. / The paper analyzes sources dealing with the personal interests of the Croatian historian and intellectual Ferdo Šišić in Bulgarians and Bulgarian history. The material contained in his legacy in the Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts includes the correspondence of the Bulgarian historian, medievist Vasil Zlatarski, addressed to Šišić, and the other part consists of published material, i.e., newspaper articles, as well as unpublished manuscript material with Bulgarian issues. So far unexplored, the correspondence with Zlatarski, deals with the meeting of two related and very similar historiographies. Medievalist and byzantologist Vasil N. Zlatarski was one of the most prominent Bulgarian historians of the older generation, and knowing the scientific profile of Šišić and Zlatarski, mutual communication was natural. As a result of this scholarly cooperation, Zlatarski was accepted as a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy in 1929. He also participated in the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Franjo Rački in Zagreb. On the other side, Šišić participated in the 4th International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Sofia, chaired by Zlatarski in 1934, and was accepted into the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1939. Related to this participation is the medal that Šišić received from Bulgarian Emperor Boris III, as well as his admission to the Bulgarian Historical Society. In addition to the contacts between Šišić and Zlatarski, Šišić’s affection for Bulgarians can also be seen in his texts, published in the daily press, chapters of his books, and lectures that he gave at the university, which dealt with the history of the Bulgarian people. It should be emphasized that his South Slavic and Yugoslav orientation is reflected in all his papers. Although it is a small segment of Šišić’s extensive archival legacy, it nevertheless testifies to the attitude of one of the most respected Croatian historians of the interwar period, whose formative years were marked by the Slavophile South Slavic idea, towards the Bulgarians and Bulgaria.