3BI-ECC: a Decentralized Identity Framework Based on Blockchain Technology and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (original) (raw)
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An Innovative and Decentralized Identity Framework Based on Blockchain Technology
2021 11th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)
Network users usually need a third party validation to prove that they are who they claim to be. Authentication systems mostly assume the existence of a Trusted Third Party (TTP) in the form of a Certificate Authority (CA) or as an authentication server. However, relying on a TTP implies that users do not directly manage their identities, but delegate this role to a third party. This intrinsic issue can generate trust concerns (e.g., identity theft), as well as privacy concerns towards the third party. The main objective of this research is to present an autonomous and independent solution where users can store their self created credentials without depending on TTPs. To this aim, the use of an TTP autonomous and independent network is needed, where users can manage and assess their identities themselves. In this paper, we propose the framework called Three Blockchains Identity Management with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (3BI-ECC). With our proposed framework, the users' identities are self-generated and validated by their owners. Moreover, it allows the users to customize the information they want to share with third parties.
Blockchain, the technology behind most cryptocurrencies that exist today, offers a paradigm shifting technology that has the potential to transform the way that we record and verify events on the Internet. By offering a decentralized, immutable, community verified record of transactions, regardless of what these transactions represent, blockchain technology promises to transform many industries. In this paper, we provide a survey of this very important technology and discuss its possible use-cases and its effect on society. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the current state-of-the-art in the blockchain world both in terms of technology and social impact.
Applications of Blockchain Technology beyond Cryptocurrency
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 2018
Blockchain (BC), the technology behind the Bitcoin crypto-currency system, is considered to be both alluring and critical for ensuring enhanced security and (in some implementations, non-traceable) privacy for diverse applications in many other domains-including in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Intensive research is currently being conducted in both academia and industry applying the Blockchain technology in multifarious applications. Proof-of-Work (PoW), a cryptographic puzzle, plays a vital rôle in ensuring BC security by maintaining a digital ledger of transactions, which is considered to be incorruptible. Furthermore, BC uses a changeable Public Key (PK) to record the users' identity, which provides an extra layer of privacy. Not only in cryptocurrency has the successful adoption of BC been implemented but also in multifaceted non-monetary systems such as in: distributed storage systems, proof-of-location, healthcare, decentralized voting and so forth. Recent research articles and projects/applications were surveyed to assess the implementation of BC for enhanced security, to identify associated challenges and to propose solutions for BC enabled enhanced security systems.
Possibilities for applying blockchain technology – a survey
Informatica, 2021
The blockchain technology has the potential to be applied in a variety of areas of our daily life. From the original Bitcoin cryptocurrency to the current smart contracts, the blockchain has been applied to many domains. Its numerous applications result in much ongoing research in different practical and scientific areas. This new technology is being seen as a revolutionary solution in finance, decentralization, trust, identity, data ownership and data-driven decisions. This paper presents the novel solutions associated with some of the big data areas that can be empowered by the blockchain technology such as healthcare, decentralized personal data protection, digital property, Internet of Things, digital identity, financial services and infrastructure, e-commerce, educational records, educational system, knowledge sharing, insurance, food industry, accounting, auditing and e-voting. Blockchain technology could be used in electronic health records and the establishment and maintenance of birth registers, deaths, marriages, registration of business activities, but also in the organization of elections. The features of this technology can be the redefinition of Internet 3.0 defined as a new type of decentralized infrastructure or network of networks. Povzetek: Pregledni članek prikazuje možnosti uporabe tehnologij veriženja.
Application of blockchain technology
it - Information Technology
The blockchain technology foremost known in 2008 as the underlying technology of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is a technology which was first introduced by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta [1] in 1991 as a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. Their basic idea was to implement a system in which document timestamps could not be corrupted. This idea was extended [2] in 1992 with the so called Merkle trees accepting different certificates to be collected into one block. Despite its earlier roots, the breakthrough of the blockchain technology only came 17 years later in 2008 whenSatoshiNakamoto (a pseudonymusedby an individual or a group of peoples) published the paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” [3]. The basic architecture of theBitcoinblockchain is a confluenceof three basic technologies as of cryptography, peer-2-peer systems and consensus mechanisms [4]. In the light of this, it is more likely that “Satoshi Nakamoto” is a group of people coordinating the knowledge of these three fields of research rather than a single genius experienced in all these fields. Inspired by the success of Bitcoin, a lot of systems attempting tomimic Bitcoin’s success appeared, with Litecoin (2011) [5], Ripple (2012) [6], or Monero (2014) [7] as only a few1 of the more well-known examples. Also, the Hyperledger project (2015) [8] of the Linux foundation as an umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, which started in 2015 should be mentioned here. Because the Bitcoin architecture is based on a simple Forth-like scripting language called Script [9] which is not Turing complete, it has no great flexibility and is therefore mainly restricted to money transfer. Moreover, there are other shortcomings like power wastage for consensus building [10], transaction fees which are not acceptable for micro payments and data exchange in the Internet-ofThings (IoT) context, and last but not least the storage of
The Use of Blockchain Technology in Identity Storage and Management
Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series, 2020
Evolvement of Blockchain following the introduction of the internet has thrown up many issues and its application across the broad spectrum of human activities, among which is full-proof identity management system. The current centralized data system of national identity services is replete with a whole gamut of operational risks for parties involved due to the issue of trust and lack of safeguards to protect the system from being compromised or hacked. Decentralized identity management system is a solution to the challenges, adopting a user-focused approach that gives full control of an identity back to the individual; and using Nigerian's National Identity Management System as a case study, a blockchain technology-based identity management system is proposed. Prototypes for identity construction, alteration, certification and reporting are presented. Cyber-attackdeterrence and developing of smart contract protocol model for identity management, as well as attribute disclosure ...
Blockchain Technology and its Use Cases
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Blockchain is a disruptive core technology that has the potential to change the internet as we know it, forever. Transactions on blockchain are completely decentralised. Although , we can say it is its very crucial property that we need over traditional second generation web aka web2.0. In this research, we had discussed about the fundamentals, working principles, and upcoming future use cases to get a stable, privacy oriented working. We explored the top articles, most productive countries, top most education sources to do evaluation on the future use cases of blockchain in day to day life. In this paper, we will get knowledge about the top most advantages of blockchain over previous technology. Architecture of blockchain like nodes & networks are also discussed in this paper. We had discussed the core principles of decentralisation, distributed database ledgers: bill book type management to store all activities & transaction, cryptography: to protect the system from unethical activities. Cryptography derived or explains the us concepts of proof of work (POW) and proof of stake (POS). These concepts increases the trust and productivity on the blockchain. We will discuss about all types of security practices like Hashing, Private keys, Consensus: inspector of modern blockchains, architecture (nodes & network) etc. At last we will discussed the future use cases of blockchain.
Use of Blockchain in Strenghening Cybersecurity And Protecting Privacy
International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems, 2018
The purpose of this study is to highlight and prove the positive impact in which blockchain could have on today's IoT environment in terms of providing Cybersecurity for not just organizations, but other individuals who share data via the internet. The current IoT environs operates on a centralized cloud based server, meanwhile block chain operates on a decentralized server. The differentiation between the both plays a major role in the level of security they both provide; whereby, decentralized systems are less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and centralized ones are not. In this report, real life illustrations are used to justify the knowledge that the block chain security could serve as a saving grace for internet users. Also, this form of security seems to be the only way to eradicate all forms of insecurity in supply chain and IoT breaches for businesses. An in depth understanding on how the block chain system operates would show why it's held with such high hopes and how it can be beneficial for a wide range of industries. However, this research also highlights some difficulties that might arise in implementing the block chain system. It also gives ways in which the system can be gradually implemented. Firstly, the government needs to make it mandatory for businesses that deal with national based confidential data to implement block chain in their supply chain system to boost security. Secondly, top company officials like C.E. O's need to take genuine interest in the block chain technology by investing in its development and making it a part of employee training, which in the long run would benefit the economy and business in return. Thirdly, a merge of more public and private businesses would help push the use of block chain further. Lastly, the government should make the block chain technology easily accessible, making the official permission to implement-easy and cost effective.
Blockchain Technology : A Tool to Secure Data
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021
Data security is the key to the development of modern Internet technology. The distributed, decentralized, and secured hashed mechanism of the blockchain gives a complete new point of view for the evolution of data security technology. Block chain technology is one of the major technological innovations of this century. In the last couple of years, the interest around blockchain technologies is increasing. Many implementation of blockchain technology are widely available today. Blockchain,the foundation of Bitcoin, has gain much attention in this era. Blockchain is an encrypted, immutable, distributed ledger, which allows transactions take place in a decentralized manner. Blockchain based applications expected to alter numerous fields including financial services, health care, entertainment media, Internet of Things (IoT), and many more. The Blockchain technology plays important role in the process of data security. In this paper, we will discuss about the research being done on this new domain of Computer Science. It is not only the most popular topic to discuss about, but is the most technological innovation, that is all set to reform the entire world.
Blockchain is a technological concept which evolves from the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and disrupts constantly enlarging areas of economy. The concept of blockchain is developing, and while the future of Bitcoin remains unclear (as it is for the most elements of the economy) it is evident that the blockchain holds enormous potential for large-scale improvements. However, being a technology that could decrease significance many of today's large global corporations, institutions and power structures which have keen interest in preserving established hierarchies, its potential could well remain unexploited. This paper aims to introduce and present the concept of blockchain and its current applications in logistics and supply networks. Blockchain technology promises overpowering trust issues and allowing trustless, secure and authenticated system of logistics and supply chain information exchange in supply networks. The new implementations within supply chain are shifting from blockchain to a wider notion of distributed ledger technologies. Paper presents description and rationale behind current and possible future applications of blockchain in logistics and supply chain.