Secure Location Verification for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (original) (raw)

A Survey of Attacks and Detection Mechanisms on Intelligent Transportation Systems: VANETs and IoV

—Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have become one of the most promising and fastest growing subsets of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). They are comprised of smart vehicles and roadside units (RSU) which communicate through unreliable wireless media. By their very nature, they are very susceptible to attacks which may result in life-endangering situations. Due to the potential for serious consequences, it is vital to develop security mechanisms in order to detect such attacks against VANETs. This paper aims to survey such possible attacks and the corresponding detection mechanisms that are proposed in the literature. The attacks are classified and explained along with their effects, and the solutions are presented together with their advantages and disadvantages. An evaluation and summary table which provides a holistic view of the solutions surveyed is also presented.

A Survey on Anonymous Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Eighth Sense Research Group

ABSTRACT Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) use anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and routes from outside observers in order to provide anonymity protection. Existing anonymous routing protocols relay on hop by hop encryption or redundant traffic by generation high cost. The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs. Existing anonymous routing protocols provides full anonymity for the data sources, destinations, routing path with increased cost, delay .It consumes the bandwidth of the network. In proposed multicast routing scheme, the network field is partitioned into multicast zones and each zone has a zone head. The data packets will be transferred through the nodes which satisfies the position verification test and the zones through with the packet is transferred is dynamic. Routing misbehavior is mitigated using witness nodes. The proposed system is evaluated in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. Keywords- MANET, Packet delivery ratio, delay.

In Depth Analysis of Attacks & Countermeasures in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

A vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) communication is becoming an important and popular research factor in the wireless networking. It has the potential to improve road safety and travelers comfort. VANETs are distributed, self-organizing communication networks built by moving vehicles. Its differ from MANET by their architecture, characteristics and applications as well as some sort of security issues. A vehicular ad hoc network (VANETs) is very important factor for improving the road safety and comforting of the travelers. Recently VANETs have emerged to turn the attention of researchers in the field of wireless and mobile communications; they differ from MANET by their architecture, characteristics and applications as well as some sort of security issues which make them to the deployment stage, potential security and privacy issues must be addressed. It's associate spontaneous network for the longer term Intelligent Transport System (ITS) sensible progress achieved by the investigator on study of Vehicular Ad hoc Network. However some challenges and problems still here for analysis is to be like communication, security, application, stimulation, verification and services. These solutions is classified into Public-Key Approaches, Symmetric; Hybrid Approaches and ID based mostly having the aim to construct a strong security framework for VANETs and thereby stop security attacks considerately to adapt with specific options of VANETs. In this paper we have a tendency to present the maximum aspects alongside the comparison associated with this field to assist researchers and developers to know and distinguish the most surrounding VANET in one solid document, while not the necessity to travel through different relevant papers and articles preliminary from VANET architecture by gaging up with the improving productivity of node compromise attack in vehicular Ad hoc network using Connected Dominating Set recommended general algorithmic program, that promotes the attacking productivity by destroying the network backbone and Analysis of Novel & Empirical Methods Explained Attacks & Countermeasures in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network.


One of the most promising and exciting areas of communication technology is Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). It enables vehicles to communicate among and between each other and fixed infrastructures, and, to provide a safe and enjoyable driving experience. However, VANETs are very susceptible to attacks that could easily be evasive due to its dynamic topology, and, resulting in very dramatic results in traffic. To develop a suitable security solution for VANETs, it must first be understand how such attacks could affect the network. Therefore, this study analyzes four different types of attacks against two popular routing protocols (AODV, GPSR) in VANETs. All attacks, blackhole, dropping, flooding, and bogus information, were implemented on two real maps having low and high density. The results clearly show how attacks could severely affect communication and, the need for security solutions for such highly dynamic networks.

An Extensive Analysis of the Security Challenges of VANET (V2V-Communication) and its possible solutions

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V) is the process of transmitting data wirelessly between vehicles. By relaying the information about location and speed data between vehicles is via an ad hoc network is the primary aim of V2V communication. This communication takes place over an ADHOC mesh.V2V communication is thought to be the better alternative for the current vehicular(original equipment manufacturer: OEM) embedded systems which have features like adaptive cruise control, rear parking sonar and backup camera because the V2V technology enables an ubiquitous 360-degree awareness of surrounding threats. With the further advancement of the v2v communication many security flaws were found. The best way to analyze these flaws would be through a bi-directionally coupled simulation environment made of OMNET/SUMO, ns2 /SUMO, etc. Many possible attacks like botnet, GHOST, congestion etc. are being used to exploit the system every day, which can be simulated and studied in the simulated environment. In the starting we discuss about the general VANET characteristics, in the second part we discuss about all the existing flaws with which the system can be attacked and in the third and last part we discuss about the solutions to those problems and how the present conditions can be improved through the implementation.

[IJCST-V3I3P45]: Pankaj Singh Chouhan, Brajesh K. Shrivash, Priya Pathak

ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANETs) is a dynamic remote system where the nodes move arbitrarily with no infrastructure. VANETs are an open transmission and correspondence media with no security system. The principle objective of VANET is to give communication between vehicles without bargaining security. Controlling the activity and recognizing getting into mischief (malicious) vehicles assumes an essential part in roads wellbeing. A vehicle can be characterized as malicious in the event that it doesn't send affirmation to a trusted power authority or if the pace of the vehicle all of a sudden changes or in the event that its enlistment restoration time terminates. Such malicious vehicles must be disengaged and ought none to be permitted to take an interest in the system further. Security is a noteworthy sympathy toward secured correspondence between mobile nodes. We apply Direct Security Approach Based on Trust Management by utilizing Perron–Frobenius Theorem for registering trust in the VANET environment. Firstly the trust is figured by the node or vehicle on the sort of messages it got from exchange nodes. It sends the figured trust quality to the RSU. The RSU of course figure the estimation of trust and examine the learned regard and got trust regard from the node if the match is found it. It Sends Affirmation messages towards the nodes. In like manner, if match is not discovered it sends a (uncertain) false message to the node that the Message it got is not authenticate. Node then sends an Answer message to other neighbour node about the misdirection of the message and the id of the node from which it got this message. AODV was examined utilizing the execution measurements Packet delivery ratio, End to End delay, Throughput, Dense environment to demonstrate that it accomplishes the objectives introduced. The simulation is performed by using the NS2 tool. Keywords:- Eigen Value, OBU, RSU, NS-2, Malicious Node, Trust Value, Ranking.


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