History and portraits in fracture treatment (original) (raw)

2015, Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica

Dur ing the hu man his tory there were many attempts to treat frac tures and in ju ries of ex trem ities. Since Mathijsen and his plas ter cast there was many at tempts to make im mo bi li za tion at the frac ture site, to pro tect ob tained re duc tion. Hugh Owen Thomas in vent trac tion which greatly decrease mor tal ity in the pa tients with fem o ral fractures dur ing the war. Ex ter nal fix a tion was used from the time of Malgaigne, Lambote, Parkhill in 19 th cen tury, and An der son, Hofmann, Ilizarov in 20 th century. This kind of frac ture fix a tion still has place and role in the treat ment of open, com pound frac tures, and in the pa tients with mul ti ple frac tures. Along with in ven tion of antisepsis, an ti bi ot ics, X-rays, ant met al lurgy, the in ter nal fix a tion be come widely used, from the Lane,s plate at the be gin ning of 20 th cen tury to the biogredable ma te ri als and new de signed in ternal de vices. Spe cial prob lem of hip frac ture treat ment was solved by fix a tion dated from Hey Groves, Smith Petersen, while intramedullary fix a tion of long bones was in tro duced by Kuntscher. Clin i cal and biomechanical in ves ti ga tion dur ing the 1950 and 1960 was es tab lished by mem bers of AO group. Key words: frac ture fix a tion, in ter nal fix a tion, ex ter nal fix a tion, his tory This pa per is sup ported by funs-pro ject num ber 175095 and 450005 Min is try of sci ence, Re pub lic of Ser bia.