The experiences of mothers of infants born prematurely (original) (raw)
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La prematuridad es una problemática que seencuentra en aumento a nivel mundial. En Argentina8 de cada 100 bebés nacen antes de tiempo,de ahí la importancia de sensibilizar a la poblaciónsobre este tema. Para la logoterapia lamotivación básica y propia del ser humano es suorientación fundamental hacia el sentido, es decir,el encontrar y descubrir un porqué y paraqué. Tener en cuenta la dimensión existencial dela persona es una forma de acercarnos al problema.Por tal motivo el objetivo del trabajo que seinforma fue relacionar el sentido de vida develadopor las madres de niños que se encuentran internadosen Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales(UCIN) debido a su nacimiento prematurocon dos factores; por un lado con la capacidad queellas mismas refieren para informarse adecuadamenteacerca de la situación de su hijo y por elotro, con su vinculación con situaciones límite vividasdurante el embarazo. Se realizó un estudioexperimental con 30 madres de niños prematurosque han pasado por u...
[Bioethical aspects in the care of extremely preterm infants]
Archivos argentinos de pediatría, 2008
The survival rate of extremely preterm infants improved over the last years as a result of a better prenatal and neonatal care mainly due to a greater use of antenatal steroids, appropriate management in the delivery room and in the initial care, surfactant therapy, and better modalities of assisted ventilation. However, this improvement in survival has not been associated with an equal reduction in morbidity. In fact, the frequency of bronchopulmonary displasia, sepsis, poor growth, and neurological disorders in the future may have increased. The purpose of this article is to examine, from a bioethical point of view, different aspects in perinatal care at the threshold of viability.
Introduction: preterm birth is a public health problem due to its high incidence. It can be extremely preterm, very preterm and late preterm, according to the gestational age. The late preterm birth is the most prevalent subgroup. Objective: identify the early complications and the long-term morbidity that more frequently have been related with preterm born between 34 and 36 weeks/6 days of pregnancy. Methods: thematic review. An electronic search was carried out in databases Pubmed, Science direct, EBSCOhost and Scielo. There were considered articles published since January, 1997 to December, 2012 in Spanish and English. Obstetric texts also were reviewed. Results: 50 of 300 identified articles achieved the aim of the review. The most common complications that had an early presentation were: hospital re-entry, respiratory problems, suction defects, hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia. The most frequent late complications were: cerebral palsy, mental retardation, psychological and psychiatric disorders, mainly schizophrenia and depressive disorders. The late preterm births present 10% of the neonatal mortality. Conclusions: late preterm births present higher morbidity than those full-term births. It is not recommended to finish the pregnancy between 34 and 36 weeks without the adequate indication. Rev.Cienc.Biomed. 2012;4(1): 134-141
Actitudes de madres adultas y adolescentes hacia la crianza de bebés prematuros
Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y Desarrollo, 2017
Introducción: Un nacimiento prematuro trae consigo la interrupción de la temprana relación madre-hijo, que influye en la formación del apego o en las actitudes hacia la crianza y se convierten en una situación de especial vulnerabilidad. Objetivo: Determinar las actitudes de madres adultas y adolescentes hacia la crianza de bebés prematuros. Método: Estudio de corte transversal, con muestra no probabilística de 204 madres de bebés prematuros. La información se recolectó entre agosto y diciembre del 2013 en Bucaramanga, a través del Inventario de Paternidad para Adultos y Adolescentes, conformado por cuatro dimensiones relacionadas con las expectativas inadecuadas, falta de empatía, la creencia en el castigo físico y la inversión del rol materno, que miden el riesgo de negligencia en el cuidado. Se utilizó el programa Stata versión 12R, para el procesamiento y análisis de la información. Resultados: Las madres tanto adolescentes como adultas no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente ...
Expectativas de crianza en madres de recién nacidos a término y pretérmino
Introduccion: cuando la mujer vive la experiencia del nacimiento de un hijo se ve enfrentada a una serie de tareas nuevas relacionadas con el rol de madre;el nivel de seguridad que ella tenga en el inicio de su maternidad puede estar fuertemente ligado a su vision de futuro en la forma de criar a su hijo. Objetivo: determinar las expectativas de crianza en madres de recien nacidos a termino y pretermino. Metodos: estudio de corte transversal realizado durante septiembre de 2013 y enero de 2014. Muestra no probabilistica, conformada por 340 madres: 162 (47,65 %) madres de recien nacidos a termino y 178 (52, 35 %) madres de recien nacidos pretermino, nacidos en Bucaramanga (Colombia). La informacion se recolecto mediante el Inventario de Paternidad para Adultos y Adolescentes. Se utilizo el programa Stata version 12R para el procesamiento y analisis de la informacion segun instructivo. Resultados: el grupo de madres de recien nacidos pretermino presentaron mejores expectativas de cria...
Vivencias De Las Madres Con Recién Nacidos Prematuros, Hospital Regional Docente De Trujillo 2013
This research " Experiences of mothers with preterm infants Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital in 2013 " was aimed to understand the relationships , causes and effects that may arise from the study , so that their clarification allows us to obtain relevant criteria that support and / or accompanying mothers with Newborns ( RN) Premature To conduct this research, the methodological design was used , it was based on a qualitative approach , noting the problem of phenomenological way , which yielded knowledge about the phenomenon under study , which was achieved through the analysis of discourses obtained voluntarily from mothers of preterm infants . Pain , Guilt , support in their religious beliefs, Impotence , Suffering , Joy On The Birth Of His Son, Fear , Feeling Of Separation And Hope: An analysis of the data obtained the following categories . To respond to this approach, the central question that guided the empirical research in this research was what feelings arose i...
[Maternal factors associated to prematurity]
Ginecologia Y Obstetricia De Mexico, 2008
Background: Prematurity is the main cause of morbidity-mortality in developed countries newborns, and it is responsible of most none malformed newborn deaths, and half congenital neurological disability. Objective: To determine the association between socio-economic, demographic, and obstetric maternal history, evolution of pregnancy, and premature delivery. Material and method: A cohort of live newborns was studied at Centro Médico Nacional Ignacio García Téllez since January 1st 2000 to December 31st 2004, with birth weight of 500 g or higher. Premature newborns were considered cases and those with 37 weeks of gestational age or more were controls. Prematurity prevalence was compared with and without risk factors. For each studied history it was calculated odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and attributed fraction in exposed and in population. Results: Prematurity rate observed was 11.9% (3,018/25,355). Most remarkable risk factors associated with prematurity are: illiterate mother (OR 1.54; 95% CI; 1.2-1.94), single mother, 36 years old or more (OR 1.81; 95% CI; 1.56-2.09), history of preterm delivery (OR 2.21; 95% CI; 1.54-3.16), multifetal pregnancy, obstetric morbidity (preeclampsia/eclampsia; OR 7.9; 95% CI; 6.6-9.4), gestational diabetes (OR 2.3; 95% CI; 1.75-2.92), urinary tract (OR 1.8; 95% CI; 1.56-1.96) and vaginal infection, premature rupture of membranes, oligohydramnios, polihydramnios (OR 4.48; 95% CI; 3.04-6.6), placenta previa, and abruptio placentae (OR 9.96; 95% CI; 5.62-17.7). There was not a gestational risk factor in 43% (1302/3018) of preterm deliveries. Conclusions: Premature rupture of membranes and maternal morbidity during pregnancy were the most important risk factors of prematurity.