تصحيح مظاهر الانحراف في فهم الحديث الشريف حَدِيْثُ رسول اللهQ: [ اختلاف أمتي رحمة ] مَوْضُوْعَاً دِرَاسَةٌ تَحْقِيْقِيَّةٌ فِي ضَوءِ المنْهَجِ التَّحْلِيْلِي (original) (raw)
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Sīāqāt al-lūġah wa al-dīrasāẗ al-baīnīah, 2023
The historical novel seeks to historical documentation by relying on history as a basic material for the work of fiction by presenting historical incidents that have already occurred, through which the birth of new incidents that will occur in the future is anticipated and evoked, and the political reality represents an essential element for the movement and direction of the compass of the various paths of society, and from this point of view the novel «hot places» can be considered one of the historical novels that tried to approach the political reality in Iraq for a century Beginning with the Ottoman governments and the subsequent British occupation and successive governments. The study attempts to approach Iraq's contemporary political history in the light of this novel by standing at cultural patterns-especially political ones-that affect reality through their various manifestations in cultural, social and other dimensions through the approach of cultural criticism.
تتكلم الرسالة عن الأصول المختلف فيها بين المنتسبين للسنة والجماعة أو ما يسمى بـ :" اهل السنة" . جاء البحث تحت عنوان أصول أهل السنة دراسة مقارنة بين الأشاعرة والحنابلة والمتصوفة، لحصر وتحديد أصول أهل السنة المختلف فيها ودراستها.ومن ثم معرفة الرأي الصواب في هذه الأصول المختلفة. وكان من نتائج البحث أن الأصول المختلف فيها في الفكر السني أربعة فأولها وأكبرها مسألة الصفات في الصفات الخبرية وصفة الكلام وقد كان فيها موقفان واضحان،وان موقف الحنابلة هو الأصل و الأولى لكن موقف المتصوفة والأشاعرة ليس خطئا،وأما ثاني المسائل فوجوب المعرفة والنتيجة فيها جواز أي طريق موصل للتعرف على الله،وثالثها خبر الواحد والنتيجة أن خبر الواحد إذا احتف بقرائن هو المقبول في العقائد،ورابعها علاقة الإيمان بالعمل وثمرة هذا الخلاف في حكم تارك الصلاة.كما تناول البحث موقف أهل السنة من أهم ثلاث مسائل في التصوف المحسوب على السنة وهي الكشف الصوفي والحقيقة المحمدية ووحدة الوجود.
Waqāʾiʿ Tārīẖiyyaẗ, 2023
This topic discusses one of the serious criminal societal issues that threatened the security and stability of the Egyptian society during the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods, and touched its Islamic values and moral rules, which is "kidnapping of children in Egypt during the Ayyubid and Mamluk eras", by identifying its causes and motives, and those responsible for that crime, And the most important methods and methods adopted, and government policies taken by the Egyptian authorities towards the kidnappers, and the result of that on society and the family.
Hadith Mursal are hadith whose validity is still disputable as legitimation among scholars, since they fall to category of hadith dho’if (weak). Therefrom, several scholars argued that we might use them for hujjah mutlaq ( absolute argumentation), while some others said it might be wiser not to use them at all. Yet there is also another opinions which said it could be used under special conditions. Based on this, this study aims to uncover and shed light the disagreements above scientifically, as well as to find he differences and the influence of the jurisprudence of law-making (fiqh). Then, the researchers sought to raise a strong opinion based on the arguments presented in the thesis, so that the researchers and or anyone who wants to practice the Hadith Mursal can understand it properly. In this research, the author applied literature study method (qualitative), by collecting various references associated with the object of the research, and then reviewing, analyzing also compar...
الإطارُ المَرجعيُّ لِلكَفاءَةِ اللُّغويّة لحِلْفِ شَمالِ الأَطلَسِيّ - عَرضٌ وتَحليلٌ
İstanbul journal of arabic studies, 2020
This paper presents a review and analysis of the NATO Language Proficiency Framework, known as STANAG 6001. This framework was published for the first time in 1976, based on the Interagency Language Roundtable, known as ILR. Since then, the STANAG 6001 framework has gone through total and partial development processes. The development process resulted in a number of language proficiency tests guided by the framework in 2009. This subject is important for two main reasons, one related to the framework itself, and the other related to this paper. The reason related to the framework comes from its being an outcome of a cooperation of a number of countries of different languages, thus, it is an international framework, rather than a product of a specific country. It also became a reference for many of the Alliance country members in the domains of language assessment, language curriculum and program design. In addition, its audience is unique-civilian and military-who are associated with the North Atlantic Alliance operations. On the other hand, the framework development process went through many phases since its inception until the second version of the fifth Edition in 2016. This is something of a benefit to Arab researchers interested in the idea of creating an Arabic framework of reference and an international language proficiency test. The other reason, which is related to the importance of this paper, is in it being one of the first works to present STANAG 6001 in Arabic, where there is no information available in Arabic about it, neither in general, nor on research websites.