Thermophysical properties of the liquid Pb84.1Au15.9 eutectic alloy (original) (raw)

Thermophysical behavior of mercury-lead liquid alloy

Papers in Physics, 2022

Thermophysical properties of compound forming binary liquid mercury-lead alloy at temperature 600 K have been reported as a function of concentration by considering HgPb2 complex using different modelling equations. The thermodynamic properties such as the Gibbs free energy, enthalpy of mixing, chemical activity of each component, and microscopic properties such as concentration fluctuation in long-wavelength limit and Warren-Cowley short range order parameter of the alloy are studied by quasi-chemical approximation. This research paper places additional emphasis on the interaction energy parameters between the atoms of the alloy. The theoretical and experimental data are compared to determine the model’s validity. Compound formation model, statistical mechanical technique, and improved derivation of the Butler equation have all been used to investigate surface tension. The alloy’s viscosity is investigated using the Kozlov-Ronanov-Petrov equation, the Kaptay equation, and the Budai...

Thermophysical Properties of the Liquid Ga–In–Sn Eutectic Alloy

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2014

Among different Ga-based alloys the properties of the Ga−In−Sn eutectic alloy make it particularly suitable for many applications, in particular as it is liquid at room temperature. However, the experimental data on its thermophysical properties are rather discrepant. In this work, the electrical and thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power, viscosity, surface tension and density of the Ga−In−Sn eutectic have been investigated in the temperature range between the melting temperature and 700 K. The experimental results obtained are compared with the data available in the literature.

Prediction of thermodynamic and surface properties of Pb−Hg liquid alloys at different temperatures

Taylor & Francis, 2016

The thermodynamic properties, such as free energy of mixing, heat of mixing, activity and structural properties, such as concentration fluctuation in long wavelength limit, short-range order parameter of Pb-Hg liquid alloy at 600 K have been calculated using theoretical modelling. It has then been correlated with modified Butler model to compute the surface tension of the alloys at different temperatures. The Pb-Hg system at 600 K is found to be ordering at higher concentration of Pb.

Thermal conductivity of liquid metals and metallic alloys

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1999

The aim of this work is to show that the electrical resistivity and the thermoelectric power can be used to determine the thermal conductivity of liquid metals and alloys. We have made this determination for liquid aluminum, tin, lead, copper and metallic alloys Cu±Al, Ag±Ga, Ag±Ge, Cu±Pb, In±Mn, Ga±Ge and Sn±Bi. For these calculations, we used the relations between the transport coecients that can be simpli®ed to the Wiedemann±Franz law. For the pure metals studied, our calculated thermal conductivities are near experimental determinations from dierent authors, showing that the Wiedemann±Franz law is valid. We predict that the Al±Cu liquid alloy has a minimum in the thermal conductivity, and in its temperature coecient versus concentration at 20 at.% of aluminum. This result is in agreement with the magnetic susceptibility data, and with the super®cial tension that have unusual magnitudes near this concentration. It is also consistent with the existence of an eutectic near the same concentration. Nevertheless, it is in contradiction with other data also deduced from resistivity measurements. We do not have any explanation of that disagreement. We show that a minimum in the thermal conductivity isotherm is also obtained for other noblepolyvalent liquid metal alloys studied, i.e. Ag±Ga and Ag±Ge. The only exception is the Cu±Pb alloy for which the calculated thermal conductivity varies monotonically with concentration. Ó

Thermophysical Properties in the System Li-Pb Part I: Preparation and characterization of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy and the LiPb intermetallic compound Thermophysical properties of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy Estimation of the thermophysical properties in the system Li-Pb

KfK 4]44 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN THE SYSTEM Li-Pb Part I: Preparation andcharacterization of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy and the Lipb intermetallic compound U. Jauch, V. Karcher, B. Schulz Part 11: Thermophysical properties of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy Abstract Part I: Preparation and Characterization of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy and the LiPb intermetallic compound Part 11: Thermophysical properties of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy Part 111: Estimation of the thermophysical properties in the system Li-Pb page 2 25 45 -1 -General Abstract This report describes the work performed on the determination of the thermophysical properties of alloys in the binary system lithium-lead, within the frame of theKfK-project of nuclear fusion technology. The preparation of the Li(J7)Pb(83) alloy and the intermetallic compound Lipb from the pure elements determines the contents of part I of the report, which includes too the characterization of the materials using chemical analysis, metallography, thermal and thermal differential analysis. The great importance of the characterization especially of the metallography is shown in presenting some results of the eutectic alloy fabricated by different producers under technical conditions. Because of the great importance of the thermophysical behaviour of the liquid eutectic Li(17)Pb(83) for the design of a liquid metal breeder blanket in the next European Torus, part 11 of the report describes the measurements and results of the thermodynamic properties (latent heat of fusion, specific heat, density, thermal expansion and surface energy) of this alloy. The results of the determination of the transport properties (thermal and electrical conductivity and viscosity) are presented, too. In part 111 the methods are given, which lead to an estimation of thermophys ical properties of Li-compounds with high Li-contents (> 50 at.%) in the solid state. -2 -THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN THE SYSTEM Li-Pb Part I Preparation and Characterization of the Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic &lloy and the LiPb intermetallic compound U. Jauch, V. Karcher, B. Schu1z Kernforschungszentrum Kar1sruhe Institut für Materia1-und Festkörperforschung Abstract Li(17)Pb(83) and LiPb were prepared from the pure elements in amounts of seve-ra1 hundred grams. The reso1idified samp1es were characterized by me1ting points (eutectic temperature), chemica1 analysis and meta110graphy. Using differential thermal analysis the heats of fusion were determined and the behaviour of the intermetallic phase LiPb in vacuum and high purified He was studied. The resu1ts from these investigations were app1ied to characterize Contents List of figures List of tables page 47 48 1 •

Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Bi-Pb Liquid Alloy

Journal of Nepali Physical Society, 2022

We have used quasi-lattice theory to describe the mixing behavior of Bi-Pb liquid alloys at a temperature of 700K by computing thermodynamic functions and structural functions. The thermodynamic functions includes free energy of mixing(G M), activity (a), heat of mixing (H M), entropy of mixing (S M). The structural functions includes concentration fluctuation in the long-wavelength limit (S cc (0)) and chemical short range order parameter (α 1). Most of the computed values are in good agreement with the experimental data. The pair-wise interaction energies between the species of the liquid alloys play important role and are found to temperature dependent. Theoretical analysis suggests that Pb 3 Bi complex exists in the liquid state at 700K. And, it has hetero-coordination (i.e. ordering) nature but is of weakly interacting in nature.

Thermophysical properties of the Li(17)Pb(83)alloy

Fusion Engineering and Design, 1991

This paper describes a part of the work performed on the determination of the thermophysical properties of alloys in the binary system Li-Pb. The preparation of the eutectic alloy from the pure elements and its characterization using chemical analysis, metallography, thermal and thermal differential analysis is described. Results of the measurements of the following properties are presented: latent heat of fusion, specific heat, density, thermal expansion, thermal and electric conductivity and viscosity. The wetting behaviour of Li(17)Pb(83) against SS 316 is discussed in terms showing the influence of especially of oxygen on the wetting angle in this system.

Thermophysical Properties of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Alloy in Reactor Safety Analyses

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2006

A consistent set of thermophysical properties of a lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) alloy was developed for use in safety analyses of lead-alloy-cooled fast reactor systems. The vapor and liquid thermodynamic states of LBE were modeled up to and above the critical point based on a van-der-Waals type of equation. We assumed that LBE vapor is composed of monatomic lead and bismuth and diatomic bismuth components, and that liquid LBE is a non-ideal mixture of lead and bismuth. Recommended equations were also presented for the transport properties and surface tension of liquid LBE.

Thermodynamic, structural, transport and surface properties of Pb- Tl liquid alloy

RCOST, 2015

Thermodynamic properties, such as free energy of mixing, heat of mixing, entropy of mixing, activities and the microscopic structural properties, such as concentration fluctuation in long-wavelength limit and chemical short-range order parameter of Pb-Tl liquid alloy at 773 K have been studied on the basis of regular associated solution model. We have estimated the mole fractions of the complex and the unassociated atoms assuming the existence of PbTl 3 complex as energetically favoured in the liquid state. The compositional contributions of the heat of mixing of the species Pb and Tl and the heat of formation of the compound to the net enthalpy change have also been studied. The transport properties such as, viscosity and the ratio of mutual and intrinsic coefficients have been studied using different approaches. The surface concentration of Tl atoms has been computed and it has been employed to calculate the surface tension of Pb-Tl liquid alloy. Both the theoretical and the experimental values of the concentration fluctuation in long-wavelength limit are found to be less than the ideal value, revealing that the concerned system is hetero-coordinating in nature. The interaction energies are found to be temperature dependent and respective alloy is found to be weakly interacting system. ©RCOST: All rights reserved.