The Representation of Ecocriticism in the Novel Mata dan Manusia Laut by Okky Madasari (original) (raw)

Respect for Nature in Indonesian Children’s Fiction: Ecocriticism Perspective


Children must be brought closer to nature and the environment, in order to grow the habit of respecting nature so that it takes root into the character of loving the environment. One of them is through fiction books. Fiction written especially for children is an interesting medium to convey ecosophy values and care for the environment. Indonesian children's fiction is a children's fiction that raises many issues of nature and the environment. Not only the physical environment but also the social and cultural environment. This article aims to 1) describe human respect for nature in Indonesian children's fiction; and 2) classifying forms of human respect for nature in Indonesian children's fiction based on various indicators. This study is an eco-critical study that uses a model of environmental wisdom (environmental ethics). Data in the form of texts and discourses were obtained from several selected children's fictions by Indonesian writers. Based on the analysis...

Ecocriticism Values In The Indonesian Folktale Timun Emas (Golden Cucumber)

Humaniora, 2018

The article presented how to learn an Indonesian folktale entitled Timun Emas which related to the process of the environment. The elements of fiction in this folktale, the setting, was a clue in relating the nature and the human which was part of eco-criticism. This research presented the earth-centered approach to literary studies to see how nature was represented in this folktale, what role of the physical setting played in the plot, the values expressed in this folktale, how metaphor of the land influenced the way human treated it, how the concept of wilderness had changed over time, in what way literacy itself had affected humankind relationship to the natural world. It also analyzed the interconnections between culture and nature, specifically the cultural artifacts oflanguage and literature, understanding the ethical system and use it to reform them. This research used a qualitative method which was based on library research. The theory of Glotfelty then was combined with Ant...

Representation of Ethical Values for Nature Sustainability: Ecological Wisdom in Novels by Indonesian Women

The International Journal of Literary Humanities, 2021

It is imperative to investigate women writers' perspectives through their literary works to discover their beliefs and views on environmental issues. Environmental wisdom represented in literary works by Indonesian women have never been studied. This article aimed to examine environmental ethics represented in three novels authored by Indonesian women. The selected novels that were published in the last ten years served as the sources of the research data. A qualitative-interpretative research approach was utilized to reveal environmental ethics represented in the novels. The results of the analysis suggest that the novels depict various environmental ethics that reflect the environmental knowledge, attitudes, integrity, and awareness of the Indonesian women. This finding implies a shift in the ideology of women writers in developing countries, especially in the environmental aspects of the novels produced.

Portrayal of Ecological Crisis In Indonesian Prose: Fiction and Reality


This research describes the ecological crisis that occurred in Indonesia which is represented in Indonesian prose and its relation to the reality of the ecological crisis that occurred in Indonesia. This research is important because prose as a literary work can portray the reality of the ecological crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The prose is Indonesian prose which published in the range 2011-2016. The analysis was conducted based on the study of ecocriticism. Based on the results of the study, the ecological crisis that occurred in Indonesia was represented in Indonesian prose. The ecological crisis occurs because of the anthropocentric perspective and human attitude towards nature/environment. This anthropocentric attitude is demonstrated by excessive exploitation of natural resources which results in the ecological crisis of forests, destruction of karst, and river water pollution (rivers and seas) that occur in parts of Indonesia

Humanical Values and Enviromental Values in the Folklore at the Region Bringin District, Ngawi Regency Literary Ecocritic Approach


The folklore found in Ngawi regency is very diverse, scattered in various districts. Circumstances like this give the origin of the name of the area can be created through the conditions of the environment. Furthermore, providing values and symbols through Natural Resources as the unifier and strengthening of society. This makes the folklore of the origins of the village in Karangjati district, Ngawi regency as an expression of oral literature with a dimension of concern for humans and nature. So, the problem of concern is related to the value of human care for humans or humans with nature and even nature with humans. The main problem in this research is about how humanist values and environmental care values are contained therein. This research has the aim of describing and explaining the various humanist values and environmental care values of the folklore stories of village origins in Karangjati district. The type of approach used is the ecocritical approach that focuses on the literary field. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by taking data in the form of content analysis. The results showed that there were four folklore in Karangjati district with ecological nuances, namely (1) The Origin of Sembung Village; (2) The Origin of Karangmondo Hamlet, Rejomulyo Village; (3) The Origin of Sumberan Hamlet, Rejomulyo Village, and (4) The Origin of Sawo Village. Meanwhile, in terms of humanist values, there is a lot of data found in the stories of the origins of Sembung and Rejomulyo villages. On the other hand, the two values can provide an early teaching especially the younger generation about the importance of ecology in the community.

Environmental Saving Model in South Kalimantan in Children's Stories: Environmental Literacy from An Early Age

Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan

The urgency of saving the environment is urgently carried out at this time when the environmental crisis hits the South Kalimantan region. Ecological disasters due to the unwise management of natural resources show the impact of human treatment on nature. Concern for nature needs to be increased from an early age to increase knowledge and behavior in preserving nature. One of the media in increasing concern for nature is through reading materials in the form of children's stories. Through children's stories, concern for the environment can be increased by language that is aesthetically pleasing and close to the child so that environmental values are easily internalized without seeming patronizing. The problem is how the model of environmental conservation in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories. This study aims to explore environmental saving models in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories to improve environmental literacy from an early age. The method used is qualitative with an ecocritic approach. Ecocritics are used to analyze data on children's stories related to environmental rescue models. The primary sources used in this study are two children's story books entitled Menyelusuri Tepian Pulau Kaget by Drs. M. Yusransyah and Aku, Pramuka, and Lingkungan Hidup by Hardiansyah Asmail. The secondary data used are books, journals, and other references related to the research. The results showed that the environmental saving model seen in children's stories in South Kalimantan, among others, carried out bekantan conservation, protection of endemic animals in South Kalimantan; fostering biodiversity; and managing nature wisely. This research is expected to contribute to real practices of saving the environment, especially in Kalimantan Selatan.

Literary Ecology: Environmental Ethics Education in Javanese Mantra

Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Cultural Sciences of Brawijaya, ISCS 2022, 9–10 November 2022, Malang, Indonesia

This study aims to investigate the mantra Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi (after this referred to as KRW). The main point of view of the study is the ecological-sufi representation in mantra literature. Qualitative methods are used as research guidelines. The source of the research data is Serat Kidungan. Hermeneutic techniques are applied to analytical strategies. The results showed that KRW represents the value of Sufis-ecology (Javanese eco-sufism). Symbolically, the value ushers in human ethics towards an ethical attitude towards the environment. The symbolization of ecology is strongly implied because it is encased in the aesthetics of literary language. An important implication of this research is that mantras can promote transdisciplinary aspects of literature, environment, education, and philosophy, all of which contribute to studying environmental ecology and ethics.

Environmental Metaphors in Contemporary Indonesian Literature

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature

This study is for exploring the environmental metaphor in Indonesian novel. The environmental metaphor is focused on animal and plant metaphors. This study uses qualitative approach and data sources from the novels of Burung-Burung Manyar (2014), Burung-burung Rantau (2014) by YB Mangunwijaya, Mantra Pejinak Ular (2014) by Kuntowijoyo. The data analysis technique that is used refers to the Miles & Huberman flow model (1994) related to (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) display data, (4) conclusion drawing and revision. The results show that the environmental metaphor has a function to understand the philosophy of human life from the environment and the author’s criticism about people who destroy the environment or commit corruptions/evil things.

Ecological Environmentalism in Geg Ary Suharsani's Kunang-Kunang Hitam

Nobel, 2023

The Tamblingan land conflict is closely related to the investment trend heading towards Bali's upstream area. Investors are converting Tamblingan forest land into hotels and tourism to reap the benefits of nature tourism in the most natural forest. This issue is discussed in the novel Kunang-Kunang Hitam by Geg Ary Suharsani. This paper aims to describe the struggle of the female character Ni Luh Candri in the Tamblingan land conflict as narrated in the novel Kunang-Kunang Hitam (KKH). This study uses a Susan Griffin perspective ecofeminism approach. The results of this study indicate that the struggle of the female character Ni Luh Candri in defending the Tamblingan forest is divided into two forms: Ni Luh Candri's struggles related to nature, such as refusing land conversion, protecting rare plants, symbolic communication to fireflies and Ni Luh Candri's struggles related to nature humanistic environment, such as becoming Leak, burning incense, displaying rangda mask, and advocating for communities around the forest. This research proves that women can take various important actions (ecological environmentalism) to preserve the environment.

Environmental Literacy Through Tales of the Archipelago for Early Childhood

Al-Athfal: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak

Purpose – This study aims to determine the extent to which Indonesian fairy tales help early childhood in environmental literacy. The environmental literacy movement is increasingly being socialized to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining environmental sustainability and natural balance. Through the fairy tales of the archipelago, environmental literacy is introduced to early childhood in a fun way, helping their social-emotional development, skills, and attitudes to care for the environment as early as possible. The richness and diversity of the archipelago provide many benefits for present and future life. Archipelago fairy tales are part of ethnoparenting to perpetuate the richness of the archipelago’s culture and local wisdom.Design/methods/approach – The method used was a qualitative methods, the research describes a descriptive narrative and is strengthened by data in the field obtained through interviews, filling out questionnaires, and direct observation.Findings...