Public Participation: Processes and Outcomes in the Planning and Design of Public Libraries (original) (raw)
Much appreciation to Rackham and TCAUP for funding opportunities in the many forms of tuition, health care, stipends, travel funds, grants, and fellowships. Without such funding, this would not have been possible. Also, to the families of Colin Clipson and Robert E. Johnson, as well as Ted and Beverly Smith for their funding commitments to the University of Michigan and TCAUP. I gratefully acknowledge my wife, Carol, and our remarkable children, Clare and Patrick, for I am beyond mere words in my love and appreciation for the three of you. As you each joined this 'party' in-process, as a family we made many sacrifices along the way. I can only hope this accomplishment is deserving of such. This story is incomplete without the role of my mother, Sheryl, who raised me, and my brother, on her own after the death of my father. She showed us how important education was, not only in terms of employment, but in terms of the journey; it can't be simple coincidence she was a librarian. To my brother, Brett, the other type of doctor, who married a PhD, and probably thought he would never see the day I joined the club. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. iv A special note of appreciation to Patrick Donnelly of BHDP, whom I first met and worked with in 1996 as a coop architecture student in Cincinnati, OH, and has served in many roles as my professional mentor, and in life, since then. Whether it was learning to be an architect, passing my licensing exams, dealing with happiness and tragedy in my personal life, you have always been there for me! This was a long time coming, and it was an absolute joy to begin this journey with Stephanie Pilat and Kristina Luce, and watch them accomplish so much already. Thank you for your endless support and friendship, no matter the time passed or distance between. A special thanks to Anirban Adhya who began this program with me, and who I still say did it the 'right way.' And to Henry Emerle, my partner in all things entrepreneurial, musical, and recreational, who showed up towards the end of this journey, but has provided as much support as if he had been here from the start. Also, a special thank you to my new work family at Ball State University's College of Architecture and Planning (CAP). I took a chance moving with my family to Indianapolis in 2015 to begin a new position before I completed the dissertation, and that position has evolved into a dream job now as I finish this doctoral degree. Phil Repp, specifically, as Dean, at CAP, has been a great source of mentoring, support in enabling me to create a position I wanted while allowing me the room to develop, and just as importantly, giving me the space to complete this work. Finally, a note of appreciation to all of the architects, library and branch managers of the public libraries, staff, volunteers, and members of the public who provided so much input, feedback, and information regarding their communities. While this work was about them, I hope they come to see it was accomplished with them as well as for those that follow. v