A New Species of Galipea (Rutaceae) from Nicaragua and Costa Rica (original) (raw)

A New Species of Simaba (Simaroubaceae) from Para, Brazil, with a Key to the Species North of the Amazon River

Brittonia, 1984

. A new species of Simaba (Simaroubaceae) from Pardi, Brazil, with a key to the species north of the Amazon River. Brittonia 36: 244-247.1984.--A new species, Simaba cavalcantei, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be intermediate between sections Grandiflorae and Floribundae and is distinguished from potentially sympatric species in a key to the species occurring north of the Amazon River. While identifying specimens of Simaba for a revision of the New World species of Simaroubaceae, I encountered a specimen which was clearly different from any known species of Simaba . Because of its morphological distinctiveness, this specimen is here described as a new species. Simaba cavalcantei W. Thomas, sp. nov. Habitu S. cedron simulans. Inter sectione Floribundas et Grandifloras ambigens, cum illis petalorurr longitudine cum his gynophoro gracili congruens. Arbuscula usque ad 9 malta vel altior. Folia paripinnata; foliola 4-6-juga opposita; rhachis (petiolo incluso) 60-75 cm longa; foliola superiora ovata vel obovata, 20-26 cm longa, 8.5-10.5 cm lata, apice glandulifera. Calyx discoideus, pentagonus, 3.8-4 mm diametro. Petala 5, anguste obovata, 11.5-14 mm longa, 3.5 mm lata. Filamenta 7.5-8 mm longa; filamenti appendix ligulata, ca 4 mm longa, longe ciliata. Gynophorum cylindricum, 2 mm altum, glabrum. Drupa sicca fuliginea, nitida, glabrata. Small tree to at least 9 m. Stems few-branched with leaves clustered near apex. Leaves evenly pinnately compound with 4-6 pairs of opposite leaflets, the petiole 15-20 cm long, the rachis (including the petiole) 60-75 cm long. Leaflet blades ovate to obovate, decreasing in size towards base of leaf, the largest ones 20-26 cm long, 8.5-10.5 cm wide, subcoriaceous, olive green above and yellowish-green beneath when dry; the apex usually attenuate with a small glandular tip; secondary leaflet veins brochidodromous and slightly raised abaxially. Petiolules winged or at least flattened and transversely wrinkled, 4-10 mm long. Inflorescence paniculate, the lateral racemes bearing flowers singly or in fascicles of up to 3; main axis and lateral branches longitudinally wrinkled, to at least 20 cm long with flowers in all stages of development; main axis shiny, glabrous to sparsely pubescent; lateral branches ferrugineous, finely pubescent; each flower or fascicle subtended by a pendulous ovoid or discoid gland. Pedicel 4-6 mm long, occasionally branching, covered with dense, fine, ferrugineous pubescence; calyx discoid, pentagonal, 3.8-4 mm in diameter, with very short pubescence; petals 5, slightly imbricate, narrowly obovate, 11.5-14 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, yellow, drying to a creamy light brown, thinner along margins, with scurfy short pubescence adaxially and abaxially; stamens 10; filaments 7.5-8 mm long; appendage adaxial, ligulate, ca 4 mm long, the lower halfadnate to the filament, glabrous on the face, the margins long ciliate; anthers 1.5-1.7 mm long; gynophore cylindrical, 2 mm high, 1.3-1.4 mm wide, glabrous, lightly sulcate; gynoecium depressed-globose, ca 1.5 mm high, 2.3 mm broad, 5-lobed, densely and finely ferrugineous-tomentose; style ca 5 mm long, narrowly subulate, glabrous except for basal 1 mm; stigma indistinct. Fruit 1 B. A. Krukoff Research Associate.

A New Species of Picramnia (Simaroubaceae) from Amazonian Peru

Brittonia, 1990

A new species of Picramnia (Simaroubaceae) from Amazonian Peru. Brittonia 42: 171-174. 1990.--A new and rare species, Pieramnia hullata, is described, illustrated, and compared to its closest relatives. It is unique in its hirsute pubescence, numerous, elongate, bullate leaflets, and long, pendent, unbranched inflorescences.