One of the most important issues of legislative technology is the language of legislation, in which one of the most significant roles belongs to legal terminology. Today the problem of applying and improving legal terminology in the national legislation is more important than ever before due to the switch to the Latin alphabet which states the new course of rapid integration into the world community. The purpose and objective of the article is to consider the study of legal texts from the point of view of Kazakh linguistics, to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the general structure of legal texts, to discuss issues of translation equivalence. The research work mentions the issues of consideration of legal documents in the field of official business style, the degree of its study. In the course of writing the article in the legal text, all the requirements of the official business style were fully identified, the informational, pragmatic and cognitive function in the legal structure was analyzed. This article aims to identify the problems of legal terminology used in legislative acts, as well as the requirements for legal terminology. The article notes that incorrect use of terminology in legal acts is one of the reasons that lead to inaccuracies and ambiguities of legal texts and different interpretation of norms. This shows the practical significance of the article. The article uses the method of observation, the method of description, the method of systematization, methods of linguostatistical and structural analysis. The authors, having pointed out some examples of terminology that does not correspond to the content and form of legal concepts, indicate the ways of elimination of such mistakescompliance with the requirements of terminology and language norms. Monitoring of the existing regulatory legal acts, that concentrates on terminological shortcomings, and linguistic expertise for the authenticity of draft legal acts are another methods that need to be mentioned. The authors point out the requirements to the terminology analysis and note the importance of terminology compliance with regulatory legal acts for ensuring the accuracy and correctness of content. This is a scientific novelty of the article. The main characteristics of legal terminology are considered, the structure of the system is studied and proved, which will undoubtedly allow to optimize the teaching process