Central Obesity and Albuminuria: Both Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies in Chinese (original) (raw)

Background: Albuminuria is recognized as a marker of vascular dysfunction. Central obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Little is known about the association between albuminuria and central obesity in Chinese. We aimed to assess the association between central obesity and prevalence and incidence of albuminuria in a middle-aged population-based cohort study. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study. A total of 2350 subjects aged 40yearswererecruitedin2004inTaiwanforcross−sectionalanalysis.Longitudinalanalysisincluded1432baselinenormoalbuminuriasubjectswithamean2.8yearsfollow−up,67ofwhomexhibitedincidentalbuminuria.Albuminuriawasdefinedasurinaryalbumin−tocreatinineratio40 years were recruited in 2004 in Taiwan for cross-sectional analysis. Longitudinal analysis included 1432 baseline normoalbuminuria subjects with a mean 2.8 years follow-up, 67 of whom exhibited incident albuminuria. Albuminuria was defined as urinary albumin-tocreatinine ratio 40yearswererecruitedin2004inTaiwanforcrosssectionalanalysis.Longitudinalanalysisincluded1432baselinenormoalbuminuriasubjectswithamean2.8yearsfollowup,67ofwhomexhibitedincidentalbuminuria.Albuminuriawasdefinedasurinaryalbumintocreatinineratio30 mg/g creatinine. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between central obesity and prevalence and incidence of albuminuria after adjustment for age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure, renal function, glucose, high sensitivity c-reactive protein, smoking, betel nut chewing, alcohol drinking, and physical activity. Results: At baseline, albuminuria is significantly associated with central obesity. The adjusted odds ratio of having albuminuria among subjects with central obesity was 1.73(95% confidence interval (CI): 1.04-2.85), compared to the subjects without central obesity. In multivariable models, participants with central obesity at baseline had a 112% increase in risk of incident albuminuria (adjusted incidence rate ratio (95% CI): 2.12(1.01-4.44)) compared with participants with noncentral obesity. Conclusions: Abdominal adiposity was independently associated with increased prevalence and incidence of albuminuria in Chinese. The mechanisms linking adiposity and albuminuria need to be addressed.