An Analytical Study on Growth Performance of Major Food Grain and Oilseed Crops in Context of Food Security: Rajasthan, India (original) (raw)

The Performance of Foodgrain Crops in India over a Period of Time

The present paper is an effort to study the trends in area cultivated, irrigated area, production and productivity of major food grain crops from the period 1952-53 to 2015-16 by collecting and analyzing the data from various sources of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The analysis of the data reveals that the area under Food grain crops has been increasing from 1952-53 to 2015-16 at the rate of only 0.18 per cent per annum. The irrigated area increased during the same two points of time at the rate of 2.08 per cent per annum. Whereas the production and productivity of the food-grains increased by about 2.40 per cent and 2.20 per cent respectively for the same period. This clearly reveals that total cultivated area has been almost remained the same, whereas the area under irrigation, the production and the productivity of the food grain-crops increased over a period of time. This is mainly because of the input application like HYV seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and also by providing irrigation facilities. Therefore, the paper suggests that more area has to be brought under irrigation to meet the growing demand for food-grains in India.

Trend and Growth Rate Estimation of Principal Crops in Karnataka State in India

International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, 2022

The study undertaken to analyse the growth rate performance of area, production, productivity of selected crops in Karnataka from year 1997 to 2019. At state level, it was found that, the productivity of cereals showed positive growth with 1.22 percent. The area under maize increased by 5.30 percent by displacing Jowar, Bajra, minor millets. The rice and maize became stable crops in cultivation due its assured support prices and procurement from government. The production of pulses increased by 4.17 percent. The area under oil seeds showed negative trend with-5.87 percent which may be due to its high cost of production and unremunerative prices where as the commercial crops has recorded positive growth rates of production (2.69 percent) and productivity (2.43 percent) despite of its 0.24 percent area growth. The farmers prioritised sugarcane, cotton because of less labour requirements, good market prices. The Technology mission on oilseeds and Pulses in post 1990's could be reason for increased production and productivity of pulses.

Agricultural Growth Analysis – a Study of Maharashtra State

Tij S Research Journal of Economics Business Studies Rjebs, 2014

The present paper attempts to analyze agricultural growth of principle crops in Maharashtra state of India during the pre-and post-reform period up to 2009-10. The agricultural performance was evaluated on the basis of estimates of compound annual growth rates and coefficients of variation of area, production and yields per hectare of principal crops in Maharashtra state. The study found that total foodgrains production which decelerated during the early post-reform period over pre-reform period, picked up during later post-reform period. The output instability in total foodgrains remained low during all the periods under study. The output growth rate of wheat maize and sugarcane crops has accelerated during the post-reform periods mainly due to area expansion. In pulses arhar and gram improved output growth performance during post-reform periods. But the coarse cereals like bajra, small millets and ragi have registered dismal output performance during the post-reform periods due to loss of area.

Growth Performance of Principal Crops in North Bihar during last four decades: Empirical Evidences

Journal of AgriSearch

The present study is designed to examine the changes in cropping pattern, area, production and productivity of principal crops along with their growth in North Bihar during last 40 years. It is emanated from analysis of data that the cropping pattern of the area under study is dominated by cereal crops. Among the cereals, wheat has emerged as the second most important cereal crop during period under study whereas rice experienced deceleration in area. Maize also gained in area due to adoption of winter maize at large scale in post seventies period. Winter maize is now preferred crop due to its higher yield potential. There has been significant change in cropping pattern during last four decades in north Bihar. All the principal crops recorded growth in production but performance of rice – the most important staple food crop in the area, has not been impressive during the period under study.Research priority should be assigned for innovation and spread of appropriate technology of ri...

A Study of Growth Rates of Principal Crops of Andhra Pradesh

Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development, 2015

In Andhra Pradesh (the undivided state prior to June 2 nd 2014), the total foodgrains (cereals and pulses) production has substantially increased from 99.91 lakh tons in 1980-81 to 155.99 lakh tonnes in 2009-10. Owing to climate change, monocropping and intensification of resources, a shift in cropping pattern from low value crops to high value crops has been noticed. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the growth rates of area, production and productivity of foodgrain crops and other major crops (oilseeds and commercial crops) of Andhra Pradesh.

Performance of Agriculture sector in India with Special Reference to Food grains

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2014

In the present study, an attempt has been made to know the performance of agriculture sector in India by knowing the trends in area, production and productivity of food grain crops in India for the period 1980-81 to 2012-13. It has been observed that the compound growth rate in the area under total food grain revealed a declining trend. The production of total food grain crops grow at the rate of 1.94 per cent per annum during the study period. The productivity of total food grains grow at a rate of 2.08 per cent per annum. The overall average production of total food grains is 188.37 million tonnes out of which Rice has maximum average production i.e. 78.68 million tonnes during the study period. The overall average productivity of total food grain is 1522.06 kg/hectare out of wheat has maximum average productivity i.e. 2440.70 kg/hectare. The overall average area under total food grains is registered 125.93 million hectare out of which Rice has occupied maximum average area i.e. 42.48 million hectare. But, the overall absolute variability (Standard Deviation) in the production of total food grain is registered 35.39 million tonnes which is about 18.79 per cent (Coefficient of Variation). Similarly, the overall absolute change (Standard Deviation) in the productivity of total food grain is 279.29 kg/hectare which is 19.53 per cent (Coefficient of Variation) and the overall change in the area under cultivation of food grain crops is only 3.28 million hectares which is about 2.65 per cent during the study period.

Trend of Area, Production and Productivity of Major Cereal Crops in Context of Food Security: Sikkim, India

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 2017

This study was conducted to examine growth trends in area, production and productivity of major cereal crops in Sikkim, India over the period 2003-2016. The data used for the study were collected from the annual reports of Food Security & Agriculture Development Department, Government of Sikkim. The trend detection in the time series of area, production and productivity would be helpful to make the future plans and to take the appropriate decisions to safeguard the situation for the sustainability in food production and future food security. Drastic reduction was observed in the production and area of cultivation of major cereal crops in Sikkim. Shifting of farmer's focus toward the horticultural and plantation crops may be the main cause for negative trend in the production of major cereal crops. Correlation and correlation-based measures (e.g., the coefficient of determination) have been widely used to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of linear, exponential and logarithmic model for observing trend in the production, productivity and area under the cultivation of major cereal crops and Sen's slope methods were used for the trend analysis. In the study, most of the cereal crops showed negative trends in the production and area under the cultivation excluding maize and buckwheat. Sikkim's agricultural economy has undergone a structural transformation and subsistence crops like wheat, barley and other major crops switched on to more remunerative crops like horticultural and plantation crops.

Trend and Instability in Area, Production and Productivity of Food Grains in Haryana Vis-A-Vis India

Advances in Research, 2019

The Presented study is an attempt to examine the trend and instability in area, production and productivity of food grain crops in Haryana and India during period 1966-67 to 2012-13 and five sub periods i.e. P-I (1966-67 to 1975-76), P-II (1976-77 to 1985-86), P-III (1986-87 to 1995-96), P-IV (1996-97 to 2005-06) and P-V (2006-07 to 2012-13). The study is based on secondary data. The study reveals positive trends in area, production and yield of food grains for both Haryana and India. Production in Haryana and India increased mainly due to increase in yield. Similar results have been obtained on triennium bases. In Haryana, area, production and yield have shown positive growth rates in all the periods and the overall period except for area in Period-III, IV and V. In the case of India positive growth rates has obtained for production and yield of food grains while area has shown negative trend in Periods III, IV, V and entire period under study. The coefficient of variation (C.V.) ...

Analysis of Trends in India's Agricultural Growth


applied areas of the social sciences, encompassing diverse aspects of development. ISEC works with central, state and local governments as well as international agencies by undertaking systematic studies of resource potential, identifying factors influencing growth and examining measures for reducing poverty. The thrust areas of research include state and local economic policies, issues relating to sociological and demographic transition, environmental issues and fiscal, administrative and political decentralization and governance. It pursues fruitful contacts with other institutions and scholars devoted to social science research through collaborative research programmes, seminars, etc.