Siromaštvo Djece Iz Perspektive Stručnjaka: Učinci I Mogućnosti Djelovanja (original) (raw)
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Social Work, 2021
Youth runaways are often mentioned as a burning problem in residential care. Apart from phenomenological aspects and factors that contribute to this phenomenon, and which have previously been analyzed in scientific research studies, this paper is focused on the relationship of young people who have already had an experience of runaway from residential care with professionals, primarily educators. Existing research studies indicate the significance of the relationship between the users and professionals, at which poor relationship is associated with the reasons for youth runaways, and a good relationship with protective factors that prevent the youth from running away and which protect them generally is perceived as a factor that contributes to the success of the treatment. The aim of this paper is to present how young persons experience the relationship with professionals, and which actions of professionals they identify as potentially useful and efficient in the prevention of runaw...
Hraniteljstvo Kao Alternativni Oblik Zbrinjavanja Djece Bez Roditeljskog Staranja – Izazovi Prakse
Društvene devijacije, 2022
ljudskim vrijednostima, imperativ su svakog odgojno obrazovnog djelovanja sa ciljem da se djeci m smislu, roditelji imaju primarnu uvjetima usljed niskog socio ekonomskog statusa porodice. To je dovoljnim razlogom za alternativno zbrinjavanja.Cilj rada je predstaviti osnovne karakteristike hraniteljstva kao alternativnog oblika brige, njegovo formalno utemeljenje u zakonskoj regulativi, te iskustva u implementaciji. U tu svrhu cu kako bi se ispitala njihova iskustva. Rad brige u najboljem interesu djeteta. djeca bez roditeljskog staranja, alternativna briga, hraniteljstvo; Uvod (samo)aktualizacijom. Shodno tome, d roditeljske brige i postati dijelom sistema alternativnog zbrinjavanja. Tada govorimo o djeci bez roditeljskog staranja.
[Child in contemporary Croatian society]
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik
The symposium on the topic "Child in contemporary Croatian society", organized by Croatian Pediatric Society, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of health and social welfare and UNICEF Croatia Office, was held in Zagreb on December 12, 2009. The lecturers have shown important information on difficulties the children in Croatia are exposed to. Namely, diseases of the so called "new morbidity", which are becoming more and more frequent in the contemporary world, demand a new approach of work from all who participate in healthcare for children, including additional education. These diseases are not part of a practitioner's routine activity. Due to variety of problems children are exposed to, the approach can be only multidisciplinary. Basic national interest of every country (basic interest of every human society) should be to direct more attention and financial resources to the healthcare of children, which would ensure the existence and healthy fu...