Imagined Turks: The Tatar as the Other in Halide Edip's Novels (original) (raw)
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The Turkic Speaking World. 2,000 Years of Art and Culture from Inner Asia to the Balkans, ed. Ergün Çağatay–Doğan Kuban (New York: Prestel), pp. 232-243. , 2006
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RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
Edward Said's work Orientalism-one of the most influential works in post-colonial studies in decades-identified and critiqued how the West positioned itself in a superior position to the East through a series of mechanisms. Despite the fact that the book is attuned to issues of gender and sexuality, it is not a work of feminist scholarship or theory. Rather, it broaches the issue of sexuality as one in which the Western "male" gaze dominates the East, which is perceived as inherently "female." Halide Edib's autobiographical work, especially the part which covers her childhood stories, is full of evident which shows the representation of "oriental women" in the Ottoman Empire. In additionally, it shows how during the modernization policy in the beginning of the Turkish Republic, Turkish women took initiatives towards gender equality. By focusing on Halide Edib's fictional autobiography, Memoirs of Halide Edib, it will be attempted to contextualize how Halide Edib became a pioneering figure and represented "modern Turkish women." By doing this, Said's depiction of the Western conception of "oriental women" will eventually be refuted by providing Halide Edib as an example.
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Türk Romaninda (1980-1990) Göçün Sosyoloji̇k Etki̇si̇: Öteki̇ler
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This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of Turkish literature within both a local and global context. Across eight thematic sections a collection of subject experts use close readings of literature materials to provide a critical survey of the main issues and topics within the literature. The chapters provide analysis on a wide range of genres and text types, including novels, poetry, religious texts, and drama, with works studied ranging from the fourteenth century right up to the present day. Using such a historic scope allows the volume to be read across cultures and time, while simultaneously contextualizing and investigating how modern Turkish literature interacts with world literature, and finds its place within it. Collectively, the authors challenge the national literary historiography by replacing the Ottoman Turkish literature in the Anatolian civilizations with its plurality of cultures. They also seek to overcome the institutional and theoretical shortcomings within current study of such works, suggesting new approaches and methods for the study of Turkish literature. The Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature marks a new departure in the reading and studying of Turkish literature. It will be a vital resource for those studying literature, Middle East studies, Turkish and Ottoman history, social sciences, and political science. Didem Havlioğlu is a literary historian working on women and gender in the Ottoman intellectual culture. She has published several articles both in Turkish and English. Her book Mihrî Hatun: Performance, Gender-Bending, and Subversion in Early Modern Ottoman Intellectual History (2017) introduces Mihrî Hatun (ca. 1460-1515), the first woman writer in Ottoman history whose work survived in manuscript copies, and contextualizes her work in the early modern intellectual culture. She is currently an associate professor of the practice, teaching in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. Zeynep Uysal is an associate professor of modern Turkish literature at Boğaziçi University. As a visiting scholar, she taught modern Turkish literature and gave public lectures in the Oriental Institute at the University of Oxford between 2001 and 2003. She published a book titled Olağanüstü Masaldan Çağdaş Anlatıya: Muhayyelât-ı Aziz Efendi [From Marvelous Tales to Modern Narratives: Aziz Efendi's Imaginations] in 2006. She edited a book, titled Edebiyatın Omzundaki Melek: Edebiyatın Tarihle İlişkisi Üzerine Yazılar, about the relationship between history and literature in 2011. Her recent book, Metruk Ev, on the leading modern Turkish writer Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil, was published in 2014. She has also written extensively on various issues in modern Turkish literature, including the relationship between literature and space, literature and history, and literature and nationalism in leading academic journals.
Halide Edip Adivar: A True Western in Turkey Women and Development in the Middle East
The story of Feride depicts the experiences of many upper-class women in Istanbul at the end of the 19th century. In this context, this work also resembles the biography of Halide Edip Adıvar, whose ideas about social and political reform, views on religion and the social position of women are discussed. This study aims to understand and explain Halide Edip's intellectual development in the light of her views on the political and social structure of Turkey in different periods of her life. I shall begin my work by highlighting important factors that affected her life and perspective. The second part, on the other hand, shall be devoted to an analysis of her political and social views, especially on the issues of nationalism, and the place of religion and women in the social and political structure of the new Turkish state.
Süheyla Nil Mustafa. (2013). “Turk’s Ever-Lasting Quest For Identity: An Analysis Of Turkish Modernization Through A.H. Tanpınar Novels.” Global Media Journal Turkish Edition, volume 4/7, (pp.170-186)., 2013
ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a discussion on the nature of the identification process of the individual in general and on that of the Turkish national identity in particular through the exploration of the great Turkish author, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’s literary works. This study illustrates that Tanpınar differs significantly from the early Republican authors of his time by the competence of his conceptualization of identity issue besides his artistic mastery. Moreover the author’s conceptualization of identity catches the intellectual level of the contemporary poststructuralist thinkers who show that identity as a sign or process of signification which is subject to constant transformation. In this respect, the article also offers discussions on the differences of the conceptualization of identity between Tanpınar and the early Republican thinkers and on the similarities between him and contemporary poststructuralist thinkers. It is argued that such an inquisition into the Tanpınar’s works provide us a more competent understanding of the nature of the Turkish national identity and its conditions of its possibility, that is to say the Turkish modernization process. Key Words: identity, Turkish modernization, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, early republican period, poststructuralism Türk’ün Dinmeyen Kimlik Arayışı: A.H. Tanpınar Romanları Üzerinden Türk Modernleşmesinin Bir Değerlendirmesi ÖZET Bu makale büyük Türk yazarı, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın edebi eserlerinin incelenmesi yoluyla genelde bireyin kimlik edinme sürecinin, özelde ise Türk milli kimliğinin doğası üzerine bir tartışma sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Tanpınar’ın dönemindeki erken Cumhuriyet yazarlarından sanatsal ustalığının yanısıra kimlik meselesini kavramsallaştırmasındaki yetkinliği ile de önemli derecede ayrıldığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca yazarın kimlik kavramsallaştırması, bir işaret veya anlamlandırma süreci olarak kimliğin sürekli değişime maruz kaldığını gösteren günümüz postyapısalcı düşünürlerin entellektüel seviyesini yakalamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, makale Tanpınar ve erken Cumhuriyet dönemi yazarlarının kimlik kavramsallaştırmasındaki farklılıklarına ve onunla günümüz post yapısalcı düşünürlerin benzerliklerine dair tartışmalar da sunmaktadır. Tanpınar’ın eserlerinin böyle derinlemesine bir incelemesinin, Türk ulusal kimliğinin doğasına ve bu kimliğin oluşabilme koşulu olan Türk modernleşme sürecine dair daha yetkin bir anlayış sağlayacağı iddia edilmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: kimlik, Türk modernleşmesi, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, erken cumhuriyet dönemi, post yapısalcılık