Structural Behaviour and Retrofitting of Adobe Masonry Buildings (original) (raw)
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The effects of the fallout from the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl have been monitored at various sites to Greece. Here we present the first estimates of gamma dose rates, an essential parameter in the dating of archaeological materials by thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR methods. The dose rates are derived from the long-lived radionuclides of 137Cs, 134 Cs, 1°6 Ru and 144Ce (with t112 >-1 yr). The present dose rates vary between 30 and 60 mrad/yr, but maximum values of around 811 mrad/yr have also been recorded, for ground-surface exposures. These dose rate values must be regarded as very significant to TL and ESR dating of samples from now on and a correction factor should be applied.
ESTECO modeFRONTIER Design Framework
Nowadays Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is considered a common practice for complex engineering design problems. These design cases are characterized with high number of design variables and non-trivial design space. It contains multiple contradicting cost functions (MultiGoal design problems) and various constraints, which are product of various discipline simulations. The workshop will give a broad prespective on ESTECO modeFRONTIER design framework. Its capabilities and usage for integration, optimization, and design of complex engineering problems. The usage of modeFRONTIER will be demonstrated through several live examples. In addition, various more complex examples will be presented.
Paradigm and Complex Thinking (2)
Tekst predstavlja dio širega projekta koji se odnosi na ulogu predpojmovnih kompleksa u formiranju paradigmatskih teorija, poglavito u povijesti fizike. Nakon analize određenih tekstova (Aristotelovih, Galilejevih, Newtonovih i drugih) uočeno je postojanje takozvanih općih kompleksa koji imaju ulogu regulacije same teorije. Opći kompleksi funkcioniraju po istome mehanizmu kao i paradigme koje je u svojim radovima opisao Kuhn. Ovaj rad ima zadatak pokazati kako je njegov koncept paradigme usko povezan s općim kompleksom i kompleksnim mišljenjem. Također, izvršena je i dublja analiza ideje paradigme koju Kuhn određuje u svojim radovima. Došlo se do zaključka da on nije shvatio samu bit paradigme, tj. općega kompleksa, što je dovelo da lutanja kako u definiciji toga koncepta tako i u primjeni same ideje. Kuhn je pokušao definirati paradigmu kao neki opći pojam ili matricu, što je u biti nemoguće zbog same njezine prirode, a posljedica je toga činjenica da se sam koncept paradigme u nje...