Pengaruh Kualitas Auditor terhadap Manipulasi Aktivitas Riil (original) (raw)
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This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the characteristics of audit committee to curb real earnings management practice, which is possible conducted by company management’s. Audit committee characteristics are the special attribute of audit committee that can be used to restrain real earnings management. Real earnings management is an activity that conducted by the management of the companies to change the structuring of normal operation activity to boost current period earnings. Real earnings management practice could be done by three major activities, i.e. sales manipulation, reduction of discretionary expenses, and overproduction. This research was conducted by using secondary data from financial report and annual report that issued by public companies. Companies that are used as the sample are companies which have been listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 2011 and the periode of this research starts from 2011-2014. The number of samples that had been used in ...
Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual, 2019
Junius (2012) menguji pengaruh kualitas audit terhadap manajemen laba akrual dan manipulasi aktivitas riil. Penelitian ini menggunakan ukuran KAP, spesialisasi industri, audit capacity stress, dan pendidikan profesi lanjutan (PPL) sebagai proksi kualitas audit. Penelitian Junius (2012) mengilhami peneliti untuk menguji kembali pengaruh kualitas audit terhadap manajemen laba tetapi lebih difokuskan pada manajemen laba melalui manipulasi aktivitas riil sesuai dengan kecenderungan praktik yang ada saat ini. Proksi kualitas audit yang digunakan antara lain ukuran KAP, spesialisasi industri auditor, dan audit capacity stress. PPL tidak disertakan dalam penelitian ini karena terbukti tidak berpengaruh terhadap manajemen laba. Perbedaan lain adalah penambahan jumlah sampel dan operasionalisasi variabel ukuran KAP. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan bukti empiris mengenai keberadaan manajemen laba melalui manipulasi aktivitas riil di perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di BEI. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan kepada regulator untuk
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This research investigates the effect of audit firm size and auditor industry specialization that proxies audit quality, and auditor independence on real earning management through financial distress as an intervening variable. This study used 96 samples of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2017-2019 research period with a purposive sampling method. By using the Structural Equation Model, the results show that auditor industry specialization and auditor independence have a positive effect on real earnings management through financial distress. Conclusions from the the results of the study explain that financial distress can be a motivation for management to did real earnings management so that it can be an indication for auditor to detect real earnings management. Financial distress can motivate management to use their flexibility to modifiy company profit, so that it requires high quality of audit and independence of auditor. The result of this research are related to role and performance of auditor for understanding client's condition and detecting irregularities, so this research contributes to examine audit quality and independence of auditor to detect real earning management through financial distress condition.
Pengaruh Profesional Auditor Terhadap Kualitas Auditor
Jurakunman, 2023
This study aims to see how the influence of professional auditors on the quality of auditors. Reports that can be trusted with good audit quality reduce fears of manipulation in the financial statements presented a company and can increase public confidence in the reliability of reports financial statements that have been audited by a public accountant. Findings in research that the professionalism of the auditor agrees to be implemented. This can be seen from the acquisition % auditor professionalism score of 72.40%. Furthermore, the findings about quality audit that the overall quality of the audit agrees to be carried out. Then that quality can build the credibility of information and quality of financial reporting information can help users to get useful information., this can be seen from the acquisition of % audit quality score of 75.11%. To see professional influence auditor on auditor quality is calculated using the SPSS program, with a value correlation coefficient of 0.538, this means that there is a relationship between auditor professionalism on audit quality. Correlation coefficient of 0.538 are in the medium category (0.40-0.5999). Next, the sig. = 0.02 less than 0.05 this shows that there is a significant relationship between auditor professionalism on audit quality. From the correlation table it is found that the value of p. value of 0.000 is below 0.05 this shows that even though the correlation coefficient is 0.538 gives a moderate effect but based on statistical tests that there is a significant effect significant of the auditor's professionalism variable on audit quality
Pengaruh Mutasi, Motivasi, Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Auditor
Jurnal SIKAP (Sistem Informasi, Keuangan, Auditing Dan Perpajakan)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah mutasi, motivasi, dan kompetensi memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja auditor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan responden dengan jumlah sebanyak 100 auditor. Hasil kuisioner diolah dengan menggunakan Program SPSS untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara parsial dan simultan variabel mutasi, motivasi, dan kompetensi terhadap kinerja auditor serta mendapatkan persamaan regresi berganda. Hasil analisa berdasarkan hasil olah statistic menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari Mutasi (X1), Motivasi(X2), dan Kompetensi(X3) secara parsial dan secara simultan terhadap Kinerja Auditor (Y).
Earning management is a strategy undertaken by management to correct the information in the financial statement, this strategy has a objective to maintain their interested parties. There are two strategies of earning management, the first is earning manage-ment through arbitrary undertaking items and earning management through real activities. After Sarbanes oxley act, manage-ment prefer to use earning management through real activities rather than earning management through arbitrary undertaking items. The purpose of this quantitative study is to test and analyze the effect of audit quality moderate the activity of the real earn-ings management through accruals and activity on firm performance. The object of research is the manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange Indonesia) in 2009-2012. The samples used were 51 companies by using purposive sam-pling as a sampling technique and the technique of multiple linear regression analysis as a technique of data ...
Efektivitas Komite Audit Dan Manajemen Laba Riil
h: 0px; "> This research is an empirical study of the audit committee effectiveness towards the company’s tendency in conducting real earnings management. The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical evidence the influence of educational background of the audit committee’s composition, diligence of the audit committee, audit committee’s relationship with related parties towards company’s tendency in conducting real earnings management through sales manipulation, excessive production and reduction in discretionary cost. Sampling was done using purposive sampling method, which uses 117 data of manufacturing companies that are listed in BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange) in the period of 2009 to 2012 that tend to conduct real earnings management. The independent variable used are the educational background composition of the audit committee members, audit committee diligence is proxied by the frequency of the audit committee internal meetings, and the audit committee relatio...
Pengaruh Perataan Laba Melalui Manipulasi Aktivitas Riil Terhadap Persistensi Laba
This research aims to provide empirical evidence concerning the effect of income smoothing through real activities manipulation to the earning persistence. By using quarterly financial statement, this study also supposes to determine the timing of smoothing taken by the suspect firm. This study investigates three types of real activity manipulation: abnormal cash flow operation, abnormal discretionary expense, and abnormal production cost. Real earning manipulation is measured by summing the standardized of the three proxies. Companies that have been used as a sample in according to the purposive sampling criteria’s are consist of 63 firms on five years observations (2011-2015). From this number, samples included into income smoothing criteria based on Eckel Model are consist of 26 firms. The first hypothesis was tested with regression analisys and the second was tested with independent sample t-test. The first hypothesis test result showed that income smoothing via real earning man...