Analytisk epidemiologi – pasient-kontroll- og kohortstudier (original) (raw)

2002, Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening

Background. «The study of the occurrence of disease» is a short but quite precise definition of epidemiology, as it includes both descriptive and analytic approaches. Whereas descriptive studies of the distribution of diseases and their potential causal factors may generate hypotheses about disease aetiology, causal inferences may most safely be drawn from analytical testing through properly designed observational studies. Methods. The most commonly used observational designs are the retrospective case-control and the prospective cohort studies. In some respects the two designs complement each other. Drawing on some classic epidemiological studies, their main properties in terms of what questions they may answer, what their applicabilities are, as well as their main strengths and weaknesses, are discussed.

Å stå i trøbbelet. Kartograferinger av barnehageforskningens metodologier. Postkvalitative passasjer og (ny)empiriske brytninger


Early childhood is still a fairly 'young' research field in Norway, and remains dominated by specific knowledge ideals for research. This thesis finds support and inspiration in (new)empirical studies and a posthuman process-ontology. Such a standpoint aims to decentre knowledge production by challenging established dichotomised constructions. Posthuman and new-material theories open possibilities for thinking and doing qualitative research differently, by searching for research elements, which might produce complex assemblages. This dissertation's aim is to critically explore research methodology with a relational onto-epistemology, entangling knowledge and ontology, discourses and matter in togetherness with the researcher and what is researched. Process ontology challenges dualism as nature/culture, human/non-human, subject/object-and of the human in a central position. This thesis argues and questions a subject as a new social-material becomings (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987). Concepts I think with are connected to philosophy of difference, nomads, lines flight, rhizome, haptic, intensities, becoming, affect and diffraction. These concepts appear as/with different data creations through experimenting with what data might be/become. It is not a simple answer as to how feminist new-materialist studies are directed, as a process ontology does not give any clear answers or procedures. To think with philosophical concepts as a departure from empirical data, is among several options, created from how the data materials are working. This also challenges early childhood research projects, and more particularly the political demands of 'what works' that underpin them. This study is explorative, searching for data as sensorial, surprising and provocative; as something that might generate something new and not yet thought of as postqualitative new/empirical studies. Because posthuman and new-material theories encourage thinking and affirmative critique, performative experimenting replaces the interpreting of studies. The seven articles in the thesis are not presented as short resumes to the reader, but are put together as an assemblage to give the reader other lines and passages to think with. Diffraction and affective concepts open the possibility of reading the articles differently, as interferes-patterns for 'what more' might be and become. The research project is situated within an affirmative critique, which is searching for movements created in-between (in the middle). The movement brings fractions, shifts, rhythms, tempo, cracks, and leakages into the work. To hold onto a processontological standpoint is always a challenging enterprise, located within politics, marginalization and efficiecy, and calls for measurements and results. As such, the contribution of this thesis is to resist and to trouble by looking for 'what more' data can be/become in early childhood research.

Kliniske registre må utnyttes bedre

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2011

Kliniske registre må utnyttes bedre1 539 Skal kvaliteten på medisinsk praksis heves, må klinikere og registerforskere gå tett sammen

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Norsk Epidemiologi, 2013

Seksjon for legemidler og helseøkonomi, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 2) Seksjon for global helse, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 3) Seksjon for forebyggende, helsefremmende og organisatoriske tiltak, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 4) Avdeling for kunnskapsoppsummering, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 5) Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten


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