Improved productivity and zinc content for maize grain by different zinc fertilization techniques in calcareous soils (original) (raw)

Effect of different levels of zinc on zinc efficiency for maize genotypes under calcareous soil


Twelve maize genotypes viz. Four composites (Laxmi, Swan, Devki and Hemant), four quality protein maize (Shaktiman-1, Shaktiman-2, Shaktiman-3, and Shaktiman-5) and four hybrids (Raja 909, NK 6607, Rasitopless and Rasi 3022) were tested for their response and efficiency to zinc fertilization at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa (Samastipur) Bihar. The genotypes were not equally responsive to zinc application. Except composite genotyped all other genotypes (Hybrid and Quality protein maize) showed higher response to zinc application. Among the hybrids the Rasitopless had the highest response followed by Raja 909, NK 6607 and Rasi 3022, the later two having identical responses. Comparing the Quality protein maize their response can be ranked as Shaktiman-5> Shaktiman-1> Shaktiman-3> and Shaktiman-2. The relative grain yield i.e zinc efficiency index varied from 92.5 to 75.5% and relative grain zinc uptake i.e zinc efficiency varied from 77.4 to 44.8% am...

Maize Yield Response to Zinc Fertilization in Farmer’s Field under Rainfed Condition in Hill Region of Assam, Eastern Himalayan Region

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2021

Zinc (Zn) is the micronutrient that most commonly limits maize yields but it receives much less attention than other inputs. The present field experiment was conducted to study the effect of Zn fertilizers on growth and yield of maize in farmer’s field under rainfed condition in hill region of Assam, Eastern Himalayan Region for authenticating Zn fertilizer application in increasing the yield of summer maize in actual farmer’s field condition. The experiment was carried out in 6 locations (as replication) of three villages with four treatments which consist of recommended dose of fertilizer (90:40:40 kg NPK kgha-1), recommended dose of fertilizer with ZnSO4 @15 kg ha-1, Farmers’ practice with ZnSO4 @ 15 kg ha-1 and Farmers’ practice (No application of fertilizers) as control. Maize responded positively to Zn fertilization where the yields increased from 4.62 t ha−1 without Zn to 4.91 t ha−1 with Zn under recommended dose of fertilizers. The yield response of maize to application of ...

Influence of zinc treatments on grain yield and grain quality of different maize genotypes

Plant Soil and Environment, 2022

Maize production is intensified with a larger amount of mineral fertilisers in the era of meteorological conditions change, which leads to a decrease in the reserves of microelements in the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of zinc application on grain yield, nitrogen and carbon content in grain of three maize genotypes in the period 2016-2018 (factor A). Factor B: cultivars ZP 427, ZP 548 and ZP 687 belonging to different maturation groups. Factor C: Various zinc treatments were applied: T 1-control; T 2-25 kg Zn 2+ /ha (35 g of ZnSO 4 on the experimental plot) was introduced into the soil before sowing; T 3-seed treatment (0.129 g of ZnSO 4 • 7 H 2 O) + foliar treatment (2 L/ha liquid fertiliser 7% Zn 2+). The average yield for all examined variables was 7.33 t/ha. On average, T 2 (8.08 t/ha) treatment showed a highly significant effect on the yield in relation to T 1 (7.03 t/ha) and on T 3 (7.21 t/ha). On average, the amount of nitrogen determined for all cultivars was the highest in T 3 (1.52%). The highest carbon content was in T 1 (41.78%), which is at the level of significance of P < 0.01 more than T 2 (41.46%), while in relation to T 3 (40.99%) there is no significance.

Exploring the Role of Zinc in Maize (Zea Mays L.) through Soil and Foliar Application

Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015

Maize (Zea mays L.) is considered as high nutrient demanding crop and needs balanced nutrition. It is also regarded sensitive to zinc deficiency. Zinc is mostly deficient in soils and application of zinc fertilizer is required to explore its full potential. Crop species and even cultivars within species vary in their Zn requirement. A field experiment was conducted during spring 2011 at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan to evaluate the comparative efficacy of Zn uptake and grain yield in three maize hybrids (Pioneer-32 F 10, Monsanto-6525 and Hycorn-8288) through the application of Zn in the form of ZnSO 4. The ZnSO 4 treatments comprised; soil application at the time of sowing @ 12 kg ha-1 , foliar application at vegetative stage (9 leaf stage) @ 1% ZnSO 4 solution and foliar application at reproductive stage (anthesis) @ 1% ZnSO 4 solution and one treatment was kept as a control. The experimental results showed substantial difference in yield and yield contributing parameters such as plant population at harvest, number of grains per cob, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index. Statistically maximum grain yield (8.76t ha-1) was obtained with foliar spray of ZnSO 4 at 9-leaf stage (Zn 2) in case of Monsanto-6525. Foliar spray of ZnSO 4 increased 38% and soil application gave 23.7% more grain yield than control treatment. Foliar spray of ZnSO 4 at 9-leaf stage in Monsanto-6525 hybrid produced higher grain yield and net field benefit. Thus foliar application of Zn fertilizers has a positive effect on economic and biological yield of maize crop.

Zinc management effects on quality and nutrient yield of fodder maize (Zea mays)

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Relationship between zinc deficiencies in soil that inturn in crop plants, animal and ultimately in human nutrition is reported in several studies. Agronomic fortification through soil and foliar application of zinc could be viable option to improve the productivity and quality of fodder maize, which ultimately helps in alleviate zinc deficiency in animals. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate the performance of fodder maize (Zea mays L.) in two consecutive kharif seasons, i.e. 2014 and 2015. The experiment was laid out in split plot arrangement with two main-plot treatments consisting of varieties (African tall and J-1006) and six sub-plot treatments of zinc fertilization (Zn0-No zinc sulphate; Zn1-10 kg/ha ZnSO04 as basal dose ; Zn2 -20 kg/ha ZnSO04 as basal dose ; Zn3 -0.5% one foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 30 DAS ; Zn4 -0.5% two foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 30 and 45 DAS and Zn5 -10 kg/ha ZnSO4 as basal dose +0.5% one foliar spray at 30 DAS). Results shows that both the verieties tested w...

Exploring the role of zinc fertilization methods for agronomic bio-fortification and its impact on phenology, growth and yield characteristics of maize

Semina: Ciências Agrárias

Zinc (Zn) is a key mineral nutrient for plant and human growth and its deficiency can reduce the plant growth and development, however; agronomic bio-fortification can cure plant and human Zn deficiency. By using different Zn fertilization approaches, this study investigated the role and its impact on phenology, growth and yield of maize during two growing seasons 2015 and 2016. The treatments comprised of: no Zn application (ZnC0), basal application of 10 kg ZnSO4.7H2O ha-1 (ZnB1), basal application of 15 kg ZnSO4.7H2O ha-1 (ZnB2), foliar application of 1% solution of ZnSO4.7H2O ha-1 (ZnF3), foliar application of 1.5% solution of ZnSO4.7H2O ha-1 (ZnF4) applied to two hybrids of maize (YSM-112 and DK-6525). The maize hybrid DK-6525 showed superiority in term of growth and yield than YSM-112. The ZnF4 brings early emergence, tasseling and silking that resulted in early crop maturity. However, ZnB2 improved crop growth rate, grain yield and Zn concentration in maize grain by 44, 11.39...

Effect of Zinc Application on Growth and Yield of Summer Maize (Zea mays)

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

A field experiment was conducted at the Instructional-cum-Research (ICR) Farm, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during the summer season of 2019 to find out the effect of zinc on growth and yield through soil and foliar application. The experiment consisted of nine treatments viz., 0 kg/ha ZnSO4 (Control), 10 kg/ha ZnSO4 soil application, 20 kg/ha ZnSO4 soil application, 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS, 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS and 45 DAS, 10 kg/ha ZnSO4 ­soil application + 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS, 10 kg/ha ZnSO4 ­soil application + 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS and 45 DAS, 20 kg/ha ZnSO4 ­soil application + 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS and 20 kg/ha ZnSO4 ­soil application + 0.5% ZnSO4 foliar spray at 25 DAS and 45 DAS. The treatments were laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) and replicated thrice. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam in texture, acidic in reaction (pH 5.4), medium in organic carbon (0.64%), low in available N (198...

Differences in the Zinc Efficiency Among and Within Maize Cultivars in a Calcareous Soil


Low availability o f Zn in cal careous soils is o ne of the w idest ranging abiotic stresses in world agriculture. Greenhouse experiment were carried out with Four cultivars of maize (301 Single Grass (A), 302 Single Grass (B), 307 Single Grass (C), 400 Single Grass (D), Zea mays L.) were used to study the influence of varied zinc (Zn) supply on Zn efficiency, shoot dry matter production, Zn uptake, Chlorophyll content, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Relative Growth Rate (RGR). Plants were grown in a Zn-deficient calcareous soil under greenhouse conditions with (+Zn = 10 mg/ kg soil) and without (-Zn) Zn supply. Plants were harvested after 40 and 80 days. Zinc efficiency, expressed as the percentage of shoot dry weight produced under conditions of Zn deficiency compared to Zn supply, ranged between 62.3 and 75.5% in first stage and between 63.5 and 81.2% in second stage. Application of Zinc caused increase in shoot dry weight in all cultivars. Zn uptake enhanced with application of zinc ...

Response Of Maize Varieties To Zinc Fertilization

Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011

Eight maize varieties viz. four composites (Mohor, Barnali, Khoibhutta, and BARI Maize-6) and four hybrids (BARI Hybrid Maize-1, BARI Hybrid Maize- 3, BARI Hybrid Maize Top 1 & Pacific 984), were tested for their response to zinc fertilization (0 and 3 kg Zn/ha) at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Jessore (AEZ-11, High Ganges River Floodplain) during 2002- 2005. The varieties were not equally responsive to Zn addition. Except BARI Hybrid Maize-3, all other hybrids showed higher response to Zn compared to composite varieties. Among the hybrids, the Pacific 984 had the highest response followed by BARI Hybrid Maize-1 and BARI Hybrid Maize Top 1, the later two showed identical response. Comparing the composite varieties, their response can be ranked as Barnali ≈ Mohor > Khoibhutta > BARI Maize-6. The result suggests that BARI Hybrid Maize-3 and BARI Maize-6 were the most Zn inresponsive (Zn efficient) varieties. Further it appeared that Pacific 984 gave the high...