Cegep Graduates With Disabilities (original) (raw)

The handicapped and their employment: Statistical study of the situation in the member states of the European Communities


Preliminary remarks .-1.1-Military and civilian war victims 1.2-Workers covered by the social security scheme ; 1.3-Victims of accidents at work and occupational diseases. 1.4-Social rehabilitation of the disabled 2-BASIC DATA 2.1-Total population of Belgium 2.2-Trends in the working population and unemployment rate 3-ESTIMATES OF THE NUMBER OF HANDICAPPED PERSONS. . 19 3.1-Census of physically handicapped persons 19 3.2-Comparison of the number of applications for assistance and the total population 20 7.4-Education, training and vocational retraining ... 29 7.4.1-Training contract in vocational training centres for the disabled 30 7.4.2-Special apprenticeship contract 30 7.4.3-Treatment of academic education as vocational training 30-10-8-PLACEMENT OF DISABLED PERSONS 31 8.1-Financial assistance with remuneration and social contributions 31 8.2-Placement of disabled persons 8.3-Placement in sheltered workshops of unemployed persons who are 'difficult to place' 9-'UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG DISABLED PERSONS 9.1-Long-term unemployment 9.2-Monthly averages for persons seeking employment 9.3-Trends in the number of persons seeking employment 9.4-Trends in applications for jobs from disabled persons-10-8-PLACEMENT OF DISABLED PERSONS 31 8.1-Financial assistance with remuneration and social contributions 31 8.2-Placement of disabled persons 31 8.3-Placement in sheltered workshops of unemployed persons who are 'difficult to place' 9-'UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG DISABLED PERSONS 9.1-Long-term unemployment 9.2-Monthly averages for persons seeking employment 9.3-Trends in the number of persons seeking employment 9.4-Trends in applications for jobs from disabled persons-11 1-LEGISLATION Sources: Part 1, Legislation, was drawn up in cooperation with Ms Jacqueline Brand and Mr Léon Laureys of the Office National de l'Emploi (National Employment Office) under the Ministère de l'Emploi et du Travail (Ministry of Employment and La¬ bour) in Brussels. The final text was revised by Mr A. Maron, administrative head of the 'Fonds National de Reclassement Social des Handicapés' or FNRSH (National Fund for the Social Rehabilitation of Handicapped Persons).

Développer la recherche française en sciences humaines et sociales sur le handicap

Handicaps et innovation : le défi de compétence, 2010

Qu'est-ce que l'Observatoire national sur la formation, la recherche et l'innovation sur le handicap (ONFRIH) ? L'intitulé de la loi du 11 février 2005 « sur l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées » refl ète en lui-même les vastes défi s posés par le handicap, qui s'impose désormais comme une question sociale, sociétale et politique de premier plan. L'ONFRIH a été institué par cette loi afi n d'améliorer la prise en compte des questions relatives au handicap dans les politiques et programmes de recherche, de formation et de prévention. Sa mission est de réaliser un état des lieux précis de la situation existante dans ces trois domaines et de formuler des préconisations qui ont vocation à être prises en compte dans les programmations et actions des opérateurs concernés (Faure, 2010). Le conseil d'orientation de l'ONFRIH (décret du 31 octobre 2006) réunit les compétences et les expériences des acteurs majeurs du monde du handicap :-18 associations désignées par le Conseil national consultatif des personnes handicapées (CNCPH) ;

Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal


Every year an increasing number of students with disabilities are graduating from high school and entering into postsecondary education. In an effort to assess the university climate for students with disabilities a survey was conducted on a large Northeastern campus. The survey focused on the attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge of university students and faculty on disability-related issues. Results are presented from undergraduate, graduate, and faculty perspectives. Most students and faculty report positive attitudes and interactions with students with disabilities, however these interactions are often limited and awkward. Disability issues are not often presented in the classroom content and the majority of faculty do not announce the availably of accommodations in the classroom. Implications for postsecondary institutions are explored.

The Importance of the Training Profile of the Graduate with Intellectual Disabilities and Adaptation to an Appropriate Occupational Profile

European Modern Studies Journal

The training profile of the graduate of different study levels represents a regulatory component of the National Curriculum. It describes the expectations expressed towards students at the end of primary education, compulsory education and pre-university education, by referring to the requirements expressed in the National Education Law, in other educational policy documents and in specialized studies, the purposes of education, the development characteristics of students. According to the ISE, the training profile of the 8th and 12th grade graduate is structured according to the development of the eight key competencies, as a structured set of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which ensure the personalization of learning and the solving of new problems. The occupational profile represents a synthetic description of the content of an occupation and the main requirements (of a mental, physical, educational nature, etc.) necessary for its exercise. The development of the occupational p...