Diverse outcomes of planet formation and composition around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Astrophysical Journal, 2013
The rapid growth in the number of known exoplanets has revealed the existence of several distinct planetary populations in the observed mass-period diagram. Two of the most surprising are, (1) the concentration of gas giants around 1AU and (2) the accumulation of a large number of low-mass planets with tight orbits, also known as super-Earths and hot Neptunes. We have recently shown that protoplanetary disks have multiple planet traps that are characterized by orbital radii in the disks and halt rapid type I planetary migration. By coupling planet traps with the standard core accretion scenario, we showed that one can account for the positions of planets in the mass-period diagram. In this paper, we demonstrate quantitatively that most gas giants formed at planet traps tend to end up around 1 AU with most of these being contributed by dead zones and ice lines. In addition, we show that a large fraction of super-Earths and hot Neptunes are formed as "failed" cores of gas giants-this population being constituted by comparable contributions from dead zone and heat transition traps. Our results are based on the evolution of forming planets in an ensemble of disks where we vary only the lifetimes of disks as well as their mass accretion rates onto the host star. We show that a statistical treatment of the evolution of a large population of planetary cores initially caught in planet traps accounts for the existence of three distinct exoplantary populations-the hot Jupiters, the more massive planets at roughly orbital radii around 1 AU orbital, and the short period SuperEarths and hot Neptunes. There are very few evolutionary tracks that feed into the large orbital radii characteristic of the imaged Jovian planet and this is in accord with the result of recent surveys that find a paucity of Jovian planets beyond 10 AU. Finally, we find that low-mass planets in tight orbits become the dominant planetary population for low mass stars (M * ≤ 0.7M ⊙), in agreement with the previous studies which show that the formation of gas giants is preferred for massive stars.
A Decreased Probability of Habitable Planet Formation around Low‐Mass Stars
The Astrophysical Journal, 2007
Smaller terrestrial planets (0.3 M ⊕) are less likely to retain the substantial atmospheres and ongoing tectonic activity probably required to support life. A key element in determining if sufficiently massive "sustainably habitable" planets can form is the availability of solid planet-forming material. We use dynamical simulations of terrestrial planet formation from planetary embryos and simple scaling arguments to explore the implications of correlations between terrestrial planet mass, disk mass, and the mass of the parent star. We assume that the protoplanetary disk mass scales with stellar mass as M disk ∝ f M h ⋆ , where f measures the relative disk mass, and 1/2 < h < 2, so that disk mass decreases with decreasing stellar mass. We consider systems without Jovian planets, based on current models and observations for M stars. We assume the mass of a planet formed in some annulus of a disk with given parameters is proportional to the disk mass in that annulus, and show with a suite of simulations of late-stage accretion that the adopted prescription is surprisingly accurate. Our results suggest that the fraction of systems with sufficient disk mass to form > 0.3 M ⊕ habitable planets decreases for low-mass stars for every realistic combination of parameters. This "habitable fraction" is small for stellar masses below a mass in the interval 0.5 to 0.8 M ⊙ , depending on disk parameters, an interval that excludes most M stars. Radial mixing and therefore water delivery are inefficient in lower-mass disks commonly found around low-mass stars, such that terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of most low-mass stars are likely to be small and dry.
Collisional Growth of Planetesimals and the Formation of Terrestrial Planets in Binary Star Systems
While recent simulations of the accretion of planetesimals in circumprimary disks in moderately close binary star systems point to the inefficiency of the growth of these objects to larger bodies, the detection of planets around the primaries of binary systems with stellar separation smaller than 20 AU, suggests that planet formation in such binaries may be as efficient as around single stars. We have carried out an expansive numerical study of the collision and interaction of planetesimals, and their growth to planetary embryos and terrestrial planet in such binary systems. By including non-linear gas drag, stemming from an eccentric gas disk with a finite precession rate, we have been able to show that the disk precession decreases the velocity dispersion between different-size planetesimals and facilitates their accretional collisions in particular near the outer parts of the disk. Our results also indicate that terrestrial planet formation is more efficient in binaries with peri...
A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models
Surveys have shown that super-Earth and Neptune-mass exoplanets are more frequent than gas giants around low-mass stars, as predicted by the core accretion theory of planet formation. We report the discovery of a giant planet around the very-low-mass star GJ 3512, as determined by optical and near-infrared radial-velocity observations. The planet has a minimum mass of 0.46 Jupiter masses, very high for such a small host star, and an eccentric 204-day orbit. Dynamical models show that the high eccentricity is most likely due to planet-planet interactions. We use simulations to demonstrate that the GJ 3512 planetary system challenges generally accepted formation theories, and that it puts constraints on the planet accretion and migration rates. Disk instabilities may be more efficient in forming planets than previously thought.
Planet formation models: the interplay with the planetesimal disc
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012
Context. According to the sequential accretion model (or core-nucleated accretion model), giant planet formation is based first on the formation of a solid core which, when massive enough, can gravitationally bind gas from the nebula to form the envelope. The most critical part of the model is the formation time of the core: to trigger the accretion of gas, the core has to grow up to several Earth masses before the gas component of the protoplanetary disc dissipates. Aims. We calculate planetary formation models including a detailed description of the dynamics of the planetesimal disc, taking into account both gas drag and excitation of forming planets. Methods. We computed the formation of planets, considering the oligarchic regime for the growth of the solid core. Embryos growing in the disc stir their neighbour planetesimals, exciting their relative velocities, which makes accretion more difficult. Here we introduce a more realistic treatment for the evolution of planetesimals' relative velocities, which directly impact on the formation timescale. For this, we computed the excitation state of planetesimals, as a result of stirring by forming planets, and gas-solid interactions. Results. We find that the formation of giant planets is favoured by the accretion of small planetesimals, as their random velocities are more easily damped by the gas drag of the nebula. Moreover, the capture radius of a protoplanet with a (tiny) envelope is also larger for small planetesimals. However, planets migrate as a result of disc-planet angular momentum exchange, with important consequences for their survival: due to the slow growth of a protoplanet in the oligarchic regime, rapid inward type I migration has important implications on intermediate-mass planets that have not yet started their runaway accretion phase of gas. Most of these planets are lost in the central star. Surviving planets have masses either below 10 M ⊕ or above several Jupiter masses. Conclusions. To form giant planets before the dissipation of the disc, small planetesimals (∼0.1 km) have to be the major contributors of the solid accretion process. However, the combination of oligarchic growth and fast inward migration leads to the absence of intermediate-mass planets. Other processes must therefore be at work to explain the population of extrasolar planets that are presently known.
Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2010
We review the current theoretical understanding how growth from micrometer sized dust to massive giant planets occurs in disks around young stars. After introducing a number of observational constraints from the solar system, from observed protoplanetary disks, and from the extrasolar planets, we simplify the problem by dividing it into a number of discrete stages which are assumed to occur in a sequential way. In the first stage -the growth from dust to kilometer sized planetesimals -the aerodynamics of the bodies are of central importance. We discuss both a purely coagulative growth mode, as well as a gravoturbulent mode involving a gravitational instability of the dust. In the next stage, planetesimals grow to protoplanets of roughly 1000 km in size. Gravity is now the dominant force. The mass accretion can be strongly non-linear, leading to the detachment of a few big bodies from the remaining planetesimals. In the outer planetary system (outside a few AU), some of these bodies can become so massive that they eventually accrete a large gaseous envelope. This is the stage of giant planet formation, as understood within the core accretiongas capture paradigm. We also discuss the direct gravitational collapse model where giant planets are thought to form directly via a gravitational fragmentation of the gas disk. In the inner system, protoplanets collide in the last stage -probably after the dispersal of the gaseous disk -in giant impacts until the separations between the remaining terrestrial planets become large enough to allow long term stability. We finish the review with some selected questions.
Theory of planet formation and comparison with observation
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2011
The planetary mass-radius diagram is an observational result of central importance to understand planet formation. We present an updated version of our planet formation model based on the core accretion paradigm which allows us to calculate planetary radii and luminosities during the entire formation and evolution of the planets. We first study with it the formation of Jupiter, and compare with previous works. Then we conduct planetary population synthesis calculations to obtain a synthetic mass-radius diagram which we compare with the observed one. Except for bloated Hot Jupiters which can be explained only with additional mechanisms related to their proximity to the star, we find a good agreement of the general shape of the observed and the synthetic M − R diagram. This shape can be understood with basic concepts of the core accretion model.
The Formation and Architecture of Young Planetary Systems
Clockwise from top left: The first directly-imaged extrasolar planetary system, HR 8799 bcd 1 ; a model of how a giant planet would clear a protoplanetary disk 2 ; the wide, apparently planetary-mass companions 2M1207b and AB Pic b 3,4 .
Formation, Orbital and Internal Evolutions of Young Planetary Systems
Space Science Reviews, 2016
The growing body of observational data on extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks has stimulated intense research on planet formation and evolution in the past few years. The extremely diverse, sometimes unexpected physical and orbital characteristics of exoplanets lead to frequent updates on the mainstream scenarios for planet formation and evolution, but also to the exploration of alternative avenues. The aim of this review is to bring together classical pictures and new ideas on the formation, orbital and internal evolutions of planets, highlighting the key role of the protoplanetary disk in the various parts of the theory. We begin by briefly reviewing the conventional mechanism of core accretion by the growth of planetesimals, and discuss a relatively recent model of core growth through the accretion of pebbles. We review the basic physics of planet-disk interactions, recent progress in this area, and discuss their role in observed planetary systems. We address the most important effects of planets internal evolution, like cooling and contraction, the mass-luminosity relation, and the bulk composition expressed in the mass-radius and mass-mean density relations. Keywords planets and satellites: formation • planets and satellites: interiors • protoplanetary disks • planet-disk interactions 1 Introduction Planet formation and evolution is a fast-moving field, stimulated by the rapid increase in the number of exoplanets and their great diversity. Despite the wealth of observational data on planetary systems, including our own, it is difficult to have a general theory for planet formation and evolution as it involves a broad range of physical processes that happen at