Pesquisa fronteiras da nova economia institucional (original) (raw)
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Research frontiers of new institutional economics
RAUSP Management Journal, 2018
This contribution is about the 'progressive research program', as Imre Lakatos would have called it, initiated by New Institutional Economics. After a short reminder of the 'golden triangle' of concepts and tools introduced by the founders (Coase, North, Ostrom, Williamson) and their followers, the paper turns to a quick overview of the attainments of this paradigm along its dominant branches: organization theory and institutional analysis. The emphasis is on the new paths opening up, with a focus on two key issues: hybrid arrangements, which may well be the prevailing organization of transactions in developed market economies; and intermediate, 'meso-institutions', which likely provide the missing link between the general rules framing socioeconomic activities and the actors operating within these rules. The underlying argument is that whatever happens to the label 'NIE', this research program will remain with us for a long time ahead.
The present article seeks to discuss the meaning (s) of frontiers in Brazil and the role of institutions in the process of economic development through the new institutional economics. Any pattern of collective behavior characterizes an institution, and as such determines the "rules of the game". The frontier represents a socioeconomic relationship of production because the structure of society in building a frontier is dominated (in)directly by capital. In Brazil, the movement to occupy land on the frontier does not usually occur through contingent smallholders, but rather through a mixture of different social segments, such as: migrants, "landless" males, farmers and entrepreneurs, all seeking land to occupy, to produce and to speculate. The main conclusion is that a developed institutional system may help to promote economic development by structuring the surrounding environment and stimulating the process of cooperation, innovation and learning in the frontier regions of Brazil. K e y w o r d s : frontier; institutions; new institutional economics; capital; Brazil. R e s u m o : O presente artigo procura debater o(s) significados(s) de fronteira no Brasil e o papel das instituições no processo de desenvolvimento econômico através do novo institucionalismo econômico. Qualquer padrão de comportamento coletivo caracteriza uma instituição, e, como tal, determina as "regras do jogo". A fronteira representa uma relação socioeconômica de produção, pois a estrutura da sociedade em construção de uma fronteira é dominada (in)diretamente pelo capital. No Brasil, o movimento de ocupação territorial da fronteira não costuma acontecer por meio de contingentes de pequenos lavradores, mas sim através de um mix que envolve diversos segmentos sociais como migrantes, homens "sem terra", fazendeiros e empresários-todos em busca de terras para ocupar, produzir e especular. A principal conclusão é a de que um sistema institucional evoluído pode ajudar na promoção do desenvolvimento econômico ao estruturar o entorno e estimular o processo de cooperação, inovação e aprendizagem nas regiões de fronteira do Brasil. P a l a v r a s-c h a v e : fronteira; instituições; novo institucionalismo econômico; capital; Brasil.
This article explicitly deals with and scrutinises what can be perceived to be the core analytical issues and methodological concepts of new institutional economics. New institutionalism seeks to explain not just the origins and evolution of institutions of capitalism, but more generally the scope of the theory is supposed to be universally applicable. Granted this, new institutionalists often interpret the historical emergence and evolution of institutions in abstract logical terms. This is because of the static, timeless, ahistorical and asocial nature of marginalism and neoclassical equilibrium analysis used by new institutionalists. Hence, an attempt is made to propose certain methodological and theoretical premises that can pave the way for the construction of an alternative, qualified theory of institutional arrangements. In this vein, the issues of social structure, social relations, power and conflict come to central stage.
This article explicitly deals with and scrutinises what can be perceived to be the core analytical issues and methodological concepts of new institutional economics. New institutionalism seeks to explain not just the origins and evolution of institutions of capitalism, but more generally the scope of the theory is supposed to be universally applicable. Granted this, new institutionalists often interpret the historical emergence and evolution of institutions in abstract logical terms. This is because of the static, timeless, ahistorical and asocial nature of marginalism and neoclassical equilibrium analysis used by new institutionalists. Hence, an attempt is made to propose certain methodological and theoretical premises that can pave the way for the construction of an alternative, qualified theory of institutional arrangements. In this vein, the issues of social structure, social relations, power and conflict come to central stage.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 42(3):619-637 , 2022
The attack of the traditions of political economy upon the orthodox economics is directed at the pillars supporting its political philosophy and at the core of its deductive and individualist methodology. This criticism challenges the current mainstream economics research frontier, which includes the notions of ‘new’ institutional economics, among others. Recalling the tradition known as the ‘Other Canon’, this article criticises these theories and reclaims the principal arguments of a real critical institutional political economy agenda, based on the significant role of history in economic and social analysis, the inductive methodology and the emphasis on power relationships and interest conflicts.
In this paper, through the formulation of an alternate conceptual model, the author links the concepts of functional entrepreneurship and institutions, understood as a set of categories —formal and informal rules— showing a complex, dynamic and interactive character. Furthermore, the aim of this paper is to introduce an exploration of the concept of institutional coordination or positive institutional interaction as an essential element for neo institutional economics analysis. This aim proposes the hypothesis that institutional coordination or positive interaction among formal and informal institutions is the real key element for a theoretically consistent and com prehensive analysis, evaluation and testing of institutions. Moreover, the paper is attached to the «meta» concept of society, represented as a process of dy namic collaboration among individuals. This assumption seeks to suggest an improved theoretical standard through the insertion of concepts taken from classical legal...
Una aplicación de la teoría de los fenómenos sociales de Searle a la new institutional economics
En economía, la noción de institución no está claramente definida, al menos no de manera formal. En este documento, se toman algunos elementos de los fundamentos de Searle para el estudio formal de los fenómenos sociales con el objetivo de proponer una caracterización más completa y formal del concepto. Además, a los efectos de una comprensión intuitiva de la propuesta, se ha ensayado una aplicación del concepto de institución en el caso de la aproximación Williamson (1975) a la New Institutional Economics.In Economics the notion of institution is not sufficiently defined, at least not in a formal way. In this paper, some elements of Searle’s foundation for the formal study of social phenomena are taken to propose a more comprehensive and formal characterization of the concept. Also, for the purposes of an intuitive understanding of the proposal’s attributes, it is tried out an application to the concept of institution in the case of New Institutional Economics, at least Williamson’...
The development of institutional theory in the field of organization studies in Brazil
Cadernos EBAPE. BR, 2010
This article is based on the assumption that the construction of scientific knowledge is a social process characterized by the recursive dynamic between the social and intellectual dimensions. In light of this statement, we investigated how the construction of the institutional perspective is delineated in the context of organizational studies in Brazil from 1993 to 2007, considering transformations in its substantive content as well as the social organization of scientists. The study is based on documentary research of published articles in scientific journals and at academic events. We analyzed social networks of authorship in order to map the cooperation relationships between researchers, and we also used scientometric analysis, based on cited and co-cited authors, for mapping the intellectual framework throughout the period under study. The findings reveal that social ties among scientists in the field of institutional theory are representative of intellectual affinity, which means that there are social mechanisms working in the process of diffusion of ideas and formation of shared understandings, both aspects regarded to social embeddedness of researchers in the clusters in which they belong.