Disposición sagital del raquis lumbar y torácico en el ejercicio de curl de bíceps con barra en bipedestación. (Sagittal disposition of the lumbar and thoracic spine in the standing barbell Curl) (original) (raw)

Disposición sagital del raquis lumbar en el ejercicio de polea al pecho

Sagittal lumbar spinal curvature in lat pulldown exercise Objectives. To describe the sagittal spinal curvature of the lumbar spine in muscular conditioning rooms during lat pulldown exercise and compare it with the angular position in usual standing position. Method. Lumbar curvature of 66 male recreational weightlifters (mean age: 24.7 ± 4.9 years) was measured with a unilevel inclinometer (ISOMED Inc., Portland, OR) during relaxed standing and during the lat pulldown exercise. Lumbar lordosis was measured at the end of the concentric phase in the sixth repetition and at the end of the eccentric phase in the eighth repetition. Results. Mean lumbar lordosis values during exercise were 23.35° ± 16.22° at the end of the concentric phase and 20.79° ± 14.82° at the end of the eccentric phase (p < 0.016). Lumbar lordosis in standing was 31.62° ± 7.41° (p < 0.016) with respect to eccentric and concentric phases). Conclusions. The lat pulldown exercise showed a lower lumbar lordosis than standing, and therefore there was a greater frequency of lumbar kyphotic and hypolordotic postures. However, we found a low frequency of hyperlordotic posture.

Análisis del protocolo de curl nórdico de isquiotibiales en la flexibilidad de los deportistas (Analysis of the Nordic curl protocol in the flexibility of athletes)


Los ejercicios nórdicos son considerados estándar de oro e indicados para el aumento de la fuerza excéntrica y la prevención de lesiones, sin embargo, su aplicación debe estar enfocada a diversas disciplinas deportivas, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos del entrenamiento sobre la flexibilidad. de deportistas de fútbol, ​​baloncesto, atletismo, ciclismo, taekwondo y escalada deportiva. Para ello, se analizaron 60 deportistas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, con una edad de 19±1,8, divididos entre el grupo control (31) y el grupo experimental (29); mismos que fueron evaluados en forma inicial y final con el test de Sit and Reach. Se aplicó un entrenamiento que incluía los ejercicios nórdicos durante 7 semanas en el grupo experimental y el grupo control continuó con su entrenamiento establecido, posteriormente fueron evaluados pasado el tiempo mencionado.Los resultados obtenidos muestran la utilidad de este entrenamiento para aumentar la flex...

La posición de la cabeza durante el uso de dispositivos electrónicos y la postura en bípedo / The position of the head during the use of electronic devices and posture in biped


Summary . Posture is a feature that allows us to understand the biological, mechanical, mental and emotional functioning of human beings; the positioning of the head on the body meets the physiological requirements of breathing, hearing, vision and balance, and the stimuli to which the children are subjected determine to a great extent the postural balance they will have in adulthood. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the position of the head during the use of electronic devices and bipedal position in the sagittal plane in children aged 6 to 10 years. It is a cross-sectional study of 56 children enrolled in a private school in Bogota, mean age of 8.2 + 2 years whose participation was voluntary. The position of the child in the sagittal plane and the position of the head during the use of electronic devices were evaluated by means of photographs. Correlation measurements and non-parametric tests were used for comparison of medians. 69% of the par...