Enhancement of instantaneous power method in the problems of estimation of electromechanical complexes power controllability (original) (raw)

A power-based description of standard mechanical systems

Systems & Control Letters, 2007

This paper is concerned with the construction of a power-based modeling framework for mechanical systems. Mathematically, this is formalized by proving that every standard mechanical system (with or without dissipation) can be written as a gradient vector field with respect to an indefinite metric. The form and existence of the corresponding potential function is shown to be the mechanical analog of Brayton and Moser's mixed-potential function as originally derived for nonlinear electrical networks in the early sixties. In this way, several recently proposed analysis and control methods that use the mixed-potential function as a starting point can also be applied to mechanical systems.

A power-based perspective of mechanical systems

Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05, 2005

This paper is concerned with the construction of a power-based modeling framework for a large class of mechanical systems. Mathematically this is formalized by proving that every standard mechanical system (with or without dissipation) can be written as a gradient vector field with respect to an indefinite metric. The form and existence of the corresponding potential function is shown to be the mechanical analogue of Brayton and Moser's mixed-potential function as originally derived for nonlinear electrical networks in the early sixties. In this way, several recently proposed analysis and control methods that use the mixed-potential function as a starting point can also be applied to mechanical systems.

The automation of the procedure of the electrohydraulic complex power harmonic analysis


A possibility of application of the method for the harmonic analysis of power signals in the non-stationary modes of electrohydraulic complexes operation is demonstrated. To automate the procedure of power harmonic analysis an energy analyzer is created. It enables the research of the electrohydraulic complex power processes when they change in real time with preservation of all information about the initial power-forming signals. It is obtained that the wave processes in the pipeline in non-stationary modes are accompanied by increase of the power signals variable components, especially, their low-frequency component. It is proposed to use the indices based on determination of the power root-mean-square values to assess the energy conversion processes in the electrohydraulic complex. Streszczenie. W pracy zademonstrowano możliwość aplikacji metody analizy harmonicznych sygnałów mocy w niestacjonarnych modach układów elektrohydraulicznych. Do zautomatyzowania procesu stworzono procedurę harmonicznej analizy mocy w analizatorach energii. Umożliwia to badanie procesów w układach elektrohydraulicznych w czasie realnym, podczas ich zmiany z zachowaniem wszystkich informacji o początkowych sygnałach. Otrzymano, że niestacjonarne procesy falowe w rurociągu stowarzyszone są ze wzrostem składników sygnałów mocy, specjalnie tych o niskiej częstotliwości. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie indeksów bazujących na określeniu wartości skutecznej w celu oszacowania procesów przemiany energetycznej w układzie elektrohydraulicznym. (Automatyzacja procedur analiz harmonicznych układu elektrohydraulicznego)

���Power-based control of physical systems: Two case studies


It is well known that energy-balancing control is stymied by the presence of pervasive dissipation. To overcome this problem in electrical circuits, the alternative paradigm of powershaping control was introduced in (Ortega et al., 2003)-where, as suggested by its name, stabilization is achieved shaping a function akin to power instead of the energy function. In a previous work (García-Canseco et al., 2006) we have extended this technique to general nonlinear systems. The method relies on the solution of a PDE, which identifies the open-loop storage function. Despite the intrinsic difficulty of solving PDEs, we show through some physical examples, that the power-shaping methodology yields storage functions corresponding to the power of the system. To motivate the application of this control technique beyond the realm of electrical circuits, we illustrate the procedure with two case studies: a micro-electromechanical system and a two-tank system.

Reactive Power Compensation in Mechanical Systems

In this paper the problem of energy consumption in mechanical systems is approached from an electrical engineering point of view. To achieve this objective classical concepts in electrical networks theory like apparent power, reactive power and power factor have been extended to mechanical systems. This paper focus on the role of springs in mechanical systems to avoid power oscillations between joint actuators and loads. Such oscillations are a major problem because they unnecessarily increases the mean-square value of joint torques and by consequence Joule effect losses in the actuators. The minimization of these oscillations is known as "reactive power compensation". The main points illustrated in this paper are the fundamental limitations on reactive power compensation and the negative effect on the energy consumption of the harmonic content of the reference trajectory.

Real Time Torque and Power Analyses of Electromechanical Systems

The structure of computer program for indirect determination of induction motor torque using mathematical model computation is presented. The possibilities of extension of the program for analyses of AC motor power are given along with the program algorithm for power analyses. Moreover, the accomplishment possibilities of direct tensometer torque sensors are studied.

Some Considerations Regarding The Efficiency Of The Electromechanical Motion

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2002

The analyses concerning an electric consumer may consist in determination of several components of electric current, injected by this consumer, in the electric network. Regarding sequence negative and sequence zero components of electric current, the unbalanced electrical consumer is the cause of its presence. Regarding harmonic components of electric current, the non-linear consumer is the cause of its presence. The efficiency about electric energy consumption may be characterized by the values of those components; the paper describes several considerations regarding those components of electrical current and its flow.

Information support to solve direct dynamic problem for the previously disturbed electromechanical systems. Roman S. Voliansky, Oleksandr V. Sadovoi, Olga I. Tolochko, Yurii Yu. Shramko (Herald of Advanced Information Technology, Vol. 7 No. 2)

Information support to solve direct dynamic problem for the previouslydisturbed electromechanicalsystems, 2024

The article is devoted to the creation of methodological foundations for solving a direct problem of dynamics for linear dynamic systems, the motion of which is described by ordinary differential equations with nonzero initial conditions. Consideration of the motions of linear dynamic systems allows to simplify the mathematical apparatus used and to solve motion determination problems by using a known approach based on transfer functions. However, due to the fact that the classical definition of transfer functions does not involve taking into account non-zero initial conditions, which are caused by the presence of initial deviations of the coordinates of the control object from their desired values, in our work we use the Laplace-Carson transformation to find the corresponding images and write the equations of motion in operator form. This approach, in contrast to the generally acceptedone, led to the introduction of information about the initial conditions of motion in the right-hand side of the corresponding operator differential equations and necessitated the generalization of the vector of control signals by including in it components that take into account the initial conditions of motion of the system under consideration. Such transformations made it possible to generalize the concept of a matrix transfer function as a matrix linear dynamic operator, which consists of two components that define disturbed free and controlled forced movements. The use of such an operator makes it possible to study the dynamics of the considered linear system both separately for each of the components of the generalized vector of controlling influences, and in the complex, thus solving the direct problem of the dynamics of linear systems. As an example, we show the use of the proposed approach for motion analysis of a DC motor with nonlinear fan friction based on its piecewise linearized model.

Study on the methods of measuring power of the rotating mechanisms

E3S web of conferences, 2022

This article is about the methods of measuring the power of rotating mechanisms, in which the sensors that measure the angular parameters of rotating mechanisms are analyzed. Also, several methods of measuring the power of rotating mechanisms are given in the article. The method of power dissipation through angular acceleration and torque is analyzed in more detail. Connections of input and output quantities are given.

Towards Power-Based Control Strategies for a Class of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems


Abstract: In the present work we are interested on the derivation of power-based passivity properties for a certain class of non-linear mechanical systems. While for (non)-linear mechanical systems, it is of common use to adopt a storage function related to the system’s energy in order to show passivity and stabilize the system on a desired equilibrium point(e.g., IDA-PBC (Ortega et al., 1998)), we want here to obtain similar properties related to the system’s power. The motivation arises from the idea that in some engineering applications(satellite orbit motion, aircraft dynamic,etc...)seems more sensible to cope with the power flowing into the system instead of the energy that for stabilization purposes, means to consider the systems’s equilibrium the state for which the energy flow-rate(i.e.,system’s power)is minimal. In this respect, we recall first the power-based description for a certain class of (non)-linear mechanical systems given in (de Rinaldis and Scherpen, 2005) and th...