Fundamentals and applications of Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (original) (raw)
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Feasibility of Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy for
In this paper, experimental results obtained with Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy to retrieve local compositions are presented for an ambient pressure up to 5.0 MPa in a still cell. Well controlled mixtures of gases are introduced and plasma is obtained with the fundamental emission of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Simultaneously, plasma shape and spectrally resolved data are taken with a temporal resolution down to 2 ns. First, the temporal evolutions of a high-pressure nitrogen plasma are analyzed as function of spark energy. It is shown that plasma changes orientation from an elongated shape parallel to the laser line to a perpendicular one in a very short time. Results are reported for both spatial and spectral variations. Afterwards, the effects of increased carbon concentration are discussed in both shape and spectra. It is seen that strong intensity due to the atomic carbon emissions appear for the high-pressure case. From those experiments, calibration strategies are proposed to get equivalence ratio under high pressure conditions with a ratio of carbon versus nitrogen and oxygen. The delay between plasma and measurements is set to 2000 ns and the signal is integrated for 5000 ns, so as to yield a good signal to noise ratio and a good sensitivity of the technique to changes in mixture fraction. Calibration curves are reported for equivalence ratio up to 1.00 and for pressure from 1.0 to 5.0 MPa. It is shown that typical uncertainties are limited to 7.5% regardless the equivalence ratio in a single shot approach using a spectral fit procedure,whereas it accounts to two times more in a more classical peak ratio approach. Increasing the pressure tends to increase the precision as lower pressure had higher uncertainties.
An extension of the Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy technique has been presented to achieve a very high spatial resolution. It is based on the simultaneous recording of the plasma with cameras equipped with different interferential filter centered on the main atomic emission wavelengths. For mixing between air and nitrogen, emissions of N(744) and O(777) are used whereas for ignition tests, H(656) is chosen for the fuel and O(777) for the oxidizer. Exact calibration procedure is explained and typical results obtained in a laminar burner using air and nitrogen are presented. This technique can be easily coupled to other planar images, like Particle Image Velocimetry to yield simultaneous velocity and scalar information. Typical uncertainties were quantified in a laminar burner and are lower than classic (0D) LIPS approaches. A procedure to obtain spatially resolved energy deposition has been proposed based both on the mixture fraction measurement and the absolute intensity of oxyge...
Measurements of mixture fraction with Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (特集 燃焼制御における光学計測の応用)
日本燃焼学会誌, 2008
Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) is a technique aiming at obtaining mixture fraction inside practical combustor. The fundamental bases of the technique are first exposed and effects of pressure or blended fuels are discussed. A typical experimental setup is discussed as far as the application of LIPS to high-pressure is concerned. Some results obtained in combining LIPS and laser ignition are presented and discussed. Finally, strategies for global control are presented, in which plasma spectroscopy is becoming a sensor-actuator, quite unique and with several interesting possibilities.
Applied Physics B, 2006
A comprehensive experimental study was performed to demonstrate the effects of ambient air pressure on the emission characteristics of analyte elements in a variety of host materials in laser-induced plasma spectroscopy in low ambient air pressures. It was shown that the pressure-dependent characteristics of the emission lines are generally influenced by host elements when significant mass difference exists between the analyte and the host elements. Further investigation on the time profiles of the spatially integrated emission intensities reveal the important interplay among the dynamical factors associated with the mass-difference effect, which effectively influence the shock wave excitation process and hence the related emission intensities. The result of this study also indicates the need of proper control of time delay for the detection of maximum emission intensity in the cases considered.
Laser-induced plasma as a function of the laser parameters and the ambient gas
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been invented for more than 50 years, which analyzes the spectrum of the laser-induced plasma to determine the elemental composition of the ablated sample. Recently, LIBS technique has been well developed and applied in different domains, for example oceanic exploration, pollution monitoring in the environment. LIBS uses the ablation plasma as a light source that contains the elemental composition information of the sample. However, the laser-induced plasma exhibits a transient behavior. Although time-resolved and gated detection can greatly improve the performance of the LIBS technique especially that of calibration-free LIBS (CF-LIBS) with a better determination of plasma temperature, the temporal evolution of the plasma is correlated to its morphology and its spatial inhomogeneity. The determination of the morphology as well as the internal structure of the plasma together with their evolution during plasma expansion into the ambien...
Experiments in Fluids, 2012
In this paper, experimental results obtained with Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy to retrieve local compositions are presented for an ambient pressure up to 5.0 MPa in a still cell. Well controlled mixtures of gases are introduced and plasma is obtained with the fundamental emission of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Simultaneously, plasma shape and spectrally resolved data are taken with a temporal resolution down to 2 ns. First, the temporal evolutions of a high-pressure nitrogen plasma are analyzed as function of spark energy. It is shown that plasma changes orientation from an elongated shape parallel to the laser line to a perpendicular one in a very short time. Results are reported for both spatial and spectral variations. Afterwards, the effects of increased carbon concentration are discussed in both shape and spectra. It is seen that strong intensity due to the atomic carbon emissions appear for the high-pressure case. From those experiments, calibration strategies are proposed to get equivalence ratio under high pressure conditions with a ratio of carbon versus nitrogen and oxygen. The delay between plasma and measurements is set to 2000 ns and the signal is integrated for 5000 ns, so as to yield a good signal to noise ratio and a good sensitivity of the technique to changes in mixture fraction. Calibration curves are reported for equivalence ratio up to 1.00 and for pressure from 1.0 to 5.0 MPa. It is shown that typical uncertainties are limited to 7.5% regardless the equivalence ratio in a single shot approach using a spectral fit procedure,whereas it accounts to two times more in a more classical peak ratio approach. Increasing the pressure tends to increase the precision as lower pressure had higher uncertainties.
Laser-induced plasma in methane and dimethyl ether for flame ignition and combustion diagnostics
Applied Physics B, 2011
In this paper we report the investigation of the laser-induced breakdown and ignition behaviour of methane/ air and dimethyl ether (DME)/air mixtures. Moreover, the optical emission from the induced plasma is utilized for determining the mixture composition quantitatively by means of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). To the best of the authors' knowledge, LIBS and laser ignition of DME have not been reported in literature before. The technique under investigation is finally employed for combustion diagnostics in laminar as well as turbulent flames. In the laminar premixed and non-premixed flames the LIBS spectra allow spatially resolved measurements of the equivalence ratio and enable studying the mixing of gases provided through the burner with the surrounding room air. In addition, the breakdown threshold of the applied laser pulse energy yields an estimate for the local temperature. In the turbulent cases single-shot LIBS spectra are recorded at fixed position allowing the derivation of local statistical fluctuations of the equivalence ratio in partially premixed jet flames. The results show that laser-induced breakdowns have a strong potential for flame diagnostics and, under suitable conditions, for the ignition of combustible mixtures.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2019
In this article, we study the temporal evolution of the electron density and temperature of carbon laser-produced plasmas (LPP) using a combination of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and the triple Langmuir probe (TLP) method. OES has been widely used to characterize LPPs but it is limited to distances relatively close to the target. On the other hand, the main advantage of TLP over the single-probe method is that it allows to obtain simultaneous measurements of electron temperature (T e) and density (N e), without any voltage sweeping. In this article, we compare both techniques; measurements by OES were performed at distances from the target <1 cm, whereas the triple probe was employed for distances >5 cm. The plasma was generated by focusing nanosecond laser pulses onto a high purity graphite target placed inside a vacuum chamber. Our results show that the values of T e measured using both techniques predict decreasing exponential behavior. N e determined by the spectral line Stark broadening in OES (<1 cm) was two orders of magnitude larger than that measured by the TLP (>5 cm). This difference in the electron density can be explained by radiative recombination and the presence of different kinds of plasma species detected by the TLP technique. The results show that both methods are complementary and their combination can be used to characterize LPP in a wide range of distances and timescales. Index Terms-Laser-induced plasmas, optical emission spectroscopy (OES), triple Langmuir probe (TLP). I. INTRODUCTION L ASER produced plasmas (LPPs) have been widely used in laser machining, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for elemental analysis [1], pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of nanostructured materials [2], and extreme UV light sources for research [3]. When a nanosecond pulsed laser beam is focused on a solid material, it induces thermal processes that lead to ablation, melting, and vaporization of its surface. The tail of the laser pulse interacts with the ablated material ionizing and exciting the ablated species.