Вестник No3 2024 ст Элязов и др (original) (raw)
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Arbain literary tradition in the work of Аlisher Navi In the history of world literature, the study of the "classics of Oriental literature" has never lost its significance. Alisher Navai was one of the personalities who served humanity on the path of goodness in the history of the literature of the Turkic peoples with their artistic works and moral behavior. One of the topics in the work of Navai, which still requires deep research, is the role of the poet in the formation of Islamic literature among the Turkic elites. In 1481, Nauai translated into Turkish the collection "Arbagin", written in Persian by his teacher Abdirahman Jami. This led to the fact that a new tradition entered the literature of the Turkic peoples. This special phenomenon in the work of Navai was reflected in the "Arbagin" literary tradition of subsequent centuries. The article aims to identify and study the history of the formation of this tradition in Islamic literature and its peculiar manifestations in the works of Navai.
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Summary. The Article is devoted to research new possible ways of pathogenesis of chronic heart failure. With modern positions assesses the role of microbial-tissue complex of the intestine in the formation of proinflammatory status in patients with heart failure, participation factors of inflammation and endotoxemia in the stimulation of myocardial remodeling of the left ventricle (bibliography: 51 refs). Key words: endotoxin, gut microbiota, heart failure, remodeling, systemic inflammation,.
В статье исследуется динамика политических трансформаций, вызванных современными процессами глобализации. Рассмотрены проблемы мировой поли-тической системы в контексте современного дискурса. Выявлены проблемы формирования современного мирового порядка. Ключевые слова: глобализация, мировой порядок, мировая политическая система. In this article we research the dynamics of political transformation caused by modern processes of globalization. We consider the problems of world political system in the context of contemporary discourse. We also identify the building the modern world order processes.
Abstact. The article aims to debunk the myth of the unity of views of Russian formalists: Y. N. Tynyanov, V. B. Shklovsky, B. V. Tomashevsky, B. M. Eikhenbaum on the story and plot. The importance of introducing the terms story and plot into literary criticism by formalists is emphasized and the concepts of story and plot proposed by them are briefly described. The difference in the understanding of the units of the story and plot is shown, on the one hand, by V. B. Shklovsky and B. V. Tomashevsky, on the other hand, by B. M. Eikhenbaum. The usual usage of the terms under study in most modern literary works is characterized as paradoxical and ultimately obscuring the essence of the matter. The main mistake in the concepts of most formalists and their modern followers is pointed out. It is claimed that found in the narratology of G. Genette, and then V. I. Tyupa, solving the problem of narrative levels and their units allows literary theory to adequately reflect the structure of the narrative, to a certain extent anticipated by Eikhenbaum in his works, which have not lost their significance to this day.