Role of rostral fastigial neurons in encoding a body-centered representation of translation in three-dimensions (original) (raw)

Multimodal integration in rostral fastigial nucleus provides an estimate of body movement

The Journal of Neuroscience, 2009

The ability to accurately control posture and perceive self-motion and spatial orientation requires knowledge of the motion of both the head and body. However, whereas the vestibular sensors and nuclei directly encode head motion, no sensors directly encode body motion. Instead, the convergence of vestibular and neck proprioceptive inputs during self-motion is generally believed to underlie the ability to compute body motion. Here, we provide evidence that the brain explicitly computes an internal estimate of body motion at the level of single cerebellar neurons. Neuronal responses were recorded from the rostral fastigial nucleus, the most medial of the deep cerebellar nuclei, during whole-body, body-under-head, and head-on-body rotations. We found that approximately half of the neurons encoded the motion of the body in space, whereas the other half encoded the motion of the head in space in a manner similar to neurons in the vestibular nuclei. Notably, neurons encoding body motion responded to both vestibular and proprioceptive stimulation (accordingly termed bimodal neurons). In contrast, neurons encoding head motion were sensitive only to vestibular inputs (accordingly termed unimodal neurons). Comparison of the proprioceptive and vestibular responses of bimodal neurons further revealed similar tuning in response to changes in head-on-body position. We propose that the similarity in nonlinear processing of vestibular and proprioceptive signals underlies the accurate computation of body motion. Furthermore, the same neurons that encode body motion (i.e., bimodal neurons) most likely encode vestibular signals in a body-referenced coordinate frame, since the integration of proprioceptive and vestibular information is required for both computations.

Distinct Representations of Body and Head motion are Dynamically Encoded by Purkinje cell Populations in the Macaque Cerebellum


The ability to accurately control our posture and perceive spatial orientation during self-motion requires knowledge of the motion of both the head and body. However, whereas the vestibular sensors and nuclei directly encode head motion, no sensors directly encode body motion. Instead, the integration of vestibular and neck proprioceptive inputs is necessary to transform vestibular information into the body-centric reference frame required for postural control. The anterior vermis of the cerebellum is thought to play a key role in this transformation, yet how its Purkinje cells integrate these inputs or what information they dynamically encode during self-motion remains unknown. Here we recorded the activity of individual anterior vermis Purkinje cells in alert monkeys during passively applied whole-body, body-under-head, and head-on-body rotations. Most neurons dynamically encoded an intermediate representation of self-motion between head and body motion. Notably, these neurons res...

Properties of Cerebellar Fastigial Neurons During Translation, Rotation, and Eye Movements

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2004

The most medial of the deep cerebellar nuclei, the fastigial nucleus (FN), receives sensory vestibular information and direct inhibition from the cerebellar vermis. We investigated the signal processing in the primate FN by recording single-unit activities during translational motion, rotational motion, and eye movements. Firing rate modulation during horizontal plane translation in the absence of eye movements was observed in all non-eye-movement-sensitive cells and 26% of the pursuit eye-movement-sensitive neurons in the caudal FN. Many non-eye-movement-sensitive cells recorded in the rostral FN of three fascicularis monkeys exhibited convergence of signals from both the otolith organs and the semicircular canals. At low frequencies of translation, the majority of these rostral FN cells changed their firing rates in phase with head velocity rather than linear acceleration. As frequency increased, FN vestibular neurons exhibited a wide range of response dynamics with most cells bei...

How Vestibular Neurons Solve the Tilt/Translation Ambiguity

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009

The peripheral vestibular system is faced by a sensory ambiguity, where primary otolith afferents respond identically to translational (inertial) accelerations and changes in head orientation relative to gravity. Under certain conditions, this sensory ambiguity can be resolved using extra-otolith cues, including semicircular canal signals. Here we review and summarize how neurons in the vestibular nuclei, rostral fastigial nuclei, cerebellar nodulus/uvula, and thalamus respond during combinations of tilt and translation. We focus primarily on cerebellar cortex responses, as nodulus/uvula Purkinje cells reliably encode translation rather than net gravito-inertial acceleration. In contrast, neurons in the vestibular and rostral fastigial nuclei, as well as the ventral lateral and ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus represent a continuum, with some encoding translation and some net gravito-inertial acceleration. This review also outlines how Purkinje cells use semicircular canal signals to solve the ambiguity problem and how this solution fails at low frequencies. We conclude by attempting to bridge the gap between the proposed roles of nodulus/ uvula in tilt/translation discrimination and velocity storage.

Frequency-Selective Coding of Translation and Tilt in Macaque Cerebellar Nodulus and Uvula

Journal of Neuroscience, 2008

Spatial orientation depends critically on the brain's ability to segregate linear acceleration signals arising from otolith afferents into estimates of self-motion and orientation relative to gravity. In the absence of visual information, this ability is known to deteriorate at low frequencies. The cerebellar nodulus/uvula (NU) has been shown to participate in this computation, although its exact role remains unclear. Here, we show that NU simple spike (SS) responses also exhibit a frequency dependent selectivity to self-motion (translation) and spatial orientation (tilt). At 0.5 Hz, Purkinje cells encode three-dimensional translation and only weakly modulate during pitch and roll tilt (0.4 Ϯ 0.05 spikes/s/°/s). But this ability to selectively signal translation over tilt is compromised at lower frequencies, such that at 0.05 Hz tilt response gains average 2.0 Ϯ 0.3 spikes/s/°/s. We show that such frequency-dependent properties are attributable to an incomplete cancellation of otolith-driven SS responses during tilt by a canal-driven signal coding angular position with a sensitivity of 3.9 Ϯ 0.3 spikes/s/°. This incomplete cancellation is brought about because otolith-driven SS responses are also partially integrated, thus encoding combinations of linear velocity and acceleration. These results are consistent with the notion that NU SS modulation represents an internal neural representation of similar frequency dependencies seen in behavior.

Pursuit--Vestibular Interactions in Brain Stem Neurons During Rotation and Translation

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2005

Under natural conditions, the vestibular and pursuit systems work synergistically to stabilize the visual scene during movement. How translational vestibular signals [translational vestibuloocular reflex (TVOR)] are processed in the premotor pathways for slow eye movements continues to remain a challenging question. To further our understanding of how premotor neurons contribute to this processing, we recorded neural activities from the prepositus and rostral medial vestibular nuclei in macaque monkeys. Vestibular neurons were tested during 0.5-Hz rotation and lateral translation (both with gaze stable and during VOR cancellation tasks), as well as during smooth pursuit eye movements. Data were collected at two different viewing distances, 80 and 20 cm. Based on their responses to rotation and pursuit, eye-movement–sensitive neurons were classified into position–vestibular–pause (PVP) neurons, eye–head (EH) neurons, and burst–tonic (BT) cells. We found that approximately half of the...

Purkinje Cells in Posterior Cerebellar Vermis Encode Motion in an Inertial Reference Frame

Neuron, 2007

The ability to orient and navigate through the terrestrial environment represents a computational challenge common to all vertebrates. It arises because motion sensors in the inner ear, the otolith organs, and the semicircular canals transduce self-motion in an egocentric reference frame. As a result, vestibular afferent information reaching the brain is inappropriate for coding our own motion and orientation relative to the outside world. Here we show that cerebellar cortical neuron activity in vermal lobules 9 and 10 reflects the critical computations of transforming head-centered vestibular afferent information into earth-referenced selfmotion and spatial orientation signals. Unlike vestibular and deep cerebellar nuclei neurons, where a mixture of responses was observed, Purkinje cells represent a homogeneous population that encodes inertial motion. They carry the earth-horizontal component of a spatially transformed and temporally integrated rotation signal from the semicircular canals, which is critical for computing head attitude, thus isolating inertial linear accelerations during navigation.

Internal models of self-motion: computations that suppress vestibular reafference in early vestibular processing

Experimental Brain Research, 2011

In everyday life, vestibular sensors are activated by both self-generated and externally applied head movements. The ability to distinguish inputs that are a consequence of our own actions (i.e., active motion) from those that result from changes in the external world (i.e., passive or unexpected motion) is essential for perceptual stability and accurate motor control. Recent work has made progress toward understanding how the brain distinguishes between these two kinds of sensory inputs. We have performed a series of experiments in which single-unit recordings were made from vestibular afferents and central neurons in alert macaque monkeys during rotation and translation. Vestibular afferents showed no differences in firing variability or sensitivity during active movements when compared to passive movements. In contrast, the analyses of neuronal firing rates revealed that neurons at the first central stage of vestibular processing (i.e., in the vestibular nuclei) were effectively less sensitive to active motion. Notably, however, this ability to distinguish between active and passive motion was not a general feature of early central processing, but rather was a characteristic of a distinct group of neurons known to contribute to postural control and spatial orientation. Our most recent studies have addressed how vestibular and proprioceptive inputs are integrated in the vestibular cerebellum, a region likely to be involved in generating an internal model of self-motion. We propose that this multimodal integration within the vestibular cerebellum is required for eliminating self-generated vestibular information from the subsequent computation of orientation and posture control at the first central stage of processing.

Frequency-Dependent Spatiotemporal Tuning Properties of Non-Eye Movement Related Vestibular Neurons to Three-Dimensional Translations in Squirrel Monkeys

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2010

Responses of vestibular-only translation sensitive (VOTS) neurons in vestibular nuclei of two squirrel monkeys were studied at multiple frequencies to three-dimensional translations and rotations. A novel frequency-dependent spatiotemporal analysis examined in each neuron whether complex models, with unrestricted response dynamics in three-dimensional (3D) space, provided significantly better fits than restricted models following simple, cosine rule. Subsequently, the statistically selected optimal model was used to predict the maximum translation direction, expressed as a unitary vector, Vtmax, and its associated sensitivity and phase across frequencies. Simple models were sufficient to quantify the 3D translational responses of 66% of neurons. Most VOTS neurons, complex or simple, exhibited flat-gain or low-pass response dynamics. The Vtmax of simple neurons was fixed, whereas that of complex neurons changed with frequency. The spatial distribution of Vtmax in simple neurons, whic...

Responses of rostral fastigial nucleus neurons of conscious cats to rotations in vertical planes

Neuroscience, 2008

The rostral fastigial nucleus (RFN) of the cerebellum is thought to play an important role in postural control, and recent studies in conscious nonhuman primates suggest that this region also participates in the sensory processing required to compute body motion in space. The goal of the present study was to examine the dynamic and spatial responses to sinusoidal rotations in vertical planes of RFN neurons in conscious cats, and determine if they are similar to responses reported for monkeys. Approximately half of the RFN neurons examined were classified as graviceptive, since their firing was synchronized with stimulus position and the gain of their responses was relatively unaffected by the frequency of the tilts. The large majority (80%) of graviceptive RFN neurons were activated by pitch rotations. Most of the remaining RFN units exhibited responses to vertical oscillations that encoded stimulus velocity, and approximately 50% of these velocity units had a response vector orientation aligned near the plane of a single vertical semicircular canal. Unlike in primates, few feline RFN neurons had responses to vertical rotations that suggested integration of graviceptive (otolith) and velocity (vertical semicircular canal) signals. These data indicate that the physiological role of the RFN may differ between primates and lower mammals. The RFN in rats and cats in known to be involved in adjusting blood pressure and breathing during postural alterations in the transverse (pitch) plane. The relatively simple responses of many RFN neurons in cats are appropriate for triggering such compensatory autonomic responses.