Full-scale Mechanical Vibrations Laboratory (original) (raw)
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Current engineering educational practices often fail to prepare students to use computers effectively. In the field of structural engineering, fresh graduates frequently produce computational models of a building structure that bear little resemblance to reality. Unfortunately, the construction of a computational model is typically one of the first tasks a young engineer is asked to perform. In order to address this issue, the authors are constructing a series of experimental and analytical laboratory exercises which challenge the student‟s confidence in computer results. In the current work, forced vibration tests of the building are performed to obtain both the natural frequencies and the resulting mode shapes. In this paper, the procedure to experimentally determine the mode shapes is described. The student predictions of the building response before and after experiencing the ambient and forced vibration laboratories are then examined. One might think that experimentally determi...
Succesful teaching of experimental vibration research
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2007
For more than 20 years, master students have been offered a practical training on experimental vibration research by the Structural Dynamics & Acoustics Section of the University of Twente. The basic theoretical knowledge, necessary to attend this practical training, is provided for the Master part of their study and it consists of a series of lectures on advanced dynamics, measurement techniques and the concept of modal analysis. The practical training consists of performing vibration experiments on a well defined simple structure. Use is made of a digital signal processing (DSP) Siglab system, together with ME'scope as analysis tool. In order to guarantee maximal transfer of knowledge toward the participants, small groups consisting of two students are formed. These groups are supervised by an experienced tutor, who intensively monitors the progress of the practical training. It lasts one day and the students have to write down their findings in a report. In order to attend t...
Teaching Experimental Structural Dynamics Applications
Sound and Vibration, 2007
In order to be effective in teaching engineering related course material, the techniques should challenge, educate and promote innovative thinking from students. The lecture-based format of teaching which predominates in engineering education may not be the most effective manner to achieve these goals. Constructivist learning theory asserts that knowledge is not simply transmitted from teacher to student, but is actively constructed by the mind of the learner through experiences. Hands-on projects and problems with practical purpose tend to help students learn best. In the UMASS Lowell Mechanical Engineering curriculum, there are many projects that provide the students with practical hands-on application of theory presented in lectures. These projects generally are contained in the individual courses related to the particular subject matter. However, in the area of structural dynamics, dynamic systems and mechanical engineering laboratory, there is a "thread" that runs through related material and the students are exposed to various tools and techniques for solving problems that have a common theme. In this article, these mini-projects, exercises and problems are described to illustrate some of the practical aspects that have been part of the curriculum that help the students better and more deeply understand these critical tools for solving structural dynamic problems. These have been interspersed in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory courses, in the Numerical Methods course, in the Dynamic Systems course and in the Vibrations course here at UMASS Lowell -the particular projects can easily be implemented in any curriculum which does not have to have the same course structure as that used at UMASS Lowell.
India has been facing earthquake problems from many centuries which need no introduction. From recent earthquakes, it is very well understood that lack of awareness is one of the major factor for huge casualty losses. While still having the probability of occurrences of earthquakes in India, it becomes very important and need to increase the awareness about the effects of earthquakes among growing professionals involved in construction by making them understanding the concepts of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. This paper will detail the use of virtual laboratory in real time environment of structural dynamics. Virtual Laboratory provides a new methodology to convey and learn concepts using the power of visualization of ideas and computations. Virtual labs rely on an active engagement of the learner in the knowledge acquisition process. This paper is aimed at promoting the new methodology and providing a glimpse into the exciting world of interactive and experimentation of structural dynamic concepts with no limitation of conductance. Using this tool, a person with little knowledge of structural engineering can enhance his fundamentals of structural dynamics. For better understanding experiments are explained with graphical diagrams seen in GUI with the support of JAVA 3D. Apart from basic understanding of dynamic behavior of structure, this tool kit also helps architects and young civil engineers in understanding the principles of structural dynamics.
A Multi Purpose Vibration Experiment Using Labview
2003 Annual Conference Proceedings
The response of an aluminum cantilever beam under harmonic excitation is simultaneously measured using a strain gage, a linear variable differential transformer and an accelerometer, and compared with the real time theoretical response. All data acquisition and analysis is done using a custom built Labview virtual instrument. This fundamental experiment from the vibration area is used at McNeese State University in many different ways throughout the mechanical engineering curriculum. First, it is used in the freshman level Introduction to Engineering course as an example of a typical modern engineering laboratory set up. Second, it is a very popular demonstration used in the sophomore level Strength of Materials course during the discussion of stress-strain relations and how strain measurements are used to derive information about stress. Third, it serves as an example of transducer integration in the junior level Engineering Measurements Laboratory, illustrating operational principles of three transducers and the potential of mathematically deriving the same information from different transducers. Fourth, being a common application described in almost every mechanical vibrations textbook, it serves as a very effective demonstration in the Mechanical Vibrations senior level course emphasizing vibration measurement devices and the agreement between theory and experiment. Finally, it is a moderate difficulty example used in the senior level Virtual Instrumentation course that involves data acquisition, data processing and analysis as well as an elaborate human-machine-interface. Even though students encounter the same experiment in many different courses, each presentation of this experiment satisfies different learning objectives, complements and expands the previous presentation and illustrates the open-ended aspect of quality engineering education.
This paper describes the creation and evolution of an undergraduate dynamics and vibrations course for civil engineering students. Incorporating vibrations into the course allows students to see and study real civil engineering applications of the course content. This connection of academic principles to real life situations is in itself a critical learning stage for the students, and addressing the creation of these connections led to the incorporation of active demonstrations into the course. The course also focuses on developing skills through various active learning strategies that can be transferred to other non-structural engineering courses, such as problem solving and critical thinking, as well as ABET skills such as teamwork and the utilization of computer tools. This paper presents how designing a course structure and implementation with the explicit consideration of developing these critical skills aids students in mastering both course content and in enhancing their educ...
Development Of A Mechanical Vibrations Course For Engineering Technologists
2003 Annual Conference Proceedings
A senior-level, elective course in mechanical vibrations has recently been developed for the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. The course has many similarities to traditional vibrations courses offered in Mechanical Engineering programs across the country but it also has some distinct differences. The course is similar in that there is a progressive development of vibration theory from the natural response of singledegree-of-freedom systems without damping to the forced response of multiple-degree-offreedom systems with damping. The course is different in that there is a lab component and that there are course objectives on vibration measurement, practical vibration suppression techniques, and computer simulation. These similarities and differences exist to support the role of the engineering technologist working in the field of vibrations or simply encountering vibration problems in general mechanical design and analysis. This paper will discuss further the similarities and differences to traditional vibrations courses, course goals and their relation to Mechanical Engineering Technology program outcomes, student evaluation of the course value and effectiveness, and plans for continuous improvement. It will also discuss current laboratory activities, the selection of textbook and laboratory manual materials, and vibration laboratory equipment needs. Since engineering technologists are often involved in the acquisition of vibration data such as in preventative maintenance programs, topics such as transducer characteristics, advantages, and