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A. V. Sazanov.The chronology of “Myrmekion type” amphorae(Zeest 72–Bottger I.5) of roman period
A. V. Sazanov The chronology of “Myrmekion type” amphorae (Zeest 72–Bottger I.5) of roman period This article is devoted to so-called amphorae of «Myrmekion type», found in the Northern Black Sea regions. The initial hypothesis was put forward by O. Langovaya and prof.V. Gaidukevich. They suggested that amphorae from Charaх burials 29 and 33 are successors to ones from Myrmekion and the type may be dated from the second half of third to first half of fourth century AD .The opposite view was taken by prof.I.Zeest proposed that the date-range of these amphorae may be set from the end of second to the mid of third century AD. A number of other publications which appeared after 1960 may be noted (Scorpan, 1977; Bottger, 1982, Opait 1996; Aibabin, 1999;Paraschiv, 2006). Typological analysis reveals that amphorae falls into two types dated from to the first half of third to the first half of IVth century AD. Amphorae from Charaх burials 29 and 33 can be regarded as the direct successor of Zeest 72. At Tanais and Gorgippia these amphorae appear in the first half of third century AD conteхts. The earliest examples here may be go back to ca. A.D.230-240 or even more earli-er.The coin evidence suggests that its initial date is after AD 229-231. The latest examples may be that of Charaks and Kilen-Balka dated to the second and third quarter of IVth century AD. It must be stressed that associated coins terminate with issues of Valens (AD 364-378). The main period of production for this amphora type seems to have been between ca AD 230-240 and AD 320-340. Probably they were produced in the area of Bosporan Kingdom .
Институт археологии РАН, Москва. В статье на основе новых материалов предложена уточненная эволюционная схема развития позднегераклейских светлоглиняных узкогорлых амфор типа C IV. В I–III вв. н.э. это была самая распространенная в Северном Причерноморье разновидность винной тары, массово встречавшаяся на огромной территории. Выделяется несколько хронологических вариантов (C IVA–J, Z) и подвариантов этого типа и прослеживается эволюция формы амфор. Эти изменения происходили в целом быстро, но постепенно, без резких скачков. Было установлено, что развитие формы сосудов не было прямолинейным и однонаправленным. Их эволюция шла в одном направлении, но по двум параллельным линиям остро-и плоскодонной тары. Установлена и одна тупиковая разновидность таких амфор. Проведенный анализ также позволил выделить новые разновидности узкогорлой тары, упорядочить типологическую схему изученных сосудов и уточнить их датировки, которые часто лежат в основе хронологии массового материала Причерноморья римского времени. Ключевые слова: Северное Причерноморье, амфорная тара, римское время, типология тары, хронология амфор, гераклейские светлоглиняные амфоры, торговые связи.
МАИЭТ, 2019
This paper addresses the so-called amphorae with fine corrugation zones (globular amphorae), which, along with the Black Sea amphorae with ribbed body, form up the largest group in the pottery complex from the Early Medieval towns and settlements in the Northern Black Sea Area. In the Mediterranean, globular amphorae appeared from the first decades of the seventh century (or even from the sixth century) to the late eighth or, plausibly, mid-ninth century at the latest. In the Northern Black Sea Area, the amphorae with fine corrugation zones are usually dated to the eighth century, with the final of their existence to the tenth or eleventh centuries, which is significantly different from the chronology of analogous ware in the Mediterranean. However, the new data in possession supplies the data to clarify the chronology. This paper addresses the assemblages usually attracted to argument the long existence of globular amphorae. Moreover, we address the complexes containing the amphorae of the Black Sea type with fine corrugation zones and grooved body excavated at Phanagoreia, which confirm the idea that they were not synchronous and that globular amphorae fell into disuse by the late ninth century.
Kratkie Soobchsheniya Instituta Arkheologii, Moscow, RF, 2017
The paper publishes six graffiti on the amphorae dated to the third quarter of the 6th – 4th centuries BC originating from the excavations in Phanagoria. of special interest are graffiti no. 1 and no. 2 because they were scratched on à la brosse type of amphorae from Attica which is a relatively rare find in the north Pontic zone. graffito ΑΙΤ (no. 1) is presumably an abbreviation of the vessel owner’s name. graffito ΙΣ (no. 2) has been found four times on the vessels from the Late Archaic period in Phanagoria. It is interpreted as the marking of the vessel owner’s name or the owner of the shop where vessels were sold. the name of the shop’s owner who was called Pausanias was scratched on the body of a proto-thasian amphora (no. 4). graffiti ΧΙ, Х, а on the fragments of Chiosian amphorae are viewed as trade markings of the place where wine was produced (no. 4, 5) and, possibly, its type (no. 3).
Contributions to the historical topography of Anchialus during the Roman period and the Late Antiquity, 2022
In May-July 2018 two consecutive rescue archaeological excavations were conducted on the southwestern outskirts of the urbanized area of St. George town quarter in Pomorie. Despite the small number of structures discovered, the results of these studies are fundamental to the final clarification of extremely important issues concerning the historical topography of Anchialus during the Roman period, the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, as well as to illuminating hitherto unsuspected aspects of the city's economic development in the earliest period of its existence. It was found that the studied area was inhabited or used for other purposes from the Early Roman period until the end of the 13th century, but with significant interruptions and varying intensity. The Roman city of Anchialus was established on a vast peninsula, only a small part of whose northeastern periphery had been inhabited in the previous period. The main part of it was built and the city subsequently grew not just on sterile sandy terrain, but on sand dunes. The raised eastern end of the present-day Pomorie Peninsula was still an island at that time, and it was there that the pre-Roman Anchialus, protected by "high walls", must have risen. Southwest of the ancient peninsula there was a vast and deep enough bay, which later became clogged. It is not yet known when exactly this natural ship's shelter was expanded and improved through construction of a powerful pier-breakwater from huge stone boulders, becoming a real harbour. It certainly functioned from the very beginning of the development of Roman Anchialus according to the archeological finds found in its waters. Through a series of large-scale shore protection measures caused by maritime transgression and carried out from the second half of the 6th century onwards, the harbour was improved. It is not possible to specify how long they lasted, but the accumulation processes that formed the sandy slopes and led to the formation of the current Pomorie Peninsula and the Pomorie Lagoon probably began in the second half of the 6th century and went on relatively quickly. By the end of the 11th century all that must have ended since long. The earliest among the newly discovered structures in 2018 date from the first to third quarter of the 2nd century and belong to a relatively rare archaeological monument not only in our country but also in the world-a production complex from the Roman period for processing (or possibly manufacturing?) of raw glass. Three different functional components of the installation, directly related to the technological process, were registered. In the southeastern part of the complex there is a rectangular tank furnace. Near the furnace, northeast, southeast and southwest of it, are situated three shallow basins with rectangular plan, slightly rounded corners and sloping walls. It is possible that they were used to prepare (wash? purify? mix?) the raw materials needed for the production process. An extensive auxiliary service platform with unspecified plan and dimensions was formed in the northwest, the length of which was traced in the east-west direction at more than 18 m, and in the north-south direction at about 7 m. Either from the beginning or in later time it was used to dispose of the waste remaining after the periodic breaking of the upper part of the furnace (or furnaces?) at the end of each technological cycle. A burned provincial coin of Emperor Hadrian was found on the platform, which is an approximate indicator of the time of operation of the production complex. The time of its coming into being cannot be determined in the current state of research, but it was certainly in operation until the late 70s or early
Історична пам'ять, 2018
The article analyzes amphorae with the corrugation of the body by the type of «oncoming wave» (LRA 1 Benghazi) from the excavations of Mangup-Kale. There were specified their variants, dating, areal. Vessels were found in 36 archaeological contexts, where they accounted 9.9% of archaeologically whole forms and fragments (1,737 copies) of all container pottery. Contexts containing amphorae are classified as closed (1), conditionally closed (28) and open (8). Amphorae were divided by D. Pieri into three variants according to their morphological features. Vessels production centers were found on the coasts of Lycia, Pamphylia, Northern Syria, Cilicia, Rhodes, Cyprus. Researchers have identified several imitations of amphorae that were produced in Egypt, Crete, and, presumably, in the Black Sea region. The products are widely spreaded: the finds are known on the territory of the Crimea, on the Don, in Abkhazia, Asia Minor, North Africa, the Mediterranean, the Western Pontic region. The most northern territory where the vessels had been found was the United Kingdom. Correlation of the complexes allowed dating amphorae from the end of the forth / beginning of the fifth century until the middle of the seventh century. After the middle of the seventh century there were continued to produce the imitations of the vessels. On Mangup-Kale amphorae appeared in the fifth century. The wine that was transported in the vessels came from the Mediterranean through the straits into the Black Sea, and further into the port cities. On Mangup-Kale the goods went by land routes from Chersoneses, which was the main mediator in trade in the South-Western Crimea.
The expedition of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev has been carrying out underwater archaeological excavations of the 13th century shipwreck in the bay at Novy Svet near Sudak. Among rare ceramic finds retrieved from the ship is a Spanish amphora from Valencia. The medieval ship carried a large store of amphorae of various types filled with wine and oil along with a large amount of glazed pottery. The rest of the cargo consisted of a small number of other types of amphorae, pots, jars and other pottery that can be associated with personal belongings.
Eмінак: Науковий щоквартальник, 2018
В статье рассматриваются вопросы связанные с происхождением, морфологией, хронологией и ареалом распространения редкой разновидности красноглиняных амфор, которую исследователи ранее связывали с производством Гераклеи Понтийской. Эти сосуды, предварительно объединенные в один тип, судя по цвету их глины, а также визуально различимым особенностям ее состава, могут быть отнесены к продукции боспорских керамических мастерских. Для рассматриваемых амфор характерны небольшие размеры, узкое горло, яйцевидная форма тулова, профилированные ручки, ножка в виде кольцевого поддона. На основании особенностей их морфологии можно предположить, что амфоры данного типа предназначались для транспортировки и хранения жидкости, скорее всего вина. Прототипом для них могли стать узкогорлые плоскодонные амфоры, выпускавшиеся со второй четверти ІІ в. н.э. в неустановленном производственном центре Восточного Средиземноморья. Анализ археологических комплексов позволяет определить время бытования боспорских узкогорлых плоскодонных амфор в пределах конца ІІ – середины ІІІ вв. н.э. Ареал распространения данной разновидности амфорной тары охватывает преимущественно Северное Причерноморье, где их находки фиксируются как на античных, так и на варварских памятниках. Известны они и в северо-западной части понтийского региона, в то время как в Южном и Восточном Причерноморье, а также в Средиземноморье эти сосуды пока не зафиксированы. Присутствие исследуемых амфор в закрытых комплексах делает их важным индикатором для изучения хронологии археологических памятников Северного Причерноморья позднеримского времени.